Optical flickering of the symbiotic star CH Cyg

Stoyanov K.A. Marti J. Marti J. Marti J. Marti J. Marti J. Zamanov R. Dimitrov V.V. Dimitrov V.V. Dimitrov V.V. Kurtenkov A. Sánchez-Ayaso, E. Bujalance-Fernandez I. Latev G.Y. Nikolov G. Nikolov G. Nikolov G.
Bulgarian Astronomical Journal
Volumen 28
Citas: 1
© 2018, Institute of Astronomy and Rozhen NAO. All rights reserved.Here we present quasi-simultaneous observations of the flickering of the symbiotic binary star CH Cyg in U, B and V bands. We calculate the flickering source parameters and discuss the possible reason for the flickering cessation in the period 2010–2013.
Accretion, accretion discs, Stars: binaries: symbiotic, Stars: individual: CH Cyg
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