Artículos de los profesores.

1. Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2020. “Foreign sourcing and exporting”, World Economy. 

2. Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2020. “The effects of export and R&D strategies on firms’ markups in downtourns: the Spanish case”, Journal of Small Business Management,

3. Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2020. “Trading activities, productivity and markups: evidence for Spanish manufacturing”, World Economy.

4. Cutanda, A. y J.A. Sanchis. 2020. “Aggregation biases in empirical Euler consumption equations: evidence from Spanish data”, Empirical Economics, 58, 957-977

5. Expósito A. y J.A. Sanchis. 2020. “The effects of innovation on the decisions of exporting and/or importing in SMEs: empirical evidence in the case of Spain”, Small Busines Economics, 55, 813-829

6. Expósito A. y J.A. Sanchis. 2019. “The relationship between types of innovation and SMEs’ performance: a multi-dimensional empirical assessment”, Eurasian business Review, 9, 115-135

7. Añón, D., Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina, A. Sanchis y J.A. Sanchis. 2019. “El papel de los intangibles en la convergencia de las empresas españolas a la frontera tecnológica europea”, Economía Industrial, 414 81-92.

8. Añón, D., Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina, A. Sanchis y J.A. Sanchis. 2018. “The impact of the Great Recession on TFP convergence among EU countries”, Applied Economic Letters, 25-6, pp.393-396

9. Expósito A. y J.A. Sanchis. 2018. Innovation and business performance for Spanish SMEs: New evidence from a multi-dimensional approach”, International Small Business Journal, 36-8, 911-931

10. Añón D., J.A. Máñez y J.A. Sanchis. 2018. “Intramural and external R&D: evidence for complementarity or substitutability”. Economia Politica, 35-2, 555-577.

11. Demmel, M.C., J.A. Mañez, M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2017. “Product and process innovation and total factor productivity: Evidence for manufacturing in four Latin-American countries”, Review of Development Economics, 21(4), 1341-1363.

12. Benito, J.M., P. Hernández y J.A. Sanchis. 2017. “Do individuals with higher cognitive ability play more strategically?” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 64, 5-11.

13. Mañez J.A., M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2015. The Dynamic linkages between Exports, R&D and productivity, World Economy, 38, 583-612. 

14. Benito, J.M., P. Brañas, P. Hernández y J.A. Sanchis. 2015. “Strategic behavior in Schelling dynamics: Theory and experimental evidence” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 57, 134-147.

15. Sanchis, T., J.A. Sanchis-Llopis, V. Esteve y A. Cubel-Montesinos. 2015. “Total factor productivity, domestic knowledge accumulation and international knowledge spillovers in the second half of the 20th century”, Cliometrica-Journal of Historical Economics and Econometric History, 9(2), 209-233. 

Indicadores de calidad: Factor de impacto: 0.731; 7/87 History; Q1 

16. Añón D., M. Manjón, J.A. Máñez y J.A. Sanchis. 2015. Does R&D protect SMEs from the hardness of the cycle? Evidence from Spanish SMEs (1990-2009). International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11, 361-376.

Indicadores de calidad: Factor de impacto: 0.659; 423/605 Economics; Q3

17. Sanchis J.A., J.M. Millan, B. Rui, A. Burke, S. Parker y R. Thurik. 2015. “Good times, bad times: entrepreneurship and the business cycle”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11, 343-351.

18. Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina, A. Sanchis y J.A. Sanchis. 2015. “The determinants of R&D persistence in R&D”, Small Business Economics, 44(3), 505-528.

19. Cirera X., D. Lederman, J.A. Mañez, M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2015. “The Export-productivity link for Brazilian manufacturing firms”, Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment e-Journal, 9, 1-31.

20. Benito, J.M. y J.A. Sanchis. 2014. Training strategic thinking. Journal of Business Research, 67, 785-789.

21. Mañez, J.A., M.E. Rochina, J.A. Sanchis y Ó. Vicente. 2014. “Financial constraints and Spanish manufacturing firms’ R&D and exporting strategies”, Industrial and Corporate Change 23(6), 1563-1594. 

22. Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina, A. Sanchis y J.A. Sanchis. 2013. “Do process innovations boost SMEs’ productivity growth?” 44, Emprical Economics, 44, 1373-1405.

23. Manjón, M., J.A. Mañez, M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2013. Reconsidering learning-by-exporting, Review of World Economics, 149(1), 5-22.

24. Manjón, M., J.A. Mañez, M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2013. “Export intensity and the productivity gains of exporting”, Applied Economics Letters, 20, 804-808. 

25. Cubel-Montesinos, V. Esteve, T. Sanchis y J.A. Sanchis. 2013. “Medio siglo de innovación y transferencia de tecnología en España, Revista de Historia Industrial, 1950-2000”. 50, 113-154. 

26. Benito-Ostolaza, J.M., P. Brañas, P. Hernández y J.A. Sanchis. 2011. “Sequential vs. simultaneous Schelling models: experimental evidence”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 55, 60-84.

27. Arranz, J.M., Fernández-Macias, E, y García-Serrano, C. (2020), “Wage differentials and segmentation: The impact of institutions and changing economic conditions”,European Journal of Industrial Relations (proximamente),

28. Arranz, J.M. y García-Serrano, C. (2020), “Does unemployment benefit duration affect inflows into unemployment? The impact of a law change for older workers”, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 17, October,100278,

29 Ayala,L., Arranz,J.M.,García-Serrano, C. y Lucía Martínez Vierto, (2020), ” The Effectiveness of Minimum Income Benefits in Poverty Reduction in Spain “, International Journal of Social Welfare, (forthcoming).

30. Viana, R., Arranz, J.M. y García-Serrano, C. (2020), “ Efficiency of university education: a frontier analysis”, Latin American Economic Review, (forthcoming).

31. Fernández Macias, E. y J.M. Arranz (2020), “Occupations and the recent trends in wage inequality in Europe”, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 26 (3), 331-346

32. Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. y V. Hernanz (2019),” Job quality differences among younger and older workers in Europe: The role of institutions”, Social Science Research, 84 (November),1-17.

33. Arranz, J.M., Burguillo, M. y Rubio, J. (2019), “Subsidisation of public transport fares for the young: an impact evaluation analysis for the Madrid Metropolitan Area”, Transport Policy, 74, 84-92.

34. Kyyrä, T., Arranz, J.M., y García-Serrano (2019), “Does subsidized part-time employment help unemployed workers to find full-time employment?”, Labour Economics, 56, 68-83.

35. Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. y V. Hernanz (2019), “ The changing use of short-time work schemes : evidence from two recessions”, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 25, 5-22.

36. Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano,C. y Hernanz, V. (2018), “Calidad del empleo: Medición transversal y longitudinal, Hacienda Pública Española, 225(2), 133-164.

37. Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. y V. Hernanz (2018), “Short-time work and employment stability: evidence from a policy change”, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 56(1),189-222.

38. Arranz, J.M., García-Serrano, C. y V. Hernanz (2018), “Employment quality: Are there differences y types of contract?”, Social Indicators Research, 137(1), 201-230.

39. Arranz, J.M., Carrasco, C. y Massó, M. (2017),” La movilidad laboral de las mujeres inmigrantes en España (2007-2013)”, Revista Española de Sociología, 26(3), 329-

40. Arranz, J.M. y Muñoz-Bullón, F., (2016), “Unemployment benefits and recall jobs: a split population model”, Applied Economics Letters, 23, 940-944.

41. 2015. Short-Run Forecasting of Argentine GDP Growth (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo, Dal Bianco, Marcos y Martinez-Martin, Jaime  Revista: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade  Volumen: 51 Páginas: inicial: 473 Final: 485  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2015: 0.768 (Q3) y SJR_Q2.  

42. 2015. Can we use seasonally adjusted indicators in dynamic factor models? (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo, Pérez-Quirós, Gabriel y Lovcha, Yuliya  Revista: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics  Volumen: 19 Páginas: inicial: 377 Final: 391  Indice de impacto JCR social 2015: 0.517 (Q3) y SJR_Q2.  

43. 2015. Toward a more reliable picture of the economic activity: An application to Argentina (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo, Dal Bianco, Marcos y Martinez-Martin, Jaime  Revista: Economics Letters Volumen: 132 Páginas: inicial: 129 Final: 132  Índice de impacto JCR social 2015: 0.603 (Q3) y SJR_Q2. 

44. 2015. Monitoring the world business cycle (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo y Martinez-Martin, Jaime  Revista: Economic Modelling Volumen: 51 Páginas: inicial: 617 Final: 625  Índice de impacto JCR social 2015: 0.997 (Q2) y SJR_Q2.  

45. 2015. Extracting nonlinear signals from several economic indicators (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Pérez-Quirós, Gabriel y Poncela, Pilar  Revista: Journal of Applied Econometrics  Volumen: 30 Páginas: inicial: 1073 final: 1089  Índice de impacto JCR social 2015: 1.872 (Q1) y SJR_Q1.  2016. 

46.   2016. Aggregate versus disaggregate information in dynamic factor models. (A)  Autores: Alvarez, Rocío Camacho, Máximo; Pérez-Quirós y Gabriel  Revista: International Journal of Forecasting Volumen: 32 Páginas: inicial: 680 final: 694  Índice de impacto JCR social 15: 1.626 (Q1) y SJR_Q1.  

47. 2017. Latin American cycles: What has changed after the Great Recession? (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo y Palmieri, Gonzalo  Revista: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade  Volumen: 53: Páginas: inicial: 1170 Final: 1183  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2015: 0.768 (Q3) y SJR_Q2.  

48. 2017. Plasticity in leader–follower roles in human teams (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Nakayama Shinnosuke; Porfiri, Maurizio; Ruiz, Manuel  Revista: Scientific Reports  Volumen: 7: Páginas: Artículo número 14562  Índice de impacto JCR 2015: 5.228 (Q1) y SJR_Q1.  

49. 2018. Forecasting travelers in Spain with Google queries (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo y Pacce, Matías  Revista: Tourism Economics  Volumen: 24 Páginas: inicial: 434 Final: 448  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2015: 0.826 (Q3) y SJR_Q1.  2018. Regional business cycle phases in Spain (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Pacce, M and Ulloa, C.  Revista: Estudios de Economia Aplicada  Volumen: 36 Páginas: inicial: 875 Final: 896  Índice de impacto: Emerging Sources Citation Index. 

50. 2018. The Great Recession. Worse than ever? (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Gadea, María Dolores; y Pérez-Quirós, Gabriel  Revista: Revista de Economía Aplicada  Volumen: 76 Páginas: inicial: 73 Final: 100  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2017: 0.100 (Q4) y SJR_Q3.  

51. 2018. Markov-switching dynamic factor models in real time.  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Pérez-Quirós, Gabriel y Poncela, Pilar  Revista: International Journal of Forecasting  Volumen: 34 Páginas: inicial: 598 Final: 611  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2015: 1.621 (Q1) y SJR_Q1 

52.   2019. The propagation of industrial business cycles (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo y Leiva-Leon, Danilo  Revista: Macroeconomic Dynamics  Volumen: 23 Páginas: inicial: 144 Final: 177  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2015: 0.741 (Q3) y SJR_Q2.  2019. 

53. Do economic recessions cause inequality to rise? (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; y Palnieri, Gonzalo  Revista: Journal of Applied Economics  Volumen: 22 Páginas: inicial: 304 Final: 320  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2017: 0.375 (Q3) y SJR_Q2. 22: 304-320  

54. 2019. Inference on filtered and smoothed probabilities in Markov-switching autoregressive models (A)  Autores: Alvarez, Rocío; Camacho, Máximo y Ruiz, Manuel  Revista: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics  Volumen: 37 Páginas: inicial: 484 Final: 495  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2015: 1.648 (Q1) y SJR_Q1  

55. 2019. The two-speed Europe in business cycle synchronization (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Carlo, Angela; y López Buenache, Germán  Revista: Empirical Economics  Volumen: En prensa Páginas: inicial: Final:  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2017: 0.974 (Q3) y SJR_Q2.  

56. 2019. The two-speed Europe in business cycle synchronization (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Carlo, Angela; y López Buenache, Germán  Revista: Empirical Economics  Volumen: En prensa Páginas: inicial: Final:  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2017: 0.974 (Q3) y SJR_Q2.  

57. 2020. Evaluating OECD’s main economic indicators at anticipating recessions? (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; y Palnieri, Gonzalo  Revista: Journal of Forecasting  Volumen: En prensa Páginas: inicial: Final:  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2017: 0.934 (Q3) y SJR_Q1.  

58. 2020. Symbolic transfer entropy test for causality in longitudinal data (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Romeu, Andrés, y Ruiz, Manuel  Revista: Economic Modelling  Volumen: En prensa Páginas: inicial: Final:  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2017: 2.056 (Q2) y SJR_Q2.  

59. 2020. A new approach to dating the reference cycle (A)  Autores: Camacho, Máximo; Gadea, M. Dolores; y Gómez, Ana  Revista: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics  Volumen: En prensa Páginas: inicial: Final:  Índice de impacto JCR Social 2018: 2.716 (Q1) y SJR_Q1  

60. Suárez P., Mayor M., Cueto B. (2020): “Accessibility of Public Employment Services Within Large Urban Areas: A Spatial Approach”. En: Thill JC. (eds) Innovations in Urban and Regional Systems. Springer, Cham 

61. Suárez, P., Mayor, M., Cueto, B. y Salas-Olmedo, H. (2019): “The spatial structure of the labour market across public jobcentres”. Papers in Regional Science, vol. 98(3), pp. 1359-1372. 

62. Cueto, B. y López, F. (2019): “The apprenticeship contract in Spain: An evaluation”. Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 231(4), pp. 15-39. 

63. Cueto, B., Martín-Román, A., Moral, A. y Moreno, A. (2018): “Youth employment in Iberian Countries”, en M.A. Malo y A. Moreno (ed): European Youth Labour Markets. Springer. 

64. Cueto, B., Mayor, M. y Suárez. P. (2017): “Evaluation of the Spanish flat rate for young self-employed workers”. Small Business Economics, vol. 49 (4), pp 937–95. 

65. Cueto, B. y Pruneda, G. (2017): “Job Satisfaction of Wage and Self-Employed Workers. Do Job Preferences Make a Difference?” Applied Research in Quality of Life, vol. 12(1), pp. 103-123. 

66. Cueto, B., Rodríguez, V. y Suárez, P. (2017): ¿Influye la pobreza en la juventud en la pobreza en la etapa adulta? Un análisis para España”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, vol. 160. 

67. Cueto, B. y Rodríguez, V. (2016): “Is sheltered employment more stable than ordinary employment?” Work. A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, vol 55(1), pp. 51-61 

68. Cueto, B. y Malo, M.A. (2016): “Do partial disability pensions close the earnings gap?” Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 216 (1/2016), pp. 103-. 

69. Cueto, B. y Rodríguez, V. (2015): “Determinants of Immigrant self-employment in Spain.” International Journal of Manpower, vol. 36(6), pp.895 – 911. 

70. García Pérez, J.I. y S. Rendón (2020): “Family Job Search and Wealth: The Added Worker Effect Revisited”, Computational Economics, Forthcoming. 

71. García Pérez, J.I., I. Marinescu y J. Vall-Castello (2019): “Can Fixed-Term Contracts Put Low Skilled Youth on a Better Career Path? Evidence from Spain”, The Economic Journal, Vol 129-620, pp. 1693–1730, 

72. Felgueroso, F. García Pérez J.I., M. Jansen & D. Troncoso-Ponce (2018): “The surge in short-duration contracts in Spain” (with Felgueroso, F., Jansen, M. & D. Troncoso), De Economist, 

73. Bentolila, S., García Pérez, J.I. y M. Jansen (2017): “Are the Spanish Long-Term Unemployed Unemployable?”, SERIEs — Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Vol. 8, pp. 1-41. 

74. García Pérez, J. I. y M. Hidalgo-Hidalgo (2017): “No student left behind? Evidence from the Programme for School Guidance in Spain”, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 60, pp. 97–111. 

75. Carrasco, R. y J.I. García Pérez (2015): “Employment Dynamics of Immigrants versus Natives: Evidence from the Boom-Bust period in Spain, 2000-2011”, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 53-2, pp 1038–1060 

76. Lado, Nora, Han-Chiang Ho;Su-Ping Liu;Ling Ling Lee (2019) “Understanding the Role of Attitude Components in Co-branding: A Comparison of Spain and Taiwan” Journal of International Consumer Marketing , Vol.31 (3): 203 

77. Han Chaing Ho, Nora Lado y Pilar Rivera (2017) “Detangling consumer attitudes to better explain co-branding success” Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26, 7, 

78. Angel García-Crespo Nora Lado et al (2016) Innovation in the Spanish Twittersphere: an ontology and stakeholder’s salience analysis” in Revolution of Innovation Management The Digital Breakthrough, Edited by Alexander Brem , Edited by Eric Viardot Ed. Palgrave-Springer 

79. Daniel Villanueva, Israel González, José l. López, Nora Lado (2016) “SMORE: Towards a semantic modeling for knowledge representation on social media Science of Computer Programming, Volume 121, 1 June, Pages 16–33, JCR índice de impacto:1.064 

80. Algaba-Durán, Antonio; Domínguez-Moreno, Mª De La Cinta;
Merino-Morlesín, Manuel; Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro José. 2019. Study of a simple 3D quadratic system with homoclinic flip bifurcations of inward twist case Cin. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 77: 324-337.

81. Algaba-Durán, Antonio; Merino-Morlesín, Manuel; Bo-Wei Qin;
Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro José. 2019. Study of a dynamical system with a strange attractor and invariant tori. Physics Letters A 383: 1441-1449.

82. Algaba-Durán, Antonio; Domínguez-Moreno, Mª De La Cinta;
Merino-Morlesín, Manuel; Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro José. 2016. Takens-Bogdanov bifurcations of equilibria and periodic orbits in the Lorenz system. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 30: 328-343.

83. Algaba-Durán, Antonio; Merino-Morlesín, Manuel; Rodríguez-Luis,
Alejandro José. 2016. Superluminal periodic orbits in the Lorenz system. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation. 39: 220-232.

84. Algaba-Durán, Antonio; Gamero-Gutiérrez, Estanislao; Merino-
Morlesín, Manuel; Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro José. 2016. Resonances of periodic orbits in the Lorenz system. Nonlinear Dynamics. 84: 2111-2136.

85. Algaba-Durán, Antonio; Fernández-Sánchez, Fernando; Merino-
Morlesín, Manuel; Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro José. 2015. Analysis of the T-point-Hopf bifurcation in the Lorenz system. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation. 22: 676-691.

86. Algaba-Durán, Antonio; Domínguez-Moreno, Mª De La Cinta;
Merino-Morlesín, Manuel; Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro José. 2015. Study of the Hopf bifurcation in the Lorenz, Chen and Lü systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 79: 885-902.

87. (2015) ”Total factor productivity, domestic knowledge accumulation, and
international knowledge spillovers in the second half of the twenti-
eth century”(con T. Sanchis, J. Sanchis-Llopis y A. Cubel), Clio-
metrica, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 209-233.
88. ”(2016) “The dynamics of public debt and economic growth in Spain”(con C. Tamarit), Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook, Vol. 5, No
4, 63-72.
89. “Deuda pública y crecimiento económico en España, 1851-2013″(con
C. Tamarit), Cuadernos de Información Económica, núm. 253,
pp. 27-40.
90. “The Effects of Competitiveness on Trade Balance: The Case of
Southern Europe”(con O. Bajo-Rubio y B. Berke), Economics,
The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 10, pp. 1-26.
91. (2017)The gold standard and the euro: A re‡ection from a reading
of A Trat on Monetary Reform” (con M. Navarro-Ibáñez y M.
Prats), Cuadernos de Economía – Spanish Journal of Economics
and Finance, 40, pp. 247-255.
92. “International trade and migrations: A review”(con M. Prats y
M.S. de Dios), Cuadernos Económicos de Información Comercial
Española, Número 94, pp. 137-153.
93. ( 2018) “Public Debt and Economic Growth in Spain, 1851-2013″(con C. Tamarit), Cliometrica, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 137-153.
94. (2019) On Substitutability between Paid-employment and Self-employment from the Period 1969-2014 in the United States”(con E. Congregado y A. Golpe), Sustainability, Vol. 11, Issue 2, 507.
95. (2020)”Fiscal policy and the real exchange rate: Some evidence from
Spain”(con O. Bajo-Rubio y B. Berke), Empirica, Vol. 47, No. 2,
pp. 267-280.
“96. (2020) Stock prices, dividends, and structural changes in the long-term:the case of U.S.” (M. Navarro-Ibañez y M. Prats), The North
American Journal of Economic and Finance, Vol. 52, 101126.
97. (2020) “The current account of the Spanish economy, 1850-2016: Wasit optimal?”(con O. Bajo-Rubio), Revista de Historia Económi-
ca –Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History ,

98. A.T. Luis; J.A. Grande; J.M. Dávila; J. Aroba; N. Duraes; S.F. Almeida; M.L. de la Torre; A.M. Sarmiento; J.C. Fortes; E. Ferreira da Silva; M. Santisteban.

99. Application of fuzzy logic tools for the biogeochemical characterisation of (un)contaminated waters from Aljustrel mining area (South Portugal). Chemosphere – ISSN 0045-6535
Volumen: 211 Páginas, inicial: 736 final: 744 Fecha: 2018

100. J. G. Enríquez; V. Cid; N. Muntaner; J. Aroba; J. Navarro;
F. J. Domínguez-Mayo; M. J. Escalona; I. Ramos. Behavior patterns in hormonal treatments using fuzzy logic models. Soft Computing- ISSN 1432-7643. Volumen: 22 Páginas, inicial: 79 final: 90 Fecha: 2018

101. M.L. de la Torre; J.A. Grande; T.Valente ; E. Perez-Ostale; M.
Santiesteban. ; J. Aroba ; I. Ramos. Definition of Redox and pH Influence in the AMD Mine System Using a Fuzzy Qualitative Tool (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain) Environmental Science and Pollution Research- ISSN 0944-1344, 23 Páginas, inicial: 5451 final: 5458 Fecha: 2016

102. R. Fernández; I. Brito; J. Aroba; F. Gómez; S. Rodríguez; J. de la Rosa
Assessment of ultrafine particles and noise measurements using fuzzy logic and data mining techniques. Journal of Science of the Total Environment- ISSN 0048-9697
Volumen: 512-513 Páginas, inicial: 103 final: 113 Fecha: 2015

103. M. Santisteban; J.A. Grande; M.L. de la Torre; T.Valente ; E. Perez-Ostale; J.C.Ceron ; J. Aroba. Fuzzy Intelligence Approach for Modeling the Migration of Contaminants in a Reservoir Affected by AMD Pollution
Journal of Mine Water and the Environment- ISSN 1025-9112
Volumen: 34 Páginas, inicial: 352 final: 360 Fecha: 2015

104. RODRIGUEZ, J. “Dieselization, CO2 emissions and fuel taxes in Europe”, with Gustavo Marrero and Marina González (U. La Laguna). Forthcoming in SERIEs Journal of the Spanish
Economic Association (Appendix A).

105. RODRIGUEZ, J. “Growth, Energy Intensity and the Energy Mix”, with Antonia Díaz, Gustavo A.
Marrero, and Luis A. Puch. Energy Economics 81, June (2019), 1056–1077.

106. RODRIGUEZ, J. “Analyzing CO2 emissions from passenger cars in Europe: A dynamic panel data
approach”, with Marina González, Gustavo Marrero and Ángel S. Marrero. Energy Policy 129, June (2019), 1271-1281.

107. RODRIGUEZ, J. “Hidden figures behind two-vehicle crashes: An assessment of the risk and external costs of drunk driving in Spain”, with David Mesa-Ruiz and Yolanda Rebollo-Sanz. Accident Analysis and Prevention 127 (2019) 42-51.

108. RODRIGUEZ, J. “Accounting for Spanish business cycles” with Mario Solís-García. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20, Issue 3 (April 2016), 685–714. Additional content: online technical appendix and MATLAB codes (ZIP file).

109. RODRIGUEZ, J. “Labor Demand and ICT Adoption in Spain”, with M. Hidalgo and J.M. O’Kean. Telecommunication Policy 40 (2016) 450–470.

110. RODRIGUEZ, J. “Road accidents and business cycles in Spain”, with Gustavo Marrero, Marina González and Teresa Leal. Accident Analysis and Prevention 96 (November 2016), 46-55.

111. Rebollo, Y. “When the Going Gets Tough.. Financial Incentives, Duration of Unemployment and Job-match Quality” (2018). Journal of Human Resources. Journal Article Published online before print May 4, 2018, doi: 10.3368/jhr.55.1.1015.7420R2 (Co-author Nuria Rodriguez Planas)

112. Y. Rebollo, “When the Going Gets Tough.. Financial Incentives, Duration of Unemployment and Job-match Quality” (2018). Journal of Human Resources. Journal Article Published online before print May 4, 2018, doi: 10.3368/jhr.55.1.1015.7420R2 (Co-author Nuria Rodriguez Planas)

113. Y. Rebollo, “Estimation of worker and firm effects with censored data” (2017) Bulletin of Economic Research, 0307-3378 DOI: 10.1111/boer.12112. Coauthor: Ainara Gonzalez de San Roman.

114. Y. Rebollo , “Decomposing the structure of wages into firm and worker effects: some insight from a high unemployment economy”, (2017) International Journal of Manpower Vol. 38 Issue: 5, pp.765-787,

115. Y. Rebollo, “Gender Differentials in Unemployment Ins and Outs during the Great Recession in Spain” De Economist, March 2017, Volume 165, Issue 1, pp 67–99. Coauthor Sara de la Rica.

116. Y Rebollo, “Are unemployment benefits harmful to the stability of working careers? The case of Spain” (2015) Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Vol 6, Iss1. Coauthor J.I García-Pérez.

117. Gessa, A., García, S., & González, M. (2016). Valuing environmental management practices through contingent valuation. A review of recent applications. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 8(1), 22-53.

118. Gessa, A., & Sancha, M.P. (2016). Alternatives for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in cement production. Proposal for an evaluation model. Innovar. Journal of Administrative and Social Sciences, 26(60), 51-66.
119. Gessa, A., Sancha, P. & González, I. (2017). Opportunities for waste recovery to improve the carbon footprint in the Spanish cement industry under a cap and trade system: Insights from a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 3665-3675.

120. Gessa, A., Sancha, P. & Jiménez, A. (2018). ERP systems in the context of Industry 4.0: advances, challenges and implications. DYNA, 93(6), 592-596.

121. Gessa, A., & Sancha, P. (2020). Environmental open data in urban platforms: an approach to the big data life cycle. Journal of Urban Technology, 27(1), 27-45.

122. GIL-ALANA, L.A., J.C. CUESTAS and P.J. REGIS, 2015, The sustainability of the European External Debt: What have We Learned? Review of International Economics 23, 445-468.
123. GIL-ALANA, L.A., H. CARCEL and O. YAYA, 2015, Testing fractional persistence and nonlinearities in the natural gas market: An application of non Chebyshev polynomials in time, Energy Economics 52, 240-245.
124. GIL-ALANA, L.A., S. CHANG, M. BALCIBAR, G. AYE and R. GUPTA, 2015, Persistence of precious metal prices: A fractional integration approach with structural breaks, Resources Policy 44, 57-64.

125. GIL-ALANA, L.A., C. AYE and R. GUPTA, 2015, Trends and cycles in historical gold and silver prices, Journal of International Money and Finance 58, 98-109.
126. GIL-ALANA, L.A., C. ANDRE and R. GUPTA, 2015, Commovements in euro area housing prices: A fractional cointegration approach, Urban Studies 52, 3123-3143.
127. GIL-ALANA, L.A., N. ANTONAKAKIS, J. CUNADO and R. GUPTA, 2016, Is inflation persistence different in reality? Economics Letters 148, 55-58.
128. GIL-ALANA, L.A., CP. BARROS and J. FARIA, 2016, An empirical analysis of freight transport modes in Brazil, Transportation Planning and Technology 38, 305-319.
129. GIL-ALANA, L.A., O. YAYA and E. SOLADENI, 2016, Testing for unit roots, structural breaks and linearity in the inflation rates of the G7 countries with fractional integration, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 32, 711-724.
130. GIL-ALANA, L.A., R. GUPTA and G. AYE, 2016, The Feldstein Horioka puzzle in South Africa. A fractional cointegration approach, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 25, 978-991.
131. GIL-ALANA, C.P. BARROS and F. PEREZ DE GRACIA, 2016, Stationarity and long range dependence of carbon dioxide emissions. Evidence from disaggregated data, Environmental and Resources Economics 63, 45-56.
132. GIL-ALANA, L.A., R. GUPTA and F. PEREZ DE GRACIA, 2016, Modelling persistence of carbon emissions allowance prices, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55, 221-226.
133. GIL-ALANA, L.A., C.P. BARROS and A. DE ARAUJO, 2016, The Brazilian airline industry. Persistence and breaks, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 10, 794-804.
134. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and J.C. CUESTAS, 2016, Testing for long memory in the presence of nonlinear deterministic trends with Chebyshev polynomials, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 20, 57-74.
135. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and P. SINGH, 2016, Growth recovery after civil conflict. A fractionally integrated approach, Defence and Peace Economics 27, 453-479.
136. GIL-ALANA, L.A., J.C. CUESTAS and K. TAYLOR, 2016, Inflation convergence in Central and Eastern Europe with a view to adopting the Euro, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 63, 519-538.
137. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and C.P. BARROS, 2016, Oil prices. Persistence and breaks, Energy Sources Part B 11, 137-149.
138. GIL-ALANA, L.A., R. GUPTA and G. AYE, 2016, Testing for bubbles in the BRICS stock markets, Journal of Economic Studies 43, 646-660.
139. GIL-ALANA, L.A., CP. BARROS and Z. CHEN, 2016, Exchange rate persistence of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar in the NDF market, Empirical Economics 51, 1399-1410.
140. GIL-ALANA, L.A., M. ABBRITTI, Y. LOVCHA, and A. MORENO, 2016, Term structure persistence, Journal of Financial Econometrics 14, 331-352.
141. GIL-ALANA, L.A, G.M. CAPORALE, A. PLASTUN and A. MAKARENKO, 2016, Intraday anomalies and market efficiencies. A trading robot analysis, Computational Economics 47, 275-295.
142. GIL-ALANA, L.A., C.P. BARROS and Z. CHEN, 2016, The persistence of air pollution in four megacities in China, Habitat International 50, 103-108.
143. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and G.M. CAPORALE, 2016, Interest rate dynamics in Kenyan commercial Banks’ Rates and the 91-day treasury bill rate, Journal of International Development 28, 214-
144. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and P. SIGH, 2016, The impact of ethnic violence in Kenya on wheat and maize markets, Journal of African Economies 24, 502-529.
145. GIL-ALANA, L.A., R. GUPTA, O. OLUBUSOYE and O. YAYA, 2016, Time series analysis of persistence in crude oil price volatility across bull and bear regimes, Energy 109, 29-37.
146. GIL-ALANA, L.A., C.P. BARROS and P. WANKE, 2016, Energy production in Brazil.Empirical facts based on persistence and breaks, Energy Economics 54, 88-95.
147. GIL-ALANA, L.A., A. MERVAR and J. PAYNE, 2016, Modelling the degree of persistence in Croatian tourism, Tourism Economics 22, 655.664.
148. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and R. MUDIDA, 2017, CPI and inflation in Kenya. Structural breaks, nonlinearities and dependence, International Economics 150, 72-79.
149. GIL-ALANA, L.A., J. CUNADO and R. GUPTA, 2017, Evidence of persistence in US short and long term interest rats using long span monthly and annual data, Journal of Policy Modelling 39,775-789.
150. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and J. PAYNE, 2017, Long memory behaviour in US retail gasoline prices, Evidence of fractional integration, Energy Sources Part B 12, 1066-1073.
151. GIL-ALANA, L.A., G.M. CAPORALE and A. PLASTUM, 2017, Searching for inefficiencies in exchange rate dynamics, Computational Economics 49, 405-432.
152. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and J. FARIA, 2017, Obituary. Carlos Pestana Barros, Defence and Peace Economics 28, 3.
153. GIL-ALANA, L.A., H. CARCEL, F. PEREZ DE GRACIA and I. RODRIGUEZ, 2017, Are mergers and acquisitions in the petroleum industry in US affected by the price of WTI crude oil price, Energy Sources 12, 420-427.
154. GIL-ALANA, L.A., J. CUNADO and R. GUPTA, 2017, Persistence, mean reversion and nonlinearities in the infant mortality rates, Social Indicator Research 131, 393-405.
155. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and G.M. CAPORALE, 2017, Persistence and cycles in the US Federal Funds, International Review of Financial Analysis 51, 1-8.
156. GIL-ALANA, L.A., H. CARCEL, G. AYE and R. GUPTA, 2017, Does gold act as a hedge against inflation in the UK. Evidence from a fractional cointegration approach over 1257-2016, Resources Policy 54, 53-57.
157. GIL-ALANA, LA., H. CARCEL and G.M. CAPORALE, 2017, Central banks policy rates. Are they cointegrated, International Economics 152, 116-123.
158. GIL-ALANA, L.A., J. CUNADO and R. GUPTA, 2017, Persistence, mean reversion and nonlinearities in CO2 emissions. Evidence from the BRICS and G7 countries, Environment and Resources Economics 67, 869-883.
159. GIL-ALANA, L.A, H. CARCEL, D. KIBUNYI and S. NDIRITU, 2017, Real estate prices in Kenya. Is there a bubble?, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 32, 787-804.
160. GIL-ALANA, L.A., F. PEREZ DE GRACIA and M. MONGE, 2017, Crude oil price behaviour before and after military conflicts and geopolitical events, Energy 120, 79-91.
161. GIL-ALANA, 2017, Alternative modelling approaches for the ENSO time series. Persistence and seasonality, International Journal of Climatology 37, 2354-2363.
162. GIL-ALANA, L.A., O. YAYA and O. AWE, 2017, Time series analysis of commovements in the prices of gold and oil. A modified fractional cointegration approach, Resources Policy 53, 117-125.
163. GIL-ALANA, L.A., F. PEREZ DE GRACIA and M. MONGE, 2017, US shale oil production and WTI prices behaviour, Energy 141, 12-19.
164. GIL-ALANA, L.A., H. CARCEL and R. MUDIDA, 2017, Shocks affecting electricity prices in Kenya. A fractional integration study, Energy 124, 521.530.
165. GIL-ALANA, L.A, J. CUNADO and R. GUPTA, 2017, Evidence of persistence in US short and long term interest rates using long span monthly and annual data, Journal of Policy Modelling 39, 775-789.
166. GIL-ALANA, L.A., R. GUPTA and M. WOHAR, 2017, The efficiency of the art market. Evidence from variance ratio tests. Linear and nonlinear approaches, International Review of Economics and Finance 51, 283-294.
167. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and H. CARCEL, 2018, Inflation analysis in the Central America Monetary Council, Empirical Economics 54, 547-565.
168. GIL-ALANA, L.A., O. YAYA, O. SHITTU and R. GUPTA, 2018, Market efficiency of Baltic stock markets. A fractional integration approach, Physica A 511, 251-262.
169. GIL-ALANA, L.A., Y. LOVCHA and I. PEREZ-LABORDA, 2018, On the invertibility of seasonal series adjusted by TRAMO-SEATS, Computational Economics 33, 443.465.
170. GIL-ALANA, L.A., G.M. CAPORALE and A. PLASTUM, 2018, Short term price overreaction. Identification, testing and explotation, Computational Economics 51, 913-940.
171. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and P. HUIJBENS, 2018, Tourism in Iceland. Persistence, seasonality and long memory behaviour, Annals of Tourism Research 68, 20-29.
172. GIL-ALANA, L.A., G.M. CAPORALE, J. CUNADO and R. GUPTA, 2018, The relationship between healthcare expenditure and disposable personal income in the US states. A fractional integration and cointegration approach, Empirical Economics 55, 913-935.
173. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and S. SAKIRU, 2018, Have US environmental policies been effective in the reduction of US emissions? A new approach based on fractional integration, Atmospheric Pollution Research 9, 1, 53-60.
174. GIL-ALANA, L.A., R. GUPTA, C. ANDRE, M. BALCIBAR and T. CHANG, 2018, Current account sustainability in G7 and BRICS. Evidence from a long memory model with structural breaks, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 27.
175. GIL-ALANA, L.A., G.M. CAPORALE and K. FEI, 2018, Exchange rate linkages between the ASEAN currencies, the USD and the Chinese RMB, Research in International Business and Finance 44, 227-238.
176. GIL-ALANA, L.A., H. CARCEL and G.M. CAPORALE, 2018, The EMBI in Latin America. Fractional integration, nonlinearities and structural breaks, Finance Research Letters 24, 34-41.
177. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and J.C. CUESTAS, 2018, Oils shocks on unemployment in Central and Eastern Europe, Economic Systems 42, 164-173.
178. GIL-ALANA, L.A. Maximum and minimum temperatures in the US. Time trends and persistence,
Atmospheric Science Letters 9, 4.
179. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and S. SAKIRU, 2018, Stochastic convergence of renewable energy consumption in OECD countries. A fractional integration approach, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 17289-17299.
180. GIL-ALANA, L.A., G.M. CAPORALE and A. PLASTUM, 2018, Persistence in the cryptocurrency market, Research in International Business and Finance 46, 141-148.
181. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and J.E. PAYNE, 2018, Data measuring and the change in persistence in tourist arrivals in the US, Tourism Economics 24, 41-50.
182. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and M. SKARE, 2018, Testing the great decoupling. A long memory approach, Empirica 45, 801-820.
183. GIL-ALANA, L.A., A. PLASTUM and G.M. CAPORALE, 2018, Is market persistent? A long memory analysis, Finance Research Letters 27, 140-147.
184. GIL-ALANA, L.A., R. GUPTA, G. AYE and C. CHRISTOUR, 2019, Forecasting the probability
of recession in South Africa. The role of decomposition and term spread and economic policy uncertainty, Journal of International Development 31, 101-116.
185. GIL-ALANA, L.A., A. TAMEL and Z. OZDEMIR, 2019, Long memory in Turkish unemployment rates, Emerging Market Finance and Trade 55, 1.
GIL-ALANA, L.A. and M. MONGE, 2019, Automobile components. Lithium and cobalt. Evidence of persistence, Energy 169, 489-495.
GIL-ALANA, L.A. and O. YAYA, 2018, Under 5 mortality rates in G7 countries. Analysis of
fractional persistence, structural breaks and nonlinear time trends, European Journal of
Population, forthcoming.
186. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and H. CARCEL, 2019, A fractional cointegration VAR of exchange rates, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, forthcoming.
187. GIL-ALANA, L.A., O. YAYA and F. FAGHBAMIGHE, 2019, Time series analysis of quarterly
rainfall and temperatures in Sub-Saharan African countries with implications for global warming, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, forthcoming.
188. GIL-ALANA, L.A., J. CUESTAS and L SAUCI, 2017, Public finances in Europe. Are they sustainable, Empirica, forthcoming.
189. GIL-ALANA, L.A., J. CUNADO and R. GUPTA, 2019, Persistence in time series and cycles of gold and silver prices. Evidence from historical data, Physica A, forthcoming.
190. GIL-ALANA, L.A., G. CANARELA, R. GUPTA and S. MILLER, 2019, Modelling US historical time series prices and inflation using various linear and nonlinear long memory models, Empirical Economics, forthcoming.
191. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and T. TRANI, 2019, Time trends and persistence in the global CO2 emissions across Europe, Environmental and Resource Economics, forthcoming.
192. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and T. TRANI, 2019, The evolution of the credit to GPD ratio. An empirical analysis, International Review of Finance, forthcoming.
193. GIL-ALANA, L.A. and M. MONGE, 2019, Lithium industry in the behavior of M&A in the oil and gas industry, Energy Sources Part B, forthcoming.
194. GIL-ALANA, L.A., 2019, UK oversea visitors. Seasonality and persistence, Tourism Economics, forthcoming.

195. Millán, A., J.M. Millán, L. Caçador-Rodrigues (2020). Disclosing ‘masked employees’ in Europe: job control, job demands and job outcomes of ‘dependent self-employed workers’. Small Business Economics 55(2), 461–474. doi: 10.1007/s11187-019-00245-7. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2019: 4.803 (#17/#371, D1 Economics)

196. Lyalkov, S., M. Carmona, E. Congregado, A. Millán, J.M. Millán (2020). Trademarks and their association with Kirznerian entrepreneurs. Industry and Innovation 27(1–2), 155–183. doi: 10.1080/13662716.2019.1586523. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2019: 3.351 (#48/#371, Q1 Economics)

197. Millán, J.M., S. Lyalkov, A. Burke, A. Millán, A. van Stel (2019). ‘Digital divide’ among European entrepreneurs: Which types benefit most from ICT implementation? Journal of Business Research (online first). doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.10.034. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2019: 4.874 (#29/#152, Q1 Business)

198. Burke, A., S. Lyalkov, A. Millán, J.M. Millán, A. van Stel (2019). How do country R&D change the allocation of self-employment across different types?. Small Business Economics (online first). doi: 10.1007/s11187-019-00196-z. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2019: 4.803 (#17/#371, D1 Economics)

199. Van Stel, A., S. Lyalkov, A. Millán, J.M. Millán (2019). The moderating role of IPR on the relationship between country-level R&D and individual-level entrepreneurial performance. Journal of Technology Transfer 44(5), 1427–1450. doi: 10.1007/s10961-019-09731-2. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2019: 4.147 (#50/#226, Q1 Management)

200. Burke, A., J.M. Millán, C. Román, A. van Stel (2018). Exploring the impact of different types of prior entrepreneurial experience on employer firm performance. Journal of Business Research 90, 107–122. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.05.004. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2018: 4.028 (#30/#147, Q1 Business)

201. Block, J., J.M. Millán, C. Román, H. Zhou (2015). Job satisfaction and wages of family employees. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39(2), 183–207. doi: 10.1111/etap.12035. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2015: 3.144 (#14/#120, Q1 Business)

202. Vides, J. C., Golpe, A. A., & Iglesias, J. (2020) “The EHTS and the persistence in the spread reconsidered. A fractional cointegration approach”. International Review of Economics & Finance. (forthcoming) (JCR social science, 2018, impact factor 1.432

203. Caro, J. M. B., Golpe, A. A., Iglesias, J., & Vides, J. C. (2020) “A new way of measuring the WTI–Brent spread. Globalization, shock persistence and common trends.” Energy Economics, 85, 104546 (JCR social science, 2018, impact factor 4.151)

204. Cheratian, I., Golpe, A., Goltabar, S., & Iglesias, J. (2020) “The unemploymententrepreneurship nexus: new evidence from 30 Iranian provinces” International Journal of Emerging Markets, 85(3) (JCR social science, 2018, impact factor 2.067)

205. Congregado, E., Gałecka-Burdziak, E., Golpe, A., & Pater, R. (2020) “Asymmetry and Non-linearity in Discouraged and Added Worker Effects.” Eastern European Economics, 1-21. (JCR social science, 2018, impact factor 1.080)

206. Vides, J. C., Golpe, A. A., & Iglesias, J. (2020) “The Role of Eonia in the Dynamics of Short-Term Interbank Rates”. Panoeconomicus, 1-20. (JCR social science, 2018, impact factor 0.594)

207. Congregado, E., Golpe, A. A., & Esteve, V. (2019) “On the Substitutability between Paid-employment and Self-employment: Evidence from the Period 1969–2014 in the United States.” Sustainability, 11(2), 507. (JCR social science, 2018, impact
factor 2.592)

208. Iglesias, J., Gegundez, M. E., Golpe, A. A., & Vides, J. C. (2018) “How do foreign income shocks affect the magnitude of Spanish tourism?.” Tourism Economics, 24(7), 839-871. (JCR social science, 2018, impact factor 1.098)

209. Vides, J. C., Golpe, A. A., & Iglesias, J. (2018) “How did the Sovereign debt crisis affect the Euro financial integration? A fractional cointegration approach.” Empirica, 45(4), 685-706. (JCR social science, 2018, impact factor 0.836)

210. Carmona, M., Feria-Gallardo, J., Golpe. A., & Iglesias, J. (2017) “Energy
consumption in the US reconsidered. Evidence across sources and economic sectors” Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 77, 1055-1068. (JCR Science, 2016, impact factor 8.050)

211. Mérida, A. L., Carmona, M., Congregado, E., & Golpe, A. A. (2016) “Exploring the regional distribution of tourism and the extent to which there is convergence.” Tourism Management, 57, 225-233. (JCR social science, 2016, impact factor 4.707)

212. Robalino-López, A., García-Ramos, J. E., Golpe, A. A., & Mena-Nieto, A. (2016) “CO2 emissions convergence among 10 South American countries. A study of Kaya components (1980–2010).” Carbon Management, 7(1-2), 1-12. (JCR Science, 2016, impact factor 1.661)

213. Congregado, E., Feria-Gallardo, J., Golpe, A. et al. (2016) “The environmental Kuznets curve and CO2 emissions in the USA. Is the relationship between GDP and CO2 emissions time varying? Evidence across economic sectors” Environmental Science Pollution Research, 23(18), 18407-18420. (JCR Science, 2016, impact factor 2.741)

214. Carmona, M., Congregado, E., Golpe, A., Iglesias, J. (2016) ” Self-employment and business cycles: searching for asymmetries in a panel of 23 OECD countries”Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(6), 1155-1171 (JCR social science, 2016 impact factor 0.968)

215. Mérida, A., Golpe, A. (2016) “Tourism led-growth revisited for Spain: Causality, Business Cycles and structural breaks” International Journal of tourism research, 18(1), 39-51 (JCR social science, 2016 impact factor 1.857)

216. Carree, M., Congregado, E., Golpe, A., Van Stel, A. (2015) “Self-employment and job generation in Metropolitan Areas, 1969-2009” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 27(3), 181-201 (JCR social science, 2015, impact factor 1.629)

217. Robalino, A., Mena, A. , García-Ramos, J.E. y Golpe, A. (2015) “Studying the relationship between economic growth, CO2 emissions, and the environmental Kuznets curve in Venezuela (1980-2025)” Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 41, 602-614. (JCR social science, 2015, impact factor 6.798)

218. Carmona, M., Congregado, E., Golpe, A., & Iglesias, J. (2015) “How sensitive is the business ownership rate to unemployment fluctuations? Evidence of asymmetries in a panel of 23 OECD countries.” Revista de economía mundial, (41), 81-101. (JCR social science, 2015, impact factor 0.161)

Autores: Sheehan, Lorn; Vargas-Sanchez, Alfonso; Presenza, Angelo; Abbate, Tindara. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH. Volumen: 18, Páginas: 549-
557, Año de publicación: 2016.
WORLDWIDE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM THEMES, Volumen: 10, Número: 6, Páginas: 652-661, Año de publicación: 2018.
Autores: Vargas-Sanchez, Alfonso; Moral-Moral, Maria.
TOURISM REVIEW, Volumen: 74, Número: 3, Páginas: 385-399, Año de publicación: 2019.

222. Autores (p.o. de firma): S. López, A.A. Márquez, F.A. Márquez, A.Peregrín Título: Evolutionary Design of Linguistic Fuzzy Regression Systems with Adaptive Defuzzification in Big Data Environments
Revista: Cognitive Computation (ISSN: 1866-9956), Volumen 11, Issuel 3, Páginas 388-399. Fecha: 2019
223. Autores (p.o. de firma): A.A. Márquez F.A. Márquez, A.M. Roldán, A. Peregrin.
Título: A view of High Dimensional, Large-Scale and Big Data Fuzzy Rule based.Regression and Control Systems. Publicación: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). Rio de Janeiro (Brasil).
Fecha: 2018
224. Autores (p.o. de firma): A.A. Márquez, F.A. Márquez, A. Peregrin
Título: A Scalable Evolutionary Linguistic Fuzzy System with Adaptive Defuzzification in Big Data. Publicación: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE): 1- 6. Napoles (Italia). Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-6034-4 ISSN: 1558-4739. Fecha: 2017
225. Autores: M.A. Rodriguez-Román, A. Peregrín, A. García, F. Herrera
Título de la aportación: A Review of Distributed Data Models for Learning Publicación: XII International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems. Fecha: 2017

226. Borra, C., Pons-Pons, J. & Vilar-Rodríguez, M. (2019).”Austerity, health care provision, and health outcomes in Spain,” Eur J HealthEcon

227. Borra, C. and Sevilla, A. (2019), Competition for University Places and Parental TimeInvestments: Evidence from the United Kingdom. EconomicInquiry, 57: 1460-1479.

228. Borra, C. Gonzalez, L. and Sevilla, A. (2019). “The Impact of Scheduling Birth Early on Infant Health.” Journal of the European Economic Association(17)1, 30–78

229. Amuedo-Dorantes C. and C.Borra. 2018. “Emerging wealth disparities after the storm: Evidence from Spain”. Review of Economics of the Household, 16:1119–1149.

230. Amuedo-Dorantes C.and C.Borra. 2017. “Retirement Decisions in Recessionary Times: Evidence from Spain.” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 17(2): 1-21.

231. Borra, C. Gonzalez, L. y Sevilla, A., 2016. “Birth Timing and Neonatal Health” American Economic Review P&P, 106(5):329-32.

232. Borra, Cristina, y Francisco Gomez Garcia. 2016.“Wellbeingat Work and the Great Recession: The Effect of Others’ Unemployment”. Journal of Happiness Studies17 (5): 1939-1962.

233. Borra, C., Iacovou, M. y Sevilla, A., 2015. “New evidence on breastfeeding and postpartum depression”. Maternal and Child Health Journal.19:897–907.

234. Carmona, M., Congregado, E., Feria, J., Iglesias, J. (2017) ” The energy growth reconsidered: persitence and causality” Renewable and sustainable energy review, 71(5), 342-347 (JCR Science, 2017 impact factor 8.050)

235. E.G. Cojocaru, J.M. Bravo, M.J.  Vasallo, D. Marin. 2019. A binary-regularization-based model predictive controlapplied to generation scheduling in concentratingsolar power plants, OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS, in-press. (FI JCR: 1.452; Q2).

236. Emilian Gelu Cojocaru, José Manuel Bravo, Manuel Jesús Vasallo, Diego Marín Santos. 2019. Optimal scheduling in concentrating solar power plants oriented to low generation cycling. Renewable Energy, 135: 789-799. (FI JCR 5.439; Q1)

237. Marín-Santos, Diego; Gegúndez-Arias, Manuel Emilio, Ponte-Zuñiga, Beatriz; Alvarez-Gil, Maria Fatima; Garrido, Javier; Ortega, Carlos; Vasallo-Vázquez, Manuel Jesús; Bravo-Caro, José Manuel (2/4 en el equipo técnico, 7/8 contando con el equipo médico). 2018. An exudate detection method for diagnosis risk of diabetic macular edema in retinal images using feature-based and supervised classification. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 56(8): 1379-1390. (FI JCR: 2.039; Q2).

238. Manuel Jesús Vasallo, José Manuel Bravo, Emilian Gelu Cojocaru, Manuel Emilio Gegúndez. 2017. Calculating the profits of an economic MPC applied to CSP plants with thermal storage system. Solar Energy, 155: 1165-1177. (FI JCR: 4.374; Q1)

239. Bravo, J.M., Alamo, T., Vasallo, M., Gegundez, M.E. 2017. A General Framework for Predictors Based on Bounding Techniques and Local Approximation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 62(7): 3430-3435. (FI JCR: 5.007; Q1)

240. Vasallo-Vázquez, Manuel Jesús; Bravo-Caro, José Manuel. 2016. A MPC approach for optimal generation scheduling in CSP plants. Applied Energy. 165: 357-370. (FI JCR: 7.182; Q1)

241. Vasallo-Vázquez, Manuel Jesús; Bravo-Caro, José Manuel. 2016. A novel two-model based approach for optimal scheduling in CSP plants. Solar Energy. 126: 73-92. (FI JCR 4.018, Q1).

242. Bravo-Caro, José Manuel; Suarez-Fabrega, Antonio J.; Vasallo-Vázquez, Manuel Jesús; Alamo-Cantarero, Teodoro. 2016. Slide Window Bounded-Error Time-Varying Systems Identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 61(8): 2282-2287. (FI JCR 4.27, Q1). 

243. Fernando Aparicio, María Luz Morales-Botello, Margarita Rubio, Asunción Hernando, Rafael Muñoz, Hugo López-Fernández, Daniel Glez-Peña, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Manuel de la Villa, Manuel Maña, Diego Gachet y Manuel de Buenaga. Perceptions of the use of intelligent information access systems in university level active learning activities among teachers of biomedical subject. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 112, pp: 21–33. (ISSN: 1386-5056). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.12.016 (Open access) Año: 2018
IF en JCR: 2,731 Computer Science, Information Systems (57 / 155) (Q2)

244. GONZÁLEZ, P. “On the design of equity-oriented pharmaceutical copayments”. SERIEs-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, de próxima aparición. ISI JCR Economics Q3.

245. GONZÁLEZ, P. “The Enforcement of Mandatory Disclosure Rules” (con Matthias Dahm y Nicolás Porteiro). Journal of Public Economics, 167: 21-32, 2018. ISI JCR Economics Q1, [87/353 en 2017,

246. GONZÁLEZ, P. “Risk Attitudes in Medical Decisions for Others: An Experimental Approach” (con Alejandro Arrieta, Ariadna García Prado y José Luis Pinto-Prades). Health Economics 26 (S3): 97-113, 2017. ISI JCR Economics Q1, [60/353].

247. GONZÁLEZ, P. “Private versus Social Incentives for Pharmaceutical Innovation” (con Inés Macho-Stadler y David Pérez Castrillo). Journal of Health Economics 50: 286–297, 2016. ISI JCR Economics Q1, [49/347].1 

248. Bartoll, X.; Ramos, R.(2/2). 2020. Quality of work, economic crisis, and temporary employment 911660 – International Journal of Manpower. Emerald. 41-1, pp.37-51. ISSN 0143-7720
249. Murillo-Huertas, I. P.; Ramos, R.; Simon, H.(3/2). 2020. Revisiting interregional wage differentials: New evidence from Spain with matched employer-employee
data 911999 – Journal of Regional Science. Wiley. 60-2, pp.296-347. ISSN 0022-4146.
250. Royuela, V.; Veneri, P.; Ramos, R.(3/3). 2019. The short-run relationship between inequality and growth: Evidence from OECD regions during the great recession 912377 – Regional Studies. Routledge. 53-4, pp.574-586. ISSN 0034-3404.
251. Bartoll, X.; Gil, J.; Ramos, R.(3/3). 2019. Temporary employment, work stress and mental health before and after the Spanish economic recession 903554 – International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. Springer Verlag. 92-7, pp.1047-1059. ISSN 0340-0131.
252. Ramos, R.(1/1). 2019. Migration aspirations among youth in the Middle East and North Africa region 914169 – Journal Of Geographical Systems. Springer Verlag. 21-4, pp.487-507. ISSN 1435-5930.
253. Matano, A.; Ramos, R.(2/2). 2018. Remittances and Educational Outcomes: A Regional Investigation for Moldova 911094 – Annals of Regional Science. Springer Verlag. 60-3, pp.451-471. ISSN 0570-1864.
254. Claeys, P.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J.(3/2). 2017. Interaction of government tiers and central banks in a federation: an empirical test 912724 – Fiscal Studies. Wiley. 38-2, pp.301-330. ISSN 0143-5671.
255. Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J.(2/1). 2017. A gravity model of migration between ENC and EU 912559 – Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. Wiley. 108-1, pp.21-35. ISSN 0040-747X.
256. Nieto, S.; Ramos, R.(2/2). 2017. Overeducation, skills and wage penalty: Evidence for Spain using PIAAC data 912463 – Social Indicators Research. Springer Verlag. 134-1, pp.219-236. ISSN 0303-8300.
257. Simón, H.; Sanroma, E.; Ramos, R.(3/3). 2017. Full- and part-time wage differences in Spain: An analysis along the wage distribution 911660 – International Journal of Manpower. Emerald. 38-3, pp.449-469. ISSN 0143-7720.
258. Murillo-Huertas, I.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H.(3/2). 2017. Regional differences in the gender wage gap in Spain 912463 – Social Indicators Research. Springer Verlag. 134-3, pp.981-1008. ISSN 0303-8300.
259. Carabotta, L.; Paluzie, E.; Ramos, R.(3/3). 2017. Does fiscal responsibility matter? Evidence from public and private forecasters in Italy 911652 – International Journal of Forecasting. Elsevier B.V.. 33-3, pp.694-706. ISSN 0169-2070.
260. Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E.; Simón, H.(3/1). 2016. The part-time wage penalty: Does bargaining coverage outweigh regional differences in Spain 917218 – Economic and Labour Relations Review. SAGE Publications. 27-3, pp.368-386. ISSN 1035-3046

261. TORRES, J.L. Teaching Dynamic General Equilibrium models to undergraduates using a spreadsheet (with A. Bongers and T. Gómez). International Review of Economic Educations, 2020 (forthcoming). 

262. TORRES, J.L. Revisiting the Battle of Midway: A counterfactual analysis (con A. Bongers). Military Operation Research, 25(2), 49-68, 2020.

263. TORRES, J.L. Factores determinantes del crecimiento económico: Una panorámica global (con A. Bongers). Papeles de Economía Española, 164, 15-40, 2020. 

264. TORRES, J.L. Economía colaborativa y regulación: un análisis prospectivo (con J.M. Ordóñez). Cuadernos Económicos del ICE, 97, 75-100, 2019.

265. TORRES, J.L. A bottleneck combat model: An application to the Battle of Thermopylae (con A. Bongers). Operational Research, 2019.

266. TORRES, J.L. Technological sources of economic growth in Europe and the U.S. (con Benedetto Molinari). Technological and Economic Development of Economy, vol. 24(3), 1148-1169, 2018.

267. TORRES, J.L. Una aproximación alternativa a la enseñanza de la Macroeconomía: La Macroeconomía Computacional (con Anelí Bongers y Trinidad Gómez). e-Pública, Revista electrónica sobre la enseñanza de la Economía Pública, vol. 21, 1-20, 2017.

268. TORRES, J.L. Fiscal Discipline and Defaults (con G. F-de-Córdoba y Pau Pujolás). Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 24, 1-13, 2017.

269. TORRES, J.L. National Security, Military Spending, and the Business Cycle (con Gonzalo F-de-Córdoba). Defence and Peace Economics, vol. 27(4), 549-570, 2016.

270. PLAZA, M.A. Y PORRAS, N. The Jungle of Support: What Do We Really Mean When We Say “Residents’ Support”? Sustainability, 
Año: 2020, Volumen: 12, 7795; doi:10.3390/su12187795

271. BURGUET, R. Coalitional Bargaining with Consistent Counterfactuals (with R.Caminal), Journal of Economic Theory, 187 (2020) 

272. BURGUET, R. Personalized Pricing and Uncertainty in Monopsony (with J. Sákovics), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 67 (2019) 

273. BURGUET, R. Bidding for Talent in Sports (with J. Sákovics), Economic Inquiry, 57(1), (2019), pp. 85–102 

274. BURGUET, R. Bertrand and the Long Run (with J. Sákovics), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 51, (2017), pp. 39–55 

275. BURGUET, R. Procurement Design with Corruption, American Economic Journal; Microeconomics, 9(2), (2017) pp. 315–41 

276. BURGUET, R. Competitive Foreclosure (with J. Sákovics), RAND Journal of Economics, 48(4), (2017) pp. 906–926 

277. BURGUET, R. Bargaining Failures and Merger Policy (with R. Caminal), International Economic Review, 56 (3), (2015) pp. 1019–1041. 

278. BURGUET, R. In Google We Trust, (with R. Caminal and M. Ellman), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 39 (2015) pp. 44–55. 

279. Banerjee, A.; Carrion-i-Silvestre, J. L. (2017). Testing for panel cointegration using common correlated effects estimators. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 38(4), pp. 610 – 636 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0143-9782
280. Carrion-i-Silvestre, J.L.; Gadea, M.D. (2016). Bounds, breaks and unit root tests. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 37(2), pp. 165 – 181 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0143-9782
281. Carrion-i-Silvestre, J. L. (2016). Fiscal Deficit Sustainability of the Spanish Regions. Regional Studies, 50(10), pp. 1702 – 1713 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0034-3404
282. Banerjee, A.; Carrion-i-Silvestre, J. L. (2015). Cointegration in panel data with structural breaks and cross-section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(1), pp. 1 – 23 . GAUSS code . ISSN: 0883-7252

283. Tracking progress towards accessible, green and efficient energy: The Inclusive Green Energy indexC Herrero, J Pineda, A Villar, E Zambrano; Applied Energy 279, 115691

284. Herrero, Carmen, and Antonio Villar. “A synthetic indicator on the impact of COVID-19 on the community’s health.” Plos one15.9 (2020): e0238970.

285. Gorjón, Lucía, Sara Rica, and Antonio Villar. “The Cost of Unemployment from a Social Welfare Approach: The Case of Spain and Its Regions.” Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement (2020): 1-22.

286. Herrero, Carmen, Ricardo Martínez, and Antonio Villar. “Population structure and the human development index.” Social Indicators Research 141.2 (2019): 731-763.

287. Porteiro, Nicolás, and Antonio Villar. “Appointing high-court judges by political parties.” SERIEs 6.1 (2015): 91-99.

288. Penélope Hernández; Aurora García-Gallego; Amalia Rodrigo
Título: Efficient coordination in the lab Revista: 915943 – Journal Of Economic Interaction And Coordination Volumen: 14 Número: 1 Páginas, inicial: 175 final: 201 Año: 2019 

289. Penélope Hernández; Guillém Martinez; Manuel Muñoz-Herrera; Angel. Sánchez
Título: Equilibrium characterization of networks under conflicting preferences. Economics Letters; Páginas, inicial: 154 final: 156 Año: 2017 

290. Gabriel Esposito; Penélope Hernández; René van Bavel; José Vila
Título: Nudging to prevent the purchase of incompatible digital products online: An experimental study. Plos One; Volumen: 12 Número: 3 Páginas, inicial: — final: — Año: 2017 
291. Penelope Hernandez; Josep Peris; Jose Angel Silva-Reus
Título: Strategic sharing of a costly network; Journal of Mathematical Economics. Volumen: 66 Número: — Páginas, inicial: 72 final: 82 Año: 2016 
292. J.Benito-Ostolaza, P. Hernandez, D. Palacios, J. Vila
Título: Modelling local social migration: a cellular automata approach
Revista: 904423 – Cybernetics and Systems; Páginas, inicial: 287 final: 302 Año: 2015

293. Giaccherini, M.; Ponti, G. Preference Based Subjective Beliefs 
Revistas: Games, 2018, 9, Páginas: 1 – 12 
294. Rodriguez-Lara, I.; Ponti, G. (2017). Social Motives vs Social Influence: an Experiment on Interdependent Time Preferences 
295. Iturbe-Ormaetxe, I.; Ponti, G.; Tomás, J. Myopic Loss Aversion under Ambiguity and Gender Effects, PLoS One, 2016.  
296. Ponti, G.; Rodriguez-Lara, I. Social preferences and cognitive reflection: evidence from a dictator game experiment, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2015, 9, 1 – 8 

297. Mañez, J. A. y Love, J. H. 2020. Quantifying sunk costs and learning effects in R&D persistence. Research Policy, 49(7), 104004.
298. Mañez J. A. y Vicente, O. 2020. Exports of manufacturing firms and financial constraints,Business Research Quarterly, 1-38, 
299. Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2020. “The effects of export and R&D strategies on firms’ markups in downtourns: the Spanish case”, Journal of Small Business Management, 
300. Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2020. “Foreign sourcing and exporting”, World Economy. 
301. Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina y J.A. Sanchis. 2020. “Trading activities, productivity and markups: evidence for Spanish manufacturing”, World Economy.
302. Love, J. H. y Máñez, J. A. (2019). Persistence in exporting: Cumulative and punctuated learning effects. International Business Review, 28(1), 74-89.
303. Añón, D., Máñez, J.A., M.E. Rochina, A. Sanchis y J.A. Sanchis. 2018. “The impact of the Great Recession on TFP convergence among EU countries”, Applied Economic Letters, 25-6, pp.393-396.
304. Máñez, J. A., Perez-Lopez, G., Prior, D., y Zafra-Gómez, J. L., 2016, Understanding the Dynamic Effect of Contracting Out on the Delivery of Local Public Services. Regional Studies, 50(12), 2069-2080. 
305. Manjón, M., y Mañez, J. A., 2016, Production function estimation in Stata using the Ackerberg–Caves–Frazer method. Stata Journal, 16(4), 1046-1059.
306. Mañez, J. A., Moner Colonques, R., Sempere-Monerris, J. J., & Urbano, A., 2016. Brand price differentials in retail distribution: product quality and service quality. Applied Economics, 48(59), 5749-5760.
307. Máñez, J A., M E. Rochina, A. Sanchis y J.A. Sanchis, 2015, The determinants of R&D persistence in R&D, Small Business Economics, 44(3), 505-528.
308. Añón D., M. Manjón, J.A. Máñez y J.A. Sanchis. 2015. Does R&D protect SMEs from the hardness of the cycle? Evidence from Spanish SMEs (1990-2009). International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11, 361-376.
309. J.A. Rodríguez Moreno, M.E. Rochina Barrachina (2019) ICT Use, Investments in R&D and Workers’ Training, Firms’ Productivity and Markups: The Case of Ecuadorian Manufacturing. European Journal of Development Research, 31(4) 1063-1106

310. Lyalkov, S., Carmona, M., Congregado, E., Millán, A. & J.M. Millán (2020): “Trademarks and their association with Kirznerian entrepreneurs”, Industry and Innovation, 27:1-2, 155-183. DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2019.1586523. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2018: 3.157 (#46/#363, Q1 Economics). 

311. Justo, R., E. Congregado, C. Román. (2019): “Becoming self-employed from inactivity: an in-depth analysis of satisfaction”, Small Business Economics, 1-43. doi: Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2018: 3.355 (#38/#363, Q1 Economics). 

312. Carmona, M., Congregado, E., Feria, J., Iglesias, J. (2017): “The energy-growth nexus reconsidered: Persistence and causality”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 71, 342-347, Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2018: 10.556 (#1/#35, D1 Green and Sustainable Science).

313. Congregado, E., Feria-Gallardo, J., Golpe, A.A. et al. (2016): “The environmental Kuznets curve and CO2 emissions in the USA”. Environmental Science Pollution Research 23, 18407–18420. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2016: 2.741 (#79/#229, Q2 Environmental Sciences). 

314. Carmona, M., Congregado, E., Golpe, A., Iglesias, J. (2016): “Self-employment and business cycles: searching for asymmetries in a panel of 23 OECD countries” Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17, 6, 1155-1171. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2016: 0.968 (#166/#347, Q2 Economics). 

315. Mérida, A.L., Carmona, M., Congregado, E. & Golpe A.A. (2016): “Exploring the regional distribution of tourism and the extent to which there is convergence”. Tourism Management, 57, 225-333. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2016: 4.707 (#15/#194, D1 Business). 

316. Congregado, E., J. Iglesias, J.M. Millán, C. Román (2016): “Incidence, effects, dynamics and routes out of overqualification in Europe: A comprehensive analysis distinguishing by employment status”. Applied Economics 48(5), 411–445. doi: 10.1080/00036846.2015.1083080. Journal Impact Factor (WoS-JCR) 2016: 0.648 (#233/#346, Q3 Economics). 

317. Pérez-Borrero, I., Marín-Santos, D., Gegúndez-Arias, M. E., & Cortés-Ancos, E. (2020). A fast and accurate deep learning method for strawberry instance segmentation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 178, 105736.

318. Marin, D., Gegundez-Arias, M. E., Ponte, B., Alvarez, F., Garrido, J., Ortega, C., … & Bravo, J. M. (2018). An exudate detection method for diagnosis risk of diabetic macular edema in retinal images using feature-based and supervised classification. Medical & biological engineering & computing, 56(8), 1379-1390.