José María Millán (2008):” Self-employment across the EU-15: A Microeconometric Approach to its Determinants and Success”. Qualification: Summa Cum Laude with European Honours. Granted by the University of Huelva Extraordinary Ph.D. Award in Social Sciences in the academic year 2007-2008. Supervisor: Emilio Congregado.
Antonio A. Golpe (2009): “Self-employment and Business Cycles”. Qualification: Summa Cum Laude with European Honours. Granted by the University of Huelva Extraordinary Ph.D. Award in Social Sciences in the academic year 2008-2009. Supervisors: Emilio Congregado and André van Stel.
Concepción Román (2010): Self-employment and labour market institutions. Supervisor: Emilio Congregado. PhD Prize Award University of Huelva, 2010, and European Mention. 3 (Q1)
Jesús Iglesias (2014): Autoempleo: nueva evidencia empírica. Supervisor: Emilio Congregado. 2 (Q2), 1 (Q3), 1 (Q4)
Adrián Luis Mérida (2015): Turismo y ciclo económico. Causalidad, persistencia y asimetría. Supervisors: Antonio A. Golpe and Emilio Congregado. European Mention. 1 (D1) 1 (Q2)
Jorge López Berjano (2016): Factor Empresarial y composición sectorial: comovimiento y transiciones. Supervisors: Antonio A. Golpe and Concepción. Román.
Juan Manuel Martín Álvarez (2016): Persistencia, convergencia y factores determinantes en la venta de tabaco. Supervisors: Antonio A. Golpe and José María Millán).
Julia Feria Gallardo (2016): Ensayos sobre la relación entre el crecimiento económico y la energía. Aplicaciones matemáticas y econométricas. Supervisors: Mónica Carmona and Emilio Congregado. 2 (Q1) 1 (Q2)
Enrique Ferradás Moreira (2016): Labor Force Participation and the business cycle in Spain. Supervisors: Mónica Carmona and Emilio Congregado.
Laura Saucí (2017): Entrepreneurship and trade openness. Supervisor: Emilio Congregado. 1 (Q2)
Juan Luis Martín (2018): Consumo de energía y crecimiento económico. Aplicaciones de modelos de sistemas dinámicos y econométricos. Supervisors: Antonio A. Golpe and Emilio Congregado.
Carmen Sandoval (2018): Thesis title: Empleo, crecimiento económico y turismo. Análisis macroeconométrico. Sincronía, comovimiento y asimetría. Supervisors: Antonio A. Golpe and Mónica Carmona.
Serhiy Lyalkov (2019): Approaching the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation from different angles. Supervisor: José María Millán. Phd Prize Award, UNIA, 2019. (2 Q1 y 1 Q2)
Leonel Caçador Rodrigues (2019): Thesis title: Exploring vulnerable groups in the labour market: precarious self-employment, disability and health problems. Supervisor: José María Millán. 1 (Q1) 1 (Emerging)
José Carlos Vides González (2020): A fractional cointegration approach to finance integration. Supervisor: Antonio A. Golpe. Phd Prize Award, UNIA, 2020. 1(Q1) 2(Q2) 1(Q3) 2 (Q4)
Alejandro Almeida (2020). Vertical Spillovers in Spatial Econometrics. Supervisor: Antonio A. Golpe.
Raquel Justo González (2020). Self-Employment and Well-Being: New Insights on Heterogeneity, Satisfaction, and Health. Supervisores: Concepción Román Díaz y Juan A. Sanchis Llopis. Phd Prize Awards , UHU, 2021. 2(Q1), 1 (Q2)
Ana M. Rodríguez Santiago (2022). Self-Employment at the macro-level: Drivers, Inhibitors and Fluctuations. Supervisores: Emilio Congregado y Máximo C. Camacho.