
Ø      Nicenet is an easy way to communicate with students over the internet, whether you see them regularly or not.


Enrolling in an existing course as a student

  1. URL:
  2. Click username: "visitingteacher" to join a sample class.
  3. Enter password key: "libre"
  4. Click Join the Class "Easy writing English"

Investigating the site from the students’ point of view

Navigate through the class/course by clicking on the headings in the left border.

  1. Click Edit user Profile. If you change anything there, you must click the button at the bottom of the page: Edit User Info.
  2. Look at Conferencing. One of the topics for discussion amongst the course participants is about Nicenet itself. If you would like to read your classmates’ views, click on the underlined topic name. If you have a comment to make, click Reply and give your reply a brief name (e.g. Looks great or Not for me) and then make your comment.
  3. Link Sharing – click on a link to another website – it opens in a new window.
  4. If you want to publish something for your classmates to read, click Documents è new document. Experiment with the various options. Students and teachers can publish this way.
  5. Return to Conferencing to see what comments have arrived.


After you have looked at the Nicenet interface, answer these questions:

1.      What does ICA stand for?


2.      Can a teacher create a Nicenet class?


3.      Does a teacher enrol students in a class or do students enrol themselves?


4.      Can a teacher delete a student from a class?


5.      How can a student withdraw him/herself from a class?


6.      Can you publish lesson notes or general content via Nicenet?


7.      Can a student enrol in more than one class?


8.      Can people enrol without a Class Key?


9.      Where does a student get a Class Key from?


10.  Can students find out who else is enrolled in their course?


11.  Can a teacher create more than one class?


12.  Can the students from different parts of the world be enrolled in the same course?


13.  Is there any advertising in Nicenet?


14.  Can the teacher delete a message containing “inappropriate” matter?


15.  Does the student have to open Nicenet to know what is going on, or does everything come by email anyway?


16.  Could you use this in your teaching situation?


17.  Make a list of five ways of using this in teaching. Send your suggestions to TRINEN è Conferencing è Practical applications of Nicenet.



For an interesting and practical article about Nicenet and other similar ICAs, visit the link you created in #9 above. There is another called Moodle, at, which requires your technical assistants to set it up on your server first.


Last updated: 22/03/2004

Antonia Domínguez Miguela