Women Workers' initiatives in the field of the social and solidarity economy as a space for transforming ...
revista de economía mundial 67, 2024, 273-294
2006). It is an approach committed to social change and the empowerment
of the most disadvantaged groups and emphasises the participation of the
groups involved in the production of knowledge itself (Lewin, 1946; Fals-Borda
& Rahman, 1991; Sommer, 1987; Reason, 1994).
From a research perspective, the methodology responds to the objective
of understanding the reality faced by emerging women’s movements in the
development of SSE initiatives in the field of care (first objective) and to identify
levers for their development through the three levels proposed by the MLP
(objectives two and three). From an action perspective, the research-action
process, which is part of an ongoing doctoral thesis project, will contribute to
the empowerment process of these initiatives, designing, implementing, and
evaluating tools to improve the capacities of the partners both from the point
of view of their professionalisation and their political advocacy.
The methodology in this article combines in-depth interviews with leaders
of three initiatives selected as fields of action-research in different contexts
(Spain, Uruguay, Honduras) with a collaborative workshop with 54 key actors
of the sector in the Spanish context and is justified by the need to understand
in depth the experiences and perceptions of the participants, and to collect
their specific proposals, recognising that it is the actors confronted daily with
the practice of care in the context of the SSE who best know their needs, who
have to lead the processes of advocacy for change, as well as those who have
to implement the transformations.
For the three case studies, women’s cooperatives were selected from
self-organised movements in countries with differentiated care systems and
different positions in relation to global care chains (Spain, a mainly receiving
country, Honduras, a mainly sending country, and Uruguay, a country with a
better balance between inputs and outputs). All of them are in an emerging
phase, but at different stages of development. These initiatives, being the tip
of the iceberg of larger social movements spread throughout Ibero-America
(Miralda, 2023), can be considered pioneers rather than isolated cases, hence
the interest in analysing them together.
Based on an exhaustive literature review in the field of care economics
(Dalla Costa, 1977; Federici, 2014; Picchio, 2001; Carrasco, Borderías and
Torns, 2011; Carrasco, 2001; Pérez-Orozco, 2006, 2014; Moreno, 2013;
Lázzaro, 2020; Boronat et al, 2021; Vega and Gutiérrez, 2014; Agenjo, 2021;
Jennings, 1993; Agyeman et al., 2003; Carosio, 2020; Martín-Palomo, 2009;
Torns, 2001; Daly and Lewis, 2000; Giusto-Ampuero, 2021; Bahn et al., 2020;
Batthyány et al., 2013; Razavi, 2007), the interview design was structured in
17 categories and 41 questions. To analyse the responses in terms of the 12
transformative scopes of the MLP (Ghosh et al., 2020 and Gallart et al., 2020),
the 17 categories were aligned with the four corresponding types of scopes for
the phase of creating niches of success, which are those corresponding to the
emerging moment in which the cooperatives analysed find themselves: