Unraveling generalized parton distributions through Lorentz symmetry and partial DGLAP knowledge

Dall'Olio P. De Soto F. Mezrag C. Morgado J.M. Moutarde H. Rodríguez-Quintero J. Sznajder P. Segovia J.
Physical Review D
Doi 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.096013
Volumen 109
Citas: 0
© 2024 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.Relying on the polynomiality property of generalized parton distributions, which roots on Lorentz covariance, we prove that it is enough to know them at vanishing and low skewness within the Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi region to obtain a unique extension to their entire support up to a D term. We put this idea in practice using two methods: reconstruction using artificial neural networks and finite-elements methods. We benchmark our results against standard models for generalized parton distributions. In agreement with the formal expectation, we obtain very a accurate reconstruction for a maximal value of the skewness as low as 20% of the longitudinal momentum fraction. This result might be relevant for reconstruction of generalized parton distribution from experimental and lattice QCD data, where computations are, for now, restricted in skewness.
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