Development of fuzzy control systems on programmable chips: Application to motion planning of mobile robots

Cabrera A.J. Sanchez-Solano S. Baturone I. Moreno-Velo F.J. Brox P. Barriga A.
Robotics: Trends, Principles, and Applications - Proceedings of the Sixth Biannual World Automation Congress, WAC
páginas 167 - 172
Citas: 1
This paper describes the realization of embedded fuzzy control systems for planning the motion of autonomous mobile robots. The development of the controllers is carried out by means of a reconfigurable platform based on FPGAs. This platform combines a general-purpose processor with specific hardware to implement fuzzy inference modules, thus allowing the comparison between a fully software solution and others based on hybrid hardware/software techniques. Both the processing system and the inference modules are configurable using available CAD tools, which make the development of the controllers easier.
CAD tools, Car-like robots, FPGA, Fuzzy controller, HW/SW codesign, SoPC
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