bullet Presentation on webquests



WebQuests are a great way for both teachers and students to use the Internet for project work:

bullet The Edweb WebQuest home page is one of the best places to start finding out about WebQuests
bullet Click here for an example of a webquest from Amalnet
bullet The basic building blocks of a webquest
bullet A webquest about webquests
bullet More information about webquests from Kathy Schrock

Why WebQuests?

1.      http://www.ozline.com/webquests/intro.html  An article which explodes some myths about the Internet and gives the rationale behind using WebQuests.  Easy to read, powerful arguments.


Examples of WebQuests

2.      http://edweb.sdsu.edu/webquest/matrix.html  WebQuests at San Diego State University

3.      http://www.pa.ash.org.au/rite/projects/webquests/form1/engine.asp  Australian webquests

4.      http://asterix.ednet.lsu.edu/~edtech/webquest/  Louisiana State University list

5.      http://www.thematzats.com/propaganda/  The Propaganda WebQuest (called “And Now a Word from our Sponsors”) taken from : http://webquest.sdsu.edu/matrix/6-8-Eng.htm

6.      http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/as/education/projects/webquests/france/france.html  Our Vacation in France WebQuest taken from http://webquest.sdsu.edu/matrix/6-8-For.htm


The WebQuest concept

7.      http://webquest.sdsu.edu/overview.htm Brief overview of WebQuest concept.

8.      http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/staffdev/buildingblocks/p-index.htm Explains each building block of a WebQuest.


Designing WebQuests

9.      http://webquest.sdsu.edu/designsteps/index.html WebQuest design flow chart with help for each stage


WebQuest Task Types

10.  http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/staffdev/tpss99/tasksimap/ Describes different task types for WebQuests with examples of each.


WebQuest sites

11.  http://edweb.sdsu.edu/webquest/  Probably one of the best places to start - the WebQuest page at San Diego State University (SDSU)

12.  http://www.ozline.com/learning  The Australian angle on WebQuests.

13.  http://rite.ed.qut.edu.au/oz-teachernet/projects/webquests/index.html And again - Oz WebQuests

14.  http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/tech011.shtml  Education World (US site)





Last updated: 22/03/2004

Antonia Domínguez Miguela