The greeting

• Dear Dan,

• Dear Ms. Rose,

• Dear Aunt Shirley,

The opening paragraph

Replying to a letter you have received:

• I've just received your letter and l'm writing ...

• Sorry it's taken me so long to write / answer your letter ...

• I was happy / surprised / sorry to hear that...

• It was such a disappointment to learn that...


• Thank you so much for the wonderful ... (birthday present / weekend / dinner, etc.)

• This is just to say thank you for ...


• I was wondering if you'd like to ...

• Ron and I are planning to have a little ... (dinner, party)

• We think / thought it would be a good idea if...

• Why don't you come / join us ...

• How about coming /joining us ...


• Congratulations on ...•

• Just heard the wonderful news!

• I was delighted to hear that...


• I must apologise for...

• l'm writing to apologise for ...

• I'm very sorry for / about...

Expressing sympathy:

• I was terribly sorry to hear that...

• We were very sad-J to learn that...


The heading

• 15 Melrose Lane Glasgow G6 3FE  1October 1997


The closing

• Love,

• All my love,

• Love and kisses,

•Regards,   / Best wishes, (slightly more formal)

The final paragraph A reason for ending your letter

• Well, I really must go now - my tennis lesson is about to begin.

• I'd better sign off now — l've got a big history test tomorrow!

A wish for the good health of the person you are writing to

• Be well.

• Take care of yourself.

• I hope that all is well with you.

A hope that you will see or hear from that person in the near future

• Looking forward to seeing you.

• Can't wait to hear from you!

• Please write soon.