Parallel distributed two-level evolutionary multiobjective methodology for granularity learning and membership functions tuning in linguistic fuzzy systems

De Vega M.A. De Vega M.A. Bardallo J.M. Márquez F.A. Peregrín A.
ISDA 2009 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
Doi 10.1109/ISDA.2009.225
páginas 134 - 139
Citas: 8
This paper deals with the learning of the membership functions for Mamdani Fuzzy Systems - the number of labels of the variables and the tuning of them - in order to obtain a set of Linguistic Fuzzy Systems with different trade-offs between accuracy and complexity, through the use of a two-level evolutionary multi-objective algorithm. The presented methodology employs a high level main evolutionary multi-objective heuristic searching the number of labels, and some distributed low level ones, also evolutionary, tuning the membership functions of the candidate variable partitions. © 2009 IEEE.
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