People nowadays have started to discuss this topic: do murderers deserve death penalty? However in my opinion, the death penalty is ineffective, risky and barbaric.

       In most countries the death penalty was abolished long ago. In my view, there are very good reasons for this.  Firstly, in countries like the USA where the death penalty is established, the murder rate has not fallen. Secondly, the death penalty os final. You cannot correct mistakes after a man has been executed. Finally I believe that murder is wrong and this incudes murder by the state.

       In conclusion, I think that the death penalty should not be used in a humane, civilized society.



1.    Essay 1 is divided into three main parts.

a) Introduction (where you introduce the topic and express you general opinion)

b) Body (where you mention the arguments on which you base your opinion)

c) Conclusion (where you summarize your opinion and conclusions on the topic)


2.     Look at the phrase is bold in the text. 

They are used to connect ideas and to introduce personal opinions:


In my opinion       I think                  In my view           

Firstly                  Secondly              In conclusion


3.     The following words and phrases could also be used in an essay of this type.  Put them into the categories above a) b) or c)

 -         In the first place                          

-         In addition,                       

-         I agree/disagree that                  

-         Besides,                                       

-         In short,                                    

-         It seems to me that,        






?             Brainstorm your ideas by quickly writing them down before you start your composition.

?             Choose the best ideas.

?             Divide your composition into 3 or 4 paragraphs, making sure you have an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.

?             In the introduction say what the topic is and give your opinion.

?             In the body mention the things you agree with/don't agree. Explain why.

?              Prepare your conclusion before you start writing. In the summing up, summarize your arguments generally and say what your opinon is again.





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Ultima actualización: 1 de enero de 2004

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