In this unit we will work on a personal project about our family.

In this activity you will create your own family history.

Presentation Formats:

Students can choose their own method of presentation but the project lends itself to a visual, graphical presentation.

bulletJournal/sketchbook with pictures
bulletHierarchical Chart or Graph

Then you will present your work orally in class in a ten-minute class presentation.

Discover the past of your family. Go back to your grandparents' generation, time and place.


Fact Sheet

bulletGetting information about your family

These are some questions to collect information about your grandparents's parents and your grandparents.


MY ...................

  1. Full Name: ............................................................................

  2. Date of birth: ............................................................................

  3. Place of birth: ............................................................................

  4. Father's full name: ............................................................................

  5. Father's job: ............................................................................

  6. Mother's full name: ............................................................................

  7. Mother's job: ............................................................................

  8. Number of brothers:  ............................................................................

  9. Number of sisters: ............................................................................

  10. Order of brothers/sisters (oldest? youngest?) ............................................................................

  11. Number of years of education: ............................................................................

  12. Name of school: ............................................................................

  13. Jobs: ............................................................................

  14. Wife/Husband's name: ............................................................................

  15. Date of marriage: ............................................................................

  16. Place of marriage:

  17. Number of sons/daughters: ............................................................................

  18. Date of death: ............................................................................

  19. Place of death: ............................................................................

  20. Brief description (personality and appearance):



  21. Interests: ............................................................................

  22. Important events in life: ............................................................................



Family routines:

Think about your family members and complete the sentences


Personal description:

Describing appearance and personality


Important places:

bulletRemember the places your family members mentioned when you asked them questions about their past.
bulletMake a list of those places.


Final project. Family tree:

bulletCreate your family tree including information from the activities above.
bulletCompose a paragraph about your family members.
bullet Exchange your description with your partner. Read your partner’s text and tell your partner about anything that is not clear or you don’t understand. Also, tell your partner about any additions that are needed.
bullet Reread your paper taking into account “revision tips”.
bullet Correct all types of problems you and your partner found. write your paper. You can also make the changes and additions that your partner suggested.
bulletAfter revising your first draft (Go back and check “Rewriting tips”), write your final draft.

Prepare for your presentation