Physics of Complex Liquids


University of Huelva

Department of Applied Physics

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  1. Critical behavior of the square-well fluid with l=2: A finite-size-scaling study, E. de Miguel, Physical Review E 55, 1347-1354 (1997).

  2. Computer simulation study of the free surfaces of a liquid crystal model, E. Martín del Río and E. de Miguel, Physical Review E, 55, 2916-2924 (1997).

  3. Phase equilibria of model ternary mixtures: Theory and computer simulation, E. Martín del Río y E. de Miguel, Journal of Chemical Physics 107, 6366-6378 (1997).

  4. Thermodynamic behavior of homonuclear and heteronuclear Lennard-Jones chains with associating sites from simulation and theory, F. J. Blas and L. F. Vega, Molecular Physics 92, 135-150 (1997).