First results from the INDRA-FAZIA apparatus on isospin diffusion in Ni 58,64 + Ni 58,64 systems at Fermi energies

Ciampi C. Piantelli S. Casini G. Pasquali G. Quicray J. Baldesi L. Barlini S. Borderie B. Bougault R. Camaiani A. Chbihi A. Dell'Aquila D. Cicerchia M. Duenas J.A. Dueñas J.A. Fable Q. Fabris D. Fabris D. Frankland J.D. Frosin C. Genard T. Gramegna F. Gruyer D. Henri M. Hong B. Hong B. Kim S. Kim S. Kim S. Kim S. Kordyasz A. Kozik T. Kweon M.J. Lemarie J. Le Neindre N. Lombardo I. Lopez O. Lopez O. Marchi T. Nam S.H. Nam S. Ordine A. Ottanelli P. Park J. Park J. Park J. Park J. Park J.H. Park J.H. Park J.H. Parlog M. Poggi G. Poggi G. Rebillard-Soulie A. Stefanini A.A. Upadhyaya S. Valdre S. Verde G. Vient E. Vigilante M.
Physical Review C
Doi 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.024603
Volumen 106
Citas: 14
© 2022 American Physical Society.An investigation of the isospin equilibration process in the reactions Ni58,64+Ni58,64 at two bombarding energies in the Fermi regime (32 and 52 MeV/nucleon) is presented. Data have been acquired during the first experimental campaign of the coupled INDRA-FAZIA apparatus in GANIL. Selecting from peripheral to semicentral collisions, both the neutron content of the quasiprojectile residue and that of the light ejectiles coming from the quasiprojectile evaporation have been used as probes of the dynamical process of isospin diffusion between projectile and target for the asymmetric systems. The isospin transport ratio technique has been employed. The relaxation of the initial isospin imbalance with increasing centrality has been clearly evidenced. The isospin equilibration appears stronger for the reactions at 32 MeV/nucleon, as expected due to the longer projectile-target interaction time than at 52 MeV/nucleon. Coherent indications of isospin equilibration come from the quasiprojectile residue characteristics and from particles ascribed to the quasiprojectile decay.
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