Callan-Symanzik approach to infrared Yang-Mills theory

Weber A. Dall'Olio P.
EPJ Web of Conferences
Doi 10.1051/epjconf/20148000016
Volumen 80
Citas: 4
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014.Dyson-Schwinger equations are the most common tool for the determination of the correlation functions of Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory in the continuum, in particular in the infrared regime. We shall argue that the use of Callan-Symanzik renormalization group equations has distinctive advantages over the Dyson-Schwinger equations, in particular for the vertex functions. We present a generalization of the infrared safe renormalization scheme proposed by Tissier and Wschebor in 2011. The comparison with the existing lattice data for the gluon and ghost propagators can be used to determine the most appropriate renormalization scheme.
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