

 You can add a bookmark to your list of Favorites in Internet Explorer by:

 - clicking on Favorites, Add to Favorites

- opening the Favorites window in your browser and then dragging the “e” icon into the window.




 It is handy to put sites you want to access very regularly on your Links bar.  To do this in Explorer 6.0, you first need to make sure you can see the Links bar (Vinculos).  If you can’t, you need to unlock the "unlock the Toolbars" (Bloquear barras de herramientas)- right click on the word "Links" and remove the tick next to Lock the Toolbars.  Then click your mouse on the dotted lines just to the left of the word Links, and drag the toolbar under the address bar by holding down your left mouse button and dragging.

 Type in the address of the site you want to put on the Links bar and press Enter to access the site.  When the site appears, drag the “e” icon just to the left of the address on to the links bar.  You then rename the link (by right clicking on it and choosing Rename) and move the icon for your site on the Links bar by dragging it to the appropriate position.

 When you have finished, lock the toolbars again.




 As the number of bookmarks/favorites you have created grows, you will need to organise them into folders.  It is possible to do this in Internet Explorer, but it is much easier to do it through My Computer.

 To work with your favorites through My Computer, it is best to start by putting a link to your Favorites folder on the desktop.  To do this click on Start, Search, All Files and folders.  In the box underneath where it says “All or part of the filename”, type the word “Favorites” and click Search.

 Once you see the Favorites folder appear (next to a yellow star in Windows XP, or a folder with a  blue asterisk in it in previous versions of Windows), right click on the folder, click on  Send To and choose Desktop (Create shortcut).

 You can now access your favorites directly by clicking on this shortcut on the desktop.  You can create and delete folders (ie create a filing system for your bookmarks) and you can also add/delete bookmarks much more easily than by doing this directly in IE.

 To add a bookmark to a folder, open the website you want to bookmark, then drag the “e” icon into the appropriate folder in your Favorites folder.




 The problem with storing your bookmarks in IE is that when you move to a different computer, you no longer have access to your bookmarks. is a simple answer to this problem.  You can upload your bookmarks to this website, and then access them from anywhere in the world where you have web access. 

 You can also transport your bookmarks to another computer by exporting them to the web and then importing them onto a different computer.

 Finally, this also creates a useful backup copy of your favorites.

 To use, you first have to sign up (for free).  To do this

Go to

Click on Sign up

Click on I accept (the terms and conditions)

Complete the sign up procedure to obtain a username and password (make a note of these!)

Once you have a username and password, return to the webpage and log in.

On this course, you can create your bookmarks in Internet Explorer and at the end of the course, upload them to to take home with you.

When you get home you can export them to your own computer, BUT BEWARE!!!  Exporting bookmarks from overwrites any bookmarks you already have on your computer.  So, when you get home, first create a backup copy of your favorites and store it somewhere safe, eg on a floppy disk.

Next, export your bookmarks from your home computer to, (using the Append to existing bookmarks option, so that you don’t overwrite the ones you created at NILE).  Then export the whole lot (the Nile bookmarks, and your home bookmarks) back to your home computer.

If you make a mistake, you still have your bookmarks safe on your floppy disk.


Last updated: 22/03/2004

Antonia Domínguez Miguela