Proyecto de Innovación Educativa

Desarrollo de la expresión escrita a través de la Integración de las TICS







  • Each of you must answer all of the questions. This will be lookeded at separately from your groups ability to form a group concensus.

  •  The answers to the questions will be checked for accuracy and clarity. You will be expected to effectively support your arguments during the whole group discussion.

  • As a group, you will be graded on how you attempt to come to a group concensus, how involved each student is. (If someone is not involved because the group does not allow that student to be involved, the group grade will go down. If someone refuses to help, only that student's grade will be affected.) Your final product will be checked for neatness and clarity of idea.


You will be evaluated on the following:

1.      the quality of your final product

2.      your map and any other visual aides

3.      the short quizzes and worksheets along the way

4.      your in-class presentation, which should be well-presented and organized. Be enthusiastic!


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