The 46Ar(3He,d)47K direct reaction as a probe of the 46Ar proton wavefunction

Brugnara D. Gottardo A. Assie M. Mengoni D. Lemasson A. Clement E. Flavigny F. Ramos D. Galtarossa F. Matta A. Girard-Alcindor V. Babo M. Bazzacco D. Beaumel D. Blumenfeld Y. Bottoni S. Bottoni S. Datta U. de Angelis G. De France G. De France G. Dudouet J. Duenas J.A. Dueñas J.A. Goasduff A. Gregor E. Hammache F. Illana A. Lalanne L. Leblond S. Lombardo I. Marchini N. Million B. Recchia F. Rezynkina K. Rocchini M. Rojo J.S. Siciliano M. Valiente Dobon J.J. Zanon I. Zielinska M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Doi 10.1088/1742-6596/2586/1/012073
Volumen 2586
Citas: 0
© 2023 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The discrepancy between shell-model calculations and intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation measurements in 46Ar still stands as an unsolved puzzle in understanding the N = 28 shell evolution. This phenomenon has significant relevance considering the remarkable achievements of the shell model and the SDPF-U interaction in the region which is able to predict the fading of the N = 28 shell gap in neutron-rich 44S. Recent measurements narrowed down this discrepancy to an overestimation of the proton amplitude to the quadrupole transition matrix element. The current work aims to propose a different perspective on the puzzle, by studying a direct proton-transfer reaction on 46Ar as a means to directly probe the proton wavefunction of the ground state this isotope. By measuring the amount of l = 0 transfer to the ground state (1/2+) of 47K with respect to the l = 2 to the first excited state (3/2+), we aim to gain insight into the ground state proton wavefunction of 46Ar. We will present a brief description of the experiment performed at the SPIRAL1 facility in GANIL (France). The experimental apparatus allowed a full reconstruction of the two-body reaction thanks to the combination of AGATA, VAMOS, MUGAST, CATS2, and HECTOR.
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