Javier García-Clemente


Brief description

Holding two previous Msc degrees, Javier is currently a PhD candidate in Economics, Business, Finance and Computing at the University of Huelva under the supervisión of Prof. Emilio Congregado and Dr. Nicola Rubino. His research topics are related to Labour Economics and Entrepreneurship, with solid skills in data management and econometrics.

Javier is collaborating in multiple reseach projects of the team, finantially supported by the public administration and European funds, and has taken part in national and international conferences and workshops, been awarded the V Luis Toharia Grant for young researchers in Labour Economics by the Spanish Asociation of Labour Economics in 2022. In addition, Javier has attended many specialised courses in advanced econometrics, remarking the recent 2022 Econometrics Summer School at the University of Cambridge. Apart from the research activity, he is also a part-time lecturer in Statistics and Introductory Economics.



4 (3)ContactEmail: javier.garcia@dege.uhu.esPhone number: (+34) 959 21 79 33

Website: www.javier-garcia-clemente.weebly.com

LinkedIn: /javier-garcia-clemente