bulletRead comprehensibly looking for information about a place.
bulletLearn vocabulary related to travelling and other cultures.
bulletRevise the use of the simple past.
bulletWrite about a place and its history.
bulletSearch for information in the internet.
bulletWriting for a purpose.


bulletUse search engines on the internet.
bulletRead a text searching for specific information.
bulletUse vocabulary related to travelling.
bulletWork in groups to design a written guideline for a trip.


Let's Go to York!

Clifford's Tower



The history of York is the history of England

The city has passed through the hands of Romans, Saxons, Vikings, and Normans.





Work in groups of four.

Each of you will read a period of the history of York. Take notes about important dates, names and events.

Roman York

Before the Roman invasion of Britain in 43 AD, the area that is now northern  England was controlled by a confederation of tribes known as the Brigantes. So important did York become in Roman Britain that a royal palace was built in the city, and the emperor Septimus Severus stayed here with his imperial court in the years 209-211. The Romans left York some time around 410 AD, and the city, like much of Roman Britain, fell into a period of decay and decline. A new invader fell upon the city; the Anglo-Saxons.

Anglo-Saxon York

The Saxons originally came to Britain as mercenaries in the Roman army. Under the Saxons the city was renamed Eoferwic. Little remains of Saxon York, however, for their wooden buildings have not survived. York enjoyed prosperity and a prominent place in the Anglo-Saxon world, but its destiny changed again with the appearance in the 9th century of a fierce new invader, the Danes.

Viking York

The prosperity of the city made it an obvious target for the Danish Vikings. The Vikings changed the name of the city from the Saxon Eoforwic to the Danish "Jorvik". The Danes left a legacy of street names. The Viking influence lasted less than a century. Many local rebellions and invasions from Norway kept the north of England in a state of confusion in the 11th century. An invasion in 1066 left England and York in the hands of the Normans.

Medieval York

When William the Conqueror became king of England, he marched north and made York his base of operations in the north. He expropriated property and divided half amongst his Norman followers and kept half for himself. William strengthened the defenses of the city and the castle to the north was later replaced by Clifford's Tower. York blossomed under the Normans, and quickly regained its economic importance in the north. The magnificent Minster was rebuilt in Gothic style over the years 1220-1482.

York Minster


Now see pictures and read about historic sites in York and decide which one you would like to visit and why:


York Minster


Yorvik, the Viking City


York Dungeon


Micklegate Bar Museum


The city walls


Clifford's Tower


Vocabulary revision: travelling


Read the following words. You will remember many of them. You can also use the dictionary (below)


destination      journey     passenger    route       travel      travel agent        trip



airport      check-in       fly        land         landing    plane     take off



camp   go camping     charger flight      cruise       excursion        (youth) hostel         hotel

luggage       motel       package holiday          self-catering holiday       sightseeing

go sightseeing         suitcase           tour       tourism       tourist          vacation



bicycle     bike      bus station       car       coach       coach station       lane        motorbike

motorway      rail       go by rail       railway       railway station      road       main road

minor road      taxi      traffic      train       tube       underground        subway



board (boat / plane)     go by      go on board      get on board     hitch-hike        set off



Vocabulary practice: "Travelling by plane"




Surfing the web to improve our writing

In this activity we are going to visit a web pages especially created to help us improve our writing. You will see that writing can be exciting!

"Let's send a postcard!": Select the appearance of your postcard following the instructions. Fill in the mesage and when you are finished send it to another student in the class. Remember to send a copy to your teacher.



Webquest: Visiting England




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Ultima actualización: 1 de enero de 2004

webmaster: Antonia Domínguez Miguela