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tnt_extension.hpp File Reference

Implements useful functions for the management of types defined in the TNT library. More...

#include <tnt/tnt.h>
Include dependency graph for tnt_extension.hpp:

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template<class T >
Vector< T > TNT::Array1D2Vector (Array1D< T > A)
 Creates a TNT::Vector from a TNT::Array1D.
template<class T >
Array1D< T > TNT::Vector2Array1D (Vector< T > V)
 Creates a TNT::Array1D from a TNT::Vector.
template<class T >
Matrix< T > TNT::Array2D2Matrix (Array2D< T > A)
 Creates a TNT::Matrix from a TNT::Array2D.
template<class T >
Array2D< T > TNT::Matrix2Array2D (Matrix< T > M)
 Creates a TNT::Array2D from a TNT::Matrix.
template<class T >
Matrix< T > TNT::Array1D2Matrix (Array1D< T > A)
 Creates a TNT::Matrix from a TNT::Array1D.
template<class T >
Array1D< T > TNT::Matrix2Array1D (Matrix< T > M)
 Creates a TNT::Array1D from a TNT::Matrix. More...
Array2D< double > TNT::makeIdentity (int order)
 Creates an Identity Array2D of the given order.
template<class T >
Array1D< T > TNT::copyrow (const Array2D< T > &Array, int r)
 Extracts the r row from an Array2D.
template<class T >
Array1D< T > TNT::copycolumn (const Array2D< T > &Array, int c)
 Extracts the c column from an Array2D.
template<class T >
Array2D< T > TNT::copyArray2D (const Array3D< T > &Array, int m)
 Extracts the m Array2D from an Array3D.
template<class T >
int TNT::injectrow (Array2D< T > &A2D, const Array1D< T > &A1D, int r)
 Injects a row into an Array2D in the position r.
template<class T >
int TNT::injectcolumn (Array2D< T > &A2D, const Array1D< T > &A1D, int c)
 Injects a column into an Array2D in the position c.
template<class T >
int TNT::injectArray2D (Array3D< T > &A3D, const Array2D< T > &A2D, int m)
 Injects an Array2D into an Array3D in the position m.
template<class T >
Matrix< T > TNT::mult_transpose (const Matrix< T > &A, const Matrix< T > &B)
 Matrix-Matrix tranpose multiplication, i.e. compute A*tranpose(B). More...

Detailed Description

Implements useful functions for the management of types defined in the TNT library.

See also
For Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) documentation see http://math.nist.gov/tnt