GEM Network > Research
Sábado 28 de Septiembre de 2024
Nonperturbative QCD 2014

fisum CPAN

 List of speakers

Name Institution Talk
-List of speakers -
Arlene C. Aguilar U. Campinas,
Sao Paulo.
The longitudinal form factors of
the quark-gluon vertex in
arbitrary kinematics
Adnan Bashir U. Michoacana,
Symmetries of QCD and Hadron Physics
Daniele Binosi E.C.T., Trento Beyond Rainbow-ladder
William Brooks U.T. Federico Santa Maria; Chile Experimental Studies of Color Propagation
Nabil Chouika C.E.A. (Saclay,
Extending the GPD from DGLAP
region to ERBL
Susana Coito IMP (Lanzhou, China);
Jan Kochanowski U., (Kielce, Poland)
Mesonic resonances with charm and beauty
David Dudal KU Leuven Chasing the Veneziano ghost
in linear covariant gauges
Gernot Eichmann U. Giessen From QCD's n-point functions to nucleon resonances
B. El-Bennich U. Cruzeiro do Sul
Excited baryons and mesons
A. M. Ferreira U. Campinas,
Sao Paulo.
A closer look at the
1+G function
Tobias Frederico I.T.A., Sao Paulo. Bound state structure in
Minkowski space:
Bethe-Salpeter approach
Ralf Gothe U. South Carolina The Dressed Quark versus
Bare Quark Structure of
Baryons and nonperturbative QCD
Cynthia Keppel Jefferson Lab.,
Exploring Meson And Nucleon
Structure With Tagged
Structure Functions
Ayse Kizilerzu Adelaide U. Nonperturbative Interactions of Quarks and Gluons
Simonetta Liuti Virginia U. Parton Angular Momentum and
Generalized Transverse
Momentum Distributions
in Nucleons and Nuclei
Felipe Llanes-Estrada U. Complutense,
New strong interactions
and unitarity at the LHC:
EFT and dispersive treatment
Cédric Mezrag A.N.L., Chicago Nucleon distribution amplitude from a diquark-quark approach
Viktor Mokeev Jefferson Lab.,
New results from CLAS on the N* spectrum and structure
Herve Moutarde C.E.A. (Saclay,
The PARTONS framework:
features and performances
Barbara Pasquini U. Pavia The 3-D nucleon structure
J. Papavassiliou U. Valencia Unified description of seagull cancellations and infrared
finiteness of gluon propagators
Jan Pawlowski U. Heidelberg
Exploring the phase structure and dynamics of QCD
J.R. Pelaez U. Complutense,
The extraordinary case of the
lightest strange resonance
Toni Pich IFIC (Valencia) The SM prediction for
Si-Xue Qin A.N.L., Chicago Progress on Dyson-Schwinger
study of hadron properties
Képhani Raya U. Michoacana,
Gamma-gamma transition form factors of pseudoscalar mesons
Hugo Reinhardt U. Tuebingen Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge zero and finite temperature
C.D. Roberts A.N.L., Chicago Perspective on Charting the
Origin of hadron Masses
J. Rodriguez-Quintero U. Huelva GPDs from Light-Front Wave
E. Ruiz-Arriola U. Granada Non-Peturbative Aspects of QCD below and above the Phase
Jorge Segovia Munchen Tech. U. Threshold effects in P-wave
charmed-strange and
bottom-strange mesons
Daria Sokham U. Glasgow TBA

 Scientific program