
Carree, M., Congregado, E., Golpe, A., Van Stel, A. (2015) “Self-employment and job generation in Metropolitan Areas, 1969-2009″ Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Forthcoming (JCR social science, 2013 impact factor 1.00)

Carmona, M., Congregado, E., Golpe, A., Iglesias, J. (2014) ” Self-employment and business cycles: searching for asymmetries in a panel of 23 OECD countries” Journal of Business Economics and Management, Forthcoming (JCR social science, 2013 impact factor 0.81)

Congregado, E., Golpe, A., Van Stel, A. (2014). “The role of scale economies in determining firm size in modern economies,” The Annals of Regional Science, Springer, vol. 52(2), pages 431-455, March.(JCR social science, 2013 impact factor 0.74)

Millán, J.M, Congregado, E., Román, C. (2014): “Persistence in entrepreneurship and its implications for the European entrepreneurial promotion policy“. Journal of Policy Modeling, 36(1), 83-106. Elsevier. (JCR social science, 2013 impact factor 1.04)

Congregado, E., Millán, J.M, Román, C. (2014): “The emergence of new entrepreneurs in Europe“. International Economics, 28-48. Elsevier.

Millán, J.M, Congregado, E., Román, C. (2014): “Entrepreneurship persistence with and without personnel: the role of human capital and previous unemployment“. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal , 10(1), 187-206

Millán, J.M, Congregado, E., Román, C., Van Praag, M. and Van Stel, A. (2013): “The value of an educated population for an individual`s entrepreneurship success“, Journal of Business Venturing (In press) (JCR social science, 2013 impact factor 2.149)

Congregado, E and Carmona, M. (2013): “La promoción del autoempleo como estrategia para combater el desempleo en las regiones españolas“. Papeles de Economía Española, 138, 147-159

Román, C., Congregado, E. and Millán, J.M. (2013): “Start-up incentives: Entrepreneurship policy or active labour market programme? “.Journal of Business Venturing, vol. 28 (1), pp. 151-175,Elsevier. (JCR social science, 2011 impact factor 2.149)

Carmona, M., Congregado, E. and Golpe, A.A. (2012): “Comovement Between Self-employment and Macroeconomic Variables: Evidence from Spain“. SAGE Open, 1-7. May 2012.

Parker,S.C., Congregado, E. and Golpe, A.A. (2012): “Is entrepreneurship a leading or lagging indicator of the business cycle? Evidence from UK self-employment data“. International Small Business Journal, November 2012, vol 30, No.7 736-753 . (JCR social science, 2011 impact factor 0.927).

Congregado, E., Golpe, A.A, Parker, S.C. (2012): “The dynamics of entrepreneurship: hysteresiss, business cycles and government policy”. Empirical Economics, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 1239-1261. (JCR social science 2010 impact factor 0.714). Springer.

Parker, S.C., Congregado, E., Golpe, A.A (2012): “Testing for hysteresis in entrepreneurship in 23 OECD countries”. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 61-66 (JCR social science 2010 impact factor 0.245)

Congregado, E. Golpe, A.A., and van Stel, A (2012): “The ‘recession-push’ hypothesis reconsidered”. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, (doi:10.1007/s11365-011-0176-1). Springer. (JCR social science 2012 impact factor 5.053)

Congregado, E. Carmona, M. and Golpe A.A. (2012): Self-employment and Job creation in the EU-12″. Revista de Economía Mundial, 30, pp.133-155. (JCR social science 2011 impact factor 0.300)

Millán, J.M., Congregado, E. and C. Román (2012): “Determinants of Self-employment survival in Europe”. Small Business Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 231-258 (JCR social science 2010 impact factor 1.555)

Congregado, Millán, J.M., Román, C. (2011): “El papel de la innovación en la supervivencia de los emprendedores de la UE-15″. Economía Industrial.

Román, C., Congregado, E. and Millán, J.M (2011): “Dependent self-employment as a way to evade employment protection legislation”. Small Business Economics, vol. 37, Number 3, pp. 363-392, (JCR social science 2009, impact factor 1.38).

Congregado, E., Golpe, A.A., and M. Carmona (2010): “Is it a good policy to promote self-employment for job creation? Evidence from Spain”. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol 32, No. 6, pp. 828-842, Elsevier (JCR social science 2010, impact factor 0,911)

Congregado, E., Carmona, E. and Golpe, A.A. (2010): “Co-movement and Causality Between Self-employment, Uunemployment and Business Cycle in the EU-12″. International Review of Entrepreneurship, IRE Volume 8, (4) pp .303-336.

Congregado, E., J.M. Millán and C. Román (2010): “From own-account worker to job creator”. International Review of Entrepreneurship, IRE Volume 8, (4), pp. 1-28 2010

Millán, J.M., Congregado, E. and C. Román (2010): “Determinants of Self-employment dynamics and their implications on entrepreneurial policy effectiveness”. Lecturas de Economía, nº 72, enero-junio 2010, pp.45-76

O’kean, J.M., Congregado, E. and Menudo, J.M. (2006): “Tejido empresarial y Crecimiento regional“, Mediterráneo Económico, vol.10, pp.323-340.

Congregado, E., Golpe, A.A. and J.M. Millán (2006): “Los Autónomos en el Mercado de Trabajo Español: Situación, Políticas y Retos”, Perspectivas del Sistema Financiero, Autónomos, emprendedores, economía social y su financiación, nº 86, pp. 1-17.

Aguado, R., Congregado, E. and J.M. Millán (2003): “Entrepreneurship, financiación e innovación“, Revista de Economía Industrial, Vol. 347, Año pp. 125-134.