ECOS-LINCE: A high intensity multi-ion superconducting LINAC for nuclear structure and reactions

Martel I. Martel I. Acosta L. Acosta L. Carrasco R. Duenas J.A. Dueñas J.A. Junquera T. Orduz A.K. Peregrin A. Peregrín A. Prieto-Thomas J.A. Sanchez-Segovia J. Sanchez-Segovia J. Ostroumov P.N. Villari A.C.C. Azaiez F. De Angelis G. Lewitowicz M. Maj A. Maj A.
IPAC 2014: Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference
páginas 3301 - 3303
Citas: 5
Copyright © 2014 CC-BY-3.0 and by the respective authors.During the past years, ECOS working group strongly supported the construction of a dedicated high-intensity stable-ion-beam facility in Europe, with energies at and above the Coulomb barrier as part of the Long-Range Plan of the Nuclear-Physics community. LINCE will be a multi-user facility dedicated to ECOS science: fundamental physics, astrophysics, nuclear structure and reaction dynamics. Applied research is foreseen in the fields of medical physics, aerospace and material sciences with energetic heavy ions. The facility will produce a wide range of ions, from protons (45 MeV) up to Uranium (8.5 MeV/u) with 1mA maximum beam intensity. A very compact linac has been designed by using a HV platform with a double-frequency ECR ion source, multi-harmonic buncher, an innovative CW RFQ design (1 ?A/Q ? 7) and 26 accelerating cavities made of bulk niobium (? = 0.045,0.077 and 0.15) working at 72.75 and 109.125 MHz.
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