Captura de pantalla 2020-12-09 a las 19.03.47

Date: Huelva, December 16th, 2020, 17:00h (UTC/ GMT +1)


Meeting ID: 928 8372 9751
Access Code: 359459

Brochure Huelva webinar 16 Dec 2020

Call for papers: Monografico REL_2020

This workshop constitutes an event of scientific dissemination in which scholars and practitioners specially interested in the Economics of self-employment and Entrepreneurship will present and discuss some theoretical and empirical findings on cross-border, regional and international entrepreneurship. It takes the relay of previous workshops on entrepreneurship hosted in Huelva and offers an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners with interest in the field to profit from discussion and lively exchange of ideas. During the workshop Revista de Economía Laboral will present the call for papers for the next special issue devoted to cross-border and regional entrepreneurship.

Tentative schedule

17:00-17:15 Welcome

Monica Carmona (University of Huelva)

Raúl Ramos (Associate Editor Revista de Economía Laboral)

17:15-17:40 Cross-Border and International Activities in Entrepreneurship

David B. Audretsch, Indiana University

17:40-18:05 Spatial analysis of self-employment in Spain

Begoña Cueto, Universidad de Oviedo

18:05-18:30 Bilingualism and Regional Entrepreneurship

Maksim Belitski, University of Reading

18:30-18:50 The moderating role of education in the relationship between FDI and entrepreneurial activity

Martha O’Hagan-Luff & André van Stel, Trinity College Dublin

18:50 Discussion


AudretschDavid Audretsch is a Distinguished Professor and the Ameritech Chair of Economic Development at Indiana University, where he also serves as Director of the Institute for Development Strategies. He is an Honorary Professor of Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurship at the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany and a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. Audretsch’s research has focused on the links between entrepreneurship, government policy, innovation, economic development, and global competitiveness. He was awarded the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research by the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum (Entreprenörskapsforum). He has received honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Augsburg in Germany and Jonköping University in Sweden. Audretsch was also awarded the Schumpeter Prize from the University of Wuppertal in Germany.

BelitskiMaksim Belitski is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Henley Business School and is a member of the Henley Centre for Entrepreneurship. His research interests lie in the area of entrepreneurship, innovation and regional economics, with a particular focus on entrepreneurship as a spillover of knowledge and creativity. Maksim holds a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Leicester and another PhD in Economics from the University of Milan, Italy. He is a ‘Trusted’ researcher of the Secure Data Service, UK Data Archive and Virtual Micro-Data Lab of the UK’s Office of National Statistics. Maksim is also Associate Editor of both the Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Journal and the Associate Editor of Small Business Economic Journal.

CuetoBegoña Cueto holds a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Oviedo and is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Oviedo. Her field of research is labour economics, in particular, the evaluation of active labour market policies, self-employment and entrepreneurship, as well as the situation of vulnerable groups in the labor market. She has published her research in scientific journals such as Applied Research in Quality of Life, International Journal of Manpower, Papers in Regional Science, Applied Economics, Annals of Regional Science, Spanish Public Finance or Journal of Applied Economics, among others.

OHaganMartha O’Hagan-Luff holds a PhD in international finance from Trinity College Dublin and is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.  Her research focuses on international finance, entrepreneurship and sustainable finance.  Her research has been published in journals such as the International Review of Financial Analysis, Small Business Economics and International Small Business Journal.

AndrVanStelé van Stel is a Senior Research Fellow at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), and a Research Professor at Kozminski University (Warsaw, Poland). He holds a PhD in Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research focuses on the economics of self-employment and entrepreneurship. He has published in various journals including Small Business Economics and the Journal of Business Venturing. André is Associate Editor of the International Review of Entrepreneurship.


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