Definition of redox and pH influence in the AMD mine system using a fuzzy qualitative tool (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain)

de la Torre M.L. Grande J.A. Valente T. Perez-Ostale E. Santisteban M. Aroba J. Ramos I. Ramos I.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Doi 10.1007/s11356-015-5718-6
Volumen 23 páginas 5451 - 5458
Citas: 5
© 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.Poderosa Mine is an abandoned pyrite mine, located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt which pours its acid mine drainage (AMD) waters into the Odiel river (South-West Spain). This work focuses on establishing possible reasons for interdependence between the potential redox and pH, with the load of metals and sulfates, as well as a set of variables that define the physical chemistry of the water—conductivity, temperature, TDS, and dissolved oxygen—transported by a channel from Poderosa mine affected by acid mine drainage, through the use of techniques of artificial intelligence: fuzzy logic and data mining. The sampling campaign was carried out in May of 2012. There were a total of 16 sites, the first inside the tunnel and the last at the mouth of the river Odiel, with a distance of approximately 10 m between each pair of measuring stations. While the tools of classical statistics, which are widely used in this context, prove useful for defining proximity ratios between variables based on Pearson’s correlations, in addition to making it easier to handle large volumes of data and producing easier-to-understand graphs, the use of fuzzy logic tools and data mining results in better definition of the variations produced by external stimuli on the set of variables. This tool is adaptable and can be extrapolated to any system polluted by acid mine drainage using simple, intuitive reasoning.
AMD, Fuzzy logic, Heavy metals, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Poderosa Mine, Water pollution
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