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Hi Sandra,

Your text is well written and will be posted with a few minor modifications. Use the annotations in the text to try and correct your mistakes. The numbered comments give additional support. See the feedback box for the corrected version.

Have a good vacation. Sincerely, Brett

By the way, you can also access your correction directly on the web at: http://ulpmultimedia.u-strasbg.fr/English/Corrected/sample.htm

For your convienence, I've attached an .rtf file which can be opened with your word processor.

Here's your second version:

Is homeschooling a good idea ?

As school is obviously an idea of adults, so is homeschooling... It was probably inspired by the working at distance techniques, a fashionable trend for adult (from e-mails between friends to business matters). It certainly has some advantages for working adults, for example after their working day or while they are looking after sleeping children: they can study at home during their "leisure" time. It can be interesting for sick people too, if they cannot move. But it doesn't sound like good idea for children, in my opinion.

In fact, if you leave a child at home, it's obvious, nowdays that he will be taught at least partly by a computer. Is this a human partnership for a child ? Won't he miss human confrontation then ? In ordinary small western families, only one or two children at home will be very isolated. Moreover, a school group also plays an important role in education, not only because of the socialisation it provides, but at every moment because it incite you to participate (whether you are doing the same thing or opposing the others in the group).

Above all, the first requirement for such an education (computer and loneliness) is self-constraint, or self-motivation. At school, the teacher encourages you to do new things and to learn ; he would probably follow {1} a teaching strategy, even if this strategy seems very mysterious. This scheme covers a range of topics and disciplines, not only the one you're keen to discover. Curiosity should be taught too, and is maybe the main point to learn at school (even if it is the most difficult thing to teach : anyone can communicate it by his own enthusiasm and curiosity).

Here is the old version:

Hi Sandra,

Thank you for your text. Please take a look at it and correct it and send it back to me to be posted in the website. Use the annotations in the text to try to correct your mistakes. The numbered comments give additional support. Looking forward to hearing from you, Brett Johnson By the way, you can also access your correction directly on the web at: http://ulpmultimedia.u-strasbg.fr/English/Corrected/sample.htm

For your convienence, I've attached an .rtf file which can be opened with your word processor.

Is homeschooling a good idea ?

As school is obviously an idea of adults, so is homeschooling... It was probabily inspired by the distance working {2}, a very fashionable idea which can meet success in adult spheres {3} (from friend exchanges through e-mails {4}, to business matters). It certainly has some advantages for working adults, for example after their working day or while they are looking after sleeping children.{5} It can be interesting for sick people too, if they are not allowed to{6} move. But it doesn't sound to be a {7}good idea for children, in my opinion.

In fact, if you let {8} a child at home, it's a nowdays evidence {9} he will be taught by a computer, at least partly {10}. Is it {11} a human partneship for a child ? Won't he miss human confrontation then ? In classic {12} small occidental {13} families, with only one or two children at home, he will be very isolated.{14} Moreover, a scolar {15} group also plays a great {16} role in the education, not only because of the socialisation it brings {17}, but at every moment because it leads you{18} in participating{19} (whether you are doing the same thing or, on the contrary, are putting yourself in opposition {20}).

Above all, the first exigency required {21} for such an education (computer and loneliness) is the {22} self-constraint, or self-motivation. At school, the teacher encourages you to do new things or {23} to learn ; he would probably follow a strategy for your learning {24}, even if this strategy looks {25} very mysterious. The followed {26} scheme will concern {27} a range of topics and disciplines, not only the one your {28} keen to discover. Curiousity {29} is to {30} be taught too, and is maybe the main point to learn at school.{31}


sandra's email address

Your original text:

Is homeschooling a good idea ?

As school is obviously an idea of adults, so is homeschooling... It was probabily inspired by the distance working, a very fashionable idea which can meet success in adult spheres (from friend exchanges through e-mails, to business matters). It certainly has some advantages for working adults, for example after their working day or while they are looking after sleeping children. It can be interesting for sick people too, if they are not allowed to move. But it doesn't sound to be a good idea for children, in my opinion.

In fact, if you let a child at home, it's a nowdays evidence he will be taught by a computer, at least partly. Is it a human partneship for a child ? Won't he miss human confrontation then ? In classic small occidental families, with only one or two children at home, he will be very isolated. Moreover, a scolar group also plays a great role in the education, not only because of the socialisation it brings, but at every moment because it leads you in participating (whether you are doing the same thing or, on the contrary, are putting yourself in opposition).

Above all, the first exigency required for such an education (computer and loneliness) is the self-constraint, or self-motivation. At school, the teacher encourages you to do new things or to learn ; he would probably follow a strategy for your learning, even if this strategy looks very mysterious. The followed scheme will concern a range of topics and disciplines, not only the one your keen to discover. Curiousity is to be taught too, and is maybe the main point to learn at school.


Instances Description Category
1 Subject/verb agreement error Grammar
2 Capitalization error Punctuation
1 Conjunction/Transition error Linking
3 Cut -- this text is not necessary Sense
1 Parallel construction problem Grammar
1 Wrong or misused preposition Grammar
1 Singular/plural error Grammar
1 Punctuation Punctuation
6 Spelling Spelling
1 Verb tense Grammar
9 Poor word choice Vocabulary
1 Word form Morphology
1 Word order Syntax
2 Using French construction in English Style
4 Awkward Style
1 Wordy Style

corrected text

Is homeschooling a good idea ?

As school is obviously an idea of adults, so is homeschooling... It was probably inspired by the working at distance techniques, a fashionable trend for adults (from e-mails between friends to business matters). It certainly has some advantages for working adults, for example after their working day or while they are looking after sleeping children, they can study at home during their "leisure" time. It can be interesting for sick people too, if they cannot move. But it doesn't sound like good idea for children, in my opinion.
In fact, if you leave a child at home, it's obvious, nowadays that he will be taught at least partly by a computer. Is this a human partnership for a child ? Won't he miss human confrontation then ? In ordinary small Western families, one or two children at home will be very isolated. Moreover, a school group also plays an important role in education, not only because of the socialisation it provides, but at every moment because it incites you to participate (whether you are doing the same thing or opposing the others in the group).
Above all, the first requirement for such an education (computer and loneliness) is self-constraint or self-motivation. At school, the teacher encourages you to do new things and to learn ; he is probably following a teaching strategy, even if this strategy seems very mysterious. This scheme covers a range of topics and disciplines, not only the one you're keen to discover. Curiosity should be taught too, and is may be the main point to learn at school (even if it is the most difficult thing to teach : anyone can communicate it through his own enthusiasm and curiosity).