Geometric realization of the almost-extreme Khovanov homology of semiadequate links

Przytycki J.H. Silvero, M.
Geometriae Dedicata
Doi 10.1007/s10711-019-00462-0
Citas: 4
© 2019, Springer Nature B.V.We recall the notion of partial presimplicial set and its geometric realization. We show that any semiadequate diagram yields a partial presimplicial set leading to a geometric realization of the almost-extreme Khovanov homology of the diagram. We give a concrete formula for the homotopy type of this geometric realization, involving wedge of spheres and a suspension of the projective plane.
Geometric realization, Homotopy type, Khovanov homology, Presimplicial set, Semiadequate knot
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