Aims Red Investigación Suroeste Europa RISE Fri, 06 Jul 2012 17:36:56 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb General Aim To stir into action the activities of joint research in the cross-border space of the regions of Andalusia, The Algarve and Baiixo Alentejo.

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Specific Aims 1.      To support the strengthening and creation of new groups of work between Spain and Portugal favoring the mobility between the entities participants, with a preferential line of innovation and new technologies.          

2.      Share the scientific multidisciplinary knowledge, the technology and the equipment between the researchers of the institutions participants who make up the Network.

3.      To stimulate the transfer of knowledge between research groups of the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, across common meetings and exchange of human resources.

4.      To spread and to train a Researcher’ School facilitating the creation of a culture of the innovation and research, and consolidation of common knowledge across the execution of courses and seminars, scientific publications in international magazines of high prestige, edition of leaflets, manuals and divulgative material.

5.      To train human resources specialiced in the priority areas of research, across the incorporation of personnel in the different groups of work, making easier the mobility of these resources qualified to the companies of the regions.   

6.      To favor the modernization and creation of new instrumental facilities that rest to the groups of research on such priority areas as the Agrifoodstuffs, Environment, Health and Patrimony, to increase the competitiveness with other groups consolidated to European level.       

7.      To stimulate the research in the sector food-processing, with special emphasis in the products of traditional interest of the regions, contributing to the knowledge and adjustment of good practices and creation of qualit products, in order to favor the competitiveness of the companies of the region in the European frame.   

8.      To foment the research in the environment, especially in the axis of the Guadiana in order to safeguard the natural values and the geobiodiversidad of the zone.  

9.      To promote the initiatives of research on the history and the common cross-border patrimony.
The study and discovery of ancient civilizations will be able to reinforce the cohesion of the society.

10.    To favor the studies on different aspects of health of the workers and citizens who affect directly on the population, and related to the new habits derived from the new technologies.     

11.    Resources Create web (portal web) for the publication and spreading of the obtained results. In addition the creation of road links will be fomented on-line. There will be included a catalogue of competitions of I+D+i and one stock exchange of researcher’ curricula qualified for public promotion of employment.

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