Proyecto de Innovación Educativa

Desarrollo de la expresión escrita a través de la Integración de las TICS








Your group will use the Internet to research information about how to travel to Britain from your city, how to book a hotel and how to organise a visit to an English city for a week.


The family is formed by the parents and two children aged 13 and 16. They would like to visit a city in England for a week.

  • Good group work is essential to carry out this task and plan a great trip. You will have to distribute the work to be done.

  • All of you work for a travel agency. You have been asked to plan a trip for a family of four members.

  • You are expected to create a final travelling guide that you will present to the class.      This family has an unlimited budget of money. Use your imagination to create an itinerary that they would really enjoy.

The trip should include the following:  

a.       historical background of the city

b.      area and population

c.       currency

d.      important holiday celebrations

e.       popular tourist destinations and activities

f.        places to stay (at least two options)

g.       places to eat (at least two options)

h.      information on shopping: typical things to buy as a souvenir

i.        a colorful cover with your travel agency’s name

j.        visual support (you are expected to include pictures of the places: go to resources to learn more about how to copy pictures from the internet)

Please remember that the information you include in your itinerary MUST suit your client.


Good luck!


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