Nicholasa Mohr was born in 1935 in New York, New York, after her parents immigrated from Puerto Rico. Her father died when she was eight years old, leaving her mother with seven children. In order to escape the poverty that surrounded her, Mohr used her fantastic imagination to express her feelings. Her artistic talents helped earn her much praise in school and gave her the confidence which led to her success as an author.

After graduating from high school in 1953 she went to the Arts Student's League, an art school located in New York. Here she discovered the works of Diego Rivera and Jose Clemente Orozco which inspired her to study Hispanic art and travel to Mexico City. After a year she returned to the United States and attended the New School for Social Research. Then in 1959 she went to Brooklyn Museum of Art School. Throughout her studies Mohr was drawn to this type of art work because of its powerful message about social change.

Mohr began to express herself using bold letters and symbols in her paintings. She attempted to tell stories through these works. Eventually she switched from painting to short stories. It took a few tries for a publisher to offer her a contract, but when he did, she started writing her first book, Nilda. Many of Mohr's books are about characters growing up in Hispanic neighborhoods in New York City, much like herself.

Today, Mohr has written thirteen books, primarily aimed towards young adults, and has won numerous awards for her writing. She currently resides in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn, where she continues to write. Her latest book, Untitled Nicholasa Mohr, was just released in February of 1998 and is available in a local bookstore near you!


Works by the Author:

   Untitled Nicholasa Mohr (1998)

A Matter of Pride & other stories (1997) Old Letivia & the Mountain of Sorrows (1996) The Song of El Coqui & Other tales of Puerto Rico (1995)


[Cover of _A Matter of Pride_]    


The Magic Shell (1995) Growing Up Inside the Sanctuary of My Imagination (1994) All For the Better: A Story of El Barrio (1993) Going Home (1986)
Rituals of Survival: A Woman's Portfolio (1985) Felita (1979) In Nueva York (1977) El Bronx Remembered: A Novella & Stories (1975)
Nilda (1973)      

Essays by the author:


MOHR, Nicholasa.  ---. "ON Being Authentic"

*---.  "Puerto Rican Writers in the U.S., Puerto Rican Writers in Puerto Rico: A Separation Beyond Language."  Horno-Delgado 111-16.  Breaking Boundaries.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1989.

*---. "The Journey Toward a Common Ground: Struggle and Identity of Hispanics in the U.S.A."  The Americas Review  18: 1 (Spring 1990): 81-85.

*---.  "Puerto Ricans in New York: Cultural Evolution and Identity."  Images and Identities: The Puerto Rican in Two World Contexts.  Ed. Asela Rodriguez de Laguna. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1987. 171-177.

*---. "Latina Writer: A Brief Perspective." Latinos in the US review 1994, 23.






Domínguez Miguela, Antonia. My entry on Nilda by Nicholasa Mohr (soon published in Hispanic American Literature, Facts on File)

---. My entry on El Bronx Remembered  by Nicholasa Mohr (soon published in Hispanic American Literature, Facts on File)

---. "La visión femenina del Barrio: Nilda de Nicholasa Mohr." en Pasajes de ida y vuelta: La narrativa puertorriqueña en Estados Unidos. Huelva: Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, 2005.


Works about the Author:


ACOSTA‑BELÉN, Edna,0"Conversations with Nicholasa Mohr."  Revista Chicano-Riqueña 8.2 (1980): 35-41.


Bellver Sáez, Pilar. "Nilda De Nicholasa Mohr: El Bildungsroman y La Aparición De Un Espacio Puetorriqueño En La Literatura De Los EEUU." Atlantis: journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies: 101-113.


Callahan, Laura. "The Role of Register in Spanish-English Codeswitching in Prose." Bilingual Review 27.1 (2003): 12-25.


De Nicolo, Christina P., and Maria E. Franquiz. ""Do I have to say it?": Critical Encounters with Multicultural Children's Literature." Language Arts 84.2 (2006): 157-170.


FERNÁNDEZ OLMOS, Margarite. "From the metropolis: Puerto rican Women Poets and the Immigration Experience." Third Woman 1:2 (1982), 40-51.

---. "Survival, Growth, and Change in the Prose Fiction of Contemporary Puerto Rican Women Writers." Asela Rodriguez de Langua, ed. Images and Identities: The Puerto Rican in Two World Contexts. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1987, 76-88.

---. "Growing Up Puertorriquenha: The Feminist Buildungsroman and the Novels of Nicholasa Mohr and Magali Garcia Ramis."  Centro 2 (7)(1989-1990): 56-73.


Kevane, Bridget and Juanita Heredia.  Latina Self-Portraits: Interviews with Contemporary Women Writers.  Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999.   “Palante: An Interview with Nicholasa Mohr,” 83-96.


MILLER, John. "The Emigrant and the City: Four Puerto Rican writers.”  MELUS 5.3 (1978): 82‑99.

---. "Nicholasa Mohr: Neorican Writing in Progress." Revista /Review Interamericana 9.4 (1979/80) 543‑49.

---. "Nicholasa Mohr."  IN Modern Latin American Fiction Writers, Secodn Series.  Edited by William Luis and Ann González. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994.


MOHR, Eugene V.  The Nuyorican  Experience. Literature of teh Puerto Rican Monority.  Wesport, Conneticut and London, England: Greenwood Press, 1982. 5. A Woman’s Perspective (Nicholasa Mohr)


*MULLER, Gilbert H. “Metropolitan Dreams: Latino Voyagers from the Caribbean, Puerto Ricans and the promised land” (Sobre Mohr, Santiago y Cofer). New Strangers in Paradise: The immigrant Experience and Contemporary American Fiction. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1999, 93-137.


Natov, Roni and Geraldine Peluca.  “An Interview with Nicholasa Mohr.”  The Lion and the Unicorn 11.1 (1987): 116-121.


OCASIO, Rafael.   "From Nuyorican Barrio to Issues on Puerto Rican Literature Outside New York City: Nicholasa Mohr and Judith Ortiz Cofer."  Literature and Ethnic Discrimination.  Ed. Michael J. Meyer. Amsterdan, Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1997. 187-203.


Rivera, Carmen S. Chapter 2: “Nicholasa Mohr and the Negation/Negotiation of the Mother/Daughter Relationship.”  Kissing the Mango Tree: Puerto Rican Women Rewriting American Literatura.  Houston: Arte Público Press, 2002.


Vasquez, Mary S. "Border Spaces in Nicholasa Mohr’s Growing Up Inside the Sanctuary of My Imagination." Bilingual Review 26.1 (2002): 26-33.


RODRIGUEZ-LUIS, Julio.  "De Puerto Rico a Nueva York: Protagonistas femeninas en busca de un espacio propio." La Torre. Revista de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 7. 27-28 (1993): 577-594.


Vellón-Benítez, Susan.  Palabras de mujer: Convergencias en el discurso femenino en la narrativa caribeña de origen hispano escrita en los Estados Unidos.” Ph. D. Dissertation. Dep.. of Modern Languages, The Florida State University, 2003.130 pp. (ON Mohr


ZARNOWSKI, Myra.  "An Interview with Author Nicholasa Mohr."  The Reading Teacher 45.2 (October 1991): 100-106.

---.  "Growing Up Puerto Rican: The Fiction of Nicholasa Mohr."  Dragon Lode  9 (1991): 5-8.





Nicholasa Mohr at Voices from the Gaps

bullet Entry on the Heath Anthology by Frances Aparicio.
bullet Interview in Latino authors series

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