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Curriculum Vitae

Javier Ávila López

Javier holds a Ph.D. in English Philology. He has taught English in different places such as Prague University, different schools in Spain and the University of Cordoba. He is a contributor to different teacher training institutions in Spain where he campaigns for the importance of the affective component in language learning. He has published many articles and books (e.g. Language Acquisition and Development: Studies of Learners of First and Second Languages for Continuum Press with Brian Tomlinson (2007). He is the editor of the CETA magazine (Cordoba English Teachers Association) and an active member of MATSDA (the Materials Development Association).





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Dpto. de Filología Inglesa
Facultad de Humanidades
Pab. 11 alto, Campus “El Carmen”
Avda. Fuerzas Armadas, s/n
21071 Huelva
http://www.uhu.es/innovacion_docente/imagenes/iconos/telefono.gif959 219134   http://www.uhu.es/innovacion_docente/imagenes/iconos/telefono.gif89134 

Webmaster Antonio Sánchez Carrasco