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Module 1: English teaching in non-linguistic disciplines (40 H. = 4 Cr.).

This module centres on the introductory aspects pertaining to the process of second language acquisition and on the analysis of the European reference frame for language teaching. Specially, it stresses the study of the general principles governing SL learning, the comparison with national, European and American experiences that have set projects implementing this methodology in motion.

Module 2: Didactic Interaction and Intercultural Education (40 H. = 4 cr.).

This module focuses on the affective factors, which are seen as relevant elements in the learning and teaching of modern languages. There will be a review of related topics such as motivation, self-concept, learning styles and strategies; and it will devote time to reflect on students’ attitudes and needs, as well as on the teacher’s functions, to analyse intercultural aspects underlying the teaching and learning process and ellaborate on the Multiple Intelligence Theory as reference to design adequate didactic materials.

Module 3: English Teaching Techniques (100 H. = 10 Cr.)

It takes into account teaching techniques that are effective to work on vocabulary, language and grammar functions, and language skills (oral and written). Besides, it analyses the nature and the methods that can be put into practice in the process of English teaching, paying special attention to the main aspects involved in the teacher planning, classroom project, and design of didactic materials. It will also provide students with learning optimization tools in the use of the new technologies. Module 3 also contains a practicum for students to carry out at least two sessions and be supervised and advised by their tutor or mentor teacher.

Module 4: Teaching and Learning Assessment, Control and Regulation   (30 H. = 3 Cr.)

This module aims to characterise the concepts of evaluating, testing and knowing the different types of assessment. It also intends to bring the conceptual backgrounds for the creation of adequate tests closer, and to make students assess the connections among teaching method, assessment, learning style and type of tests. The assessment criteria and tools that are recommended in the European reference frame for language teaching are also analysed. Finally, taking students’ first steps in the principles of reflective teaching as a means for reflecting on their own teaching performance is other goal pursued in this module.

Module 5: Research Work in English Teaching (40 H. = 4 Cr.).

Students will design a research project to be put into practice under the tutor's supervision through individual sessions. They will hand in, whether in June or October, a final report reflecting their achievements.








Dpto. de Filología Inglesa
Facultad de Humanidades
Pab. 11 alto, Campus “El Carmen”
Avda. Fuerzas Armadas, s/n
21071 Huelva
http://www.uhu.es/innovacion_docente/imagenes/iconos/telefono.gif959 219134   http://www.uhu.es/innovacion_docente/imagenes/iconos/telefono.gif89134 

Webmaster Antonio Sánchez Carrasco