Parque Nacional de Doñana (Huelva)                   Paraje Natural Marismas del Odiel (Huelva)

The future of our world is in our hands.  Thousands of trees were cut down in tropical forests last yearBut, are your ecologically aware?


Discuss with your partner the things we can do to save the earth. Think about pollution, saving energy, using recycled materials, saving water, etc.


Read the following text how our environment can be saved.



It is important to save water. Most of the earth's water is salt water, In fact, only three per cent pf the earth's water is fresh. Many things can be done to save water. For example, you can have shower instead of baths.  Did you know that every time a tap is left running whle you brush your teeth, about 6o litres of water is wasted?

Noise pollution is another important way of polluting our environment. Life in our cities is becoming more noisy because of the increasing number of cars. Noise makes people become very nervous. When people in Spain were asked which type of pollution was most serious for them, more than 80 per cent mentioned noise pollution in first place. Car's exhaust fumes also collaborate in increasing the greenhouse effect which is making the ozone layer bigger and bigger every year.

Besides, thousands of trees are cut down every year in the Amazon rain forests and endangered species are displaced of their living places.  In many places of our planet many trees and forests are being destroyed by fires causing a terrible damage to animals.



  Did you know all these words? Check your memory and look up for the words you don't know.


aerosol         carbon monoxide         climate       endangered species     nuclear energy          solar energy        exhaust fumes        fertilizers          forest    fires         global warming     greenhouse effect      ozone layer        pesticide pollution        rain forest        waste        wildlife     cut down    destroy      protect             pollute            recycle                      save                    throw away


Practice the use of these words:  

Grammar revision: Passive voice:



Think about the things we should or mustn't do to save our environment. Write a list of ten sentences. Then join the sentences to create a composition. Think about these topics. Worksheet "earth"  

bulletPlastic or paper bags?
bulletaerosol cans

Remember to complete the brainstorming before writing:










Final activity: Webquest on Recycling





                                                                       ONLINE DICTIONARY


Ultima actualización: 1 de enero de 2004

webmaster: Antonia Domínguez Miguela