Single-facility huff location problems on networks

Blanquero R. Carrizosa E. Gomez A.N. Plastria F.
Annals of Operations Research
Doi 10.1007/s10479-013-1445-x
Volumen 222 páginas 175 - 195
Citas: 5
© 2013, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Huff location problems have been extensively analyzed within the field of competitive continuous location. In this work, two Huff location models on networks are addressed, by considering that users go directly to the facility or they visit the facility in their way to a destination. Since the problems are multimodal, a branch and bound algorithm is proposed, in which two different bounding strategies, based on Interval Analysis and DC optimization, are used and compared. Computational results are given for the two bounding procedures, showing that problems of rather realistic size can be solved in reasonable time.
DC optimization, Huff location models, Interval analysis, Location on networks
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