A Topological Theory for Unoriented SL(4) Foams

Khovanov M. Przytycki J.H. Robert L.-H. Silvero, M.
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Doi 10.1007/s00009-024-02591-7
Volumen 21
Citas: 0
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.Unoriented SL(3) foams are two-dimensional CW complexes with generic singularities embedded in 3- and 4-manifolds. They naturally come up in the Kronheimer–Mrowka SO(3) gauge theory for 3-orbifolds and, in the oriented case, in a categorification of the Kuperberg bracket quantum invariant. The present paper studies the more technically complicated case of SL(4) foams. Combinatorial evaluation of unoriented SL(4) foams is defined and state spaces for it are studied. In particular, over a suitably localized ground ring, the state space of any web is free of the rank given by the number of its 4-colorings.
05A30, 05C15, 18N25, 57K16, 57M15, foams, Regular graphs, tait colorings, TQFT
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