Individuality matters in human–wildlife conflicts: Patterns and fraction of damage-making brown bears in the north-eastern Carpathians

Berezowska-Cnota T. Konopinski M.K. Barton K. Bautista C. Revilla E. Naves J. Biedrzycka A. Fedyn H. Fernandez N. Jastrzebski T. Pirga B. Viota M. Wojtas Z. Selva N.
Journal of Applied Ecology
Doi 10.1111/1365-2664.14388
Volumen 60 páginas 1127 - 1138
Citas: 0
© 2023 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology © 2023 British Ecological Society.Effective, evidence-based management is required to ensure long-term coexistence between people and wildlife in an increasingly humanized world. Although behavioural individuality is recognized as a key factor affecting evolutionary and ecological processes, it has rarely been explicitly assessed in relation to human–wildlife conflicts. The ‘problem individual’ paradigm states that some conspecifics within a given population have a disproportionately large contribution to conflicts. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have so far systematically tested this assumption in large carnivores. Here, we investigated the variation in conflict behaviour among brown bears Ursus arctos within the population inhabiting the Polish Eastern Carpathians. We inspected all sites notified as damaged by bears in 2014–2017 to determine the number and sex of the individuals involved. We conducted systematic noninvasive genetic sampling to estimate the size of the local population by spatially explicit capture–recapture models. We assessed the fraction and sex ratio of damage-making bears in relation to the population, as well as the behavioural patterns by classifying and differentiating between occasional and repetitive damage-makers. Approximately one-third of the estimated 72 (95% CI 45.2–115.5) brown bears inhabiting the Polish Eastern Carpathians were responsible for damage occurrence in the region. The majority of damage-makers were female (65% vs. 35% of male), which reflected the sex ratio of the local population (0.57). Thirty-three per cent of the damage-making bears (i.e. nine individuals) were classified as ‘problem individuals’, exhibiting repetitive conflict behaviour. Synthesis and applications. This study provides evidence of intraspecific differences in conflict behaviour in a large carnivore species, the brown bear, and indicates that damage-making behaviour is not exhibited with t...
brown bear, human–wildlife coexistence, individuality, noninvasive genetic sampling, population size estimation, problem individuals, spatially explicit capture–recapture, wildlife damage
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