Proyecto de Innovación Educativa

Desarrollo de la expresión escrita a través de la Integración de las TICS







In the following WebQuest, you will use the power of teamwork and the many resources on the Internet to prepare your family trip to England!You can decide which city you want to visit and the most interesting places to visit.  You will learn a lot about how to plan a trip abroad.

1. Students will gather in groups of four to form the “travel agency.”

2. Students will work, both in and out of class, on the Visiting England WebQuest.

3. Students will complete a series of short quizzes and worksheets to be used for assessment.

4. Students will submit their final product which will meet the following criteria:

a.   final product will be a typed itinerary from three to five pages in length and a class presentation.

b.      final product will have an appealing, colorful cover with the name of your travel agency visible

c.       final product must be bound in a booklet (using a report cover, or plastic binding)

d.      class presentation will include a map of the city which must be large enough for the entire class to see (or look into making a transparency—they can be made in color for minimal cost)



You have to finish all the assignments and save your work in a disk.


Use pictures. drawings and photographs to make your itinerary eye-catching. Include as many pages as you need to meet the task and to "sell" your trip.


Visit a trave agency and ask for free brochures/information


 STEP 1:


  • Decide the city for the trip. You can choose among

  1. London

  2. Cambridge

  3. Oxford

  4. Edinburgh

  5. Stratford


 STEP 2:


  • Book the plane, train and transport to the city



 STEP 3:


  • Book a hotel



 STEP 4:


  • Find historical information about the city

  • Choose the main places to visit in the city



 STEP 5:


  • Organize the visits for every day with a timetable



 STEP 6:


  • Prepare a booklet with pictures, city maps, etc.

  • Each person in your group should contribute. Proofread the product.

    At the bottom of the product be sure to include:

    *names of the members of your group

    *the name of your teacher

    *your grade

    *name of your school

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