Comment on “Study on the reliable computation time of the numerical model using the sliding temporal correlation method”

Algaba A. Fernandez-Sanchez F. Merino M. Rodríguez-Luis A.J.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Doi 10.1007/s00704-015-1608-6
Volumen 126 páginas 797 - 799
Citas: 0
© 2015, Springer-Verlag Wien.The paper, “Study on the reliable computation time of the numerical model using the sliding temporal correlation method,” was published in Theoretical and Applied Climatology. In that work, the sliding temporal correlation analysis is employed to investigate the predictable time of two typical chaotic numerical models, namely the Lorenz system and the Chen chaotic system. However, it has been recently shown by us when using a linear scaling in time and state variables that generically, the Chen system is only a particular case of the Lorenz system, with time reversion if the parameter c is positive. Consequently, to study the Chen chaotic system is simply to consider the Lorenz system integrated backwards.
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