Análisis y Modicación de Conducta
2022, Vol. 48, Nº 177, 131-144
ISSN: 0211-7339
What about after the covid-19 pandemic?
Adolescents voices on this period in their lives
¿Qué pasa después de la pandemia de covid-19?
Las voces de los adolescentes sobre este período de su vida
Cátia Branquinho
Institute of Environmental Health (ISAMB)/Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Margarida Gaspar de Matos
Institute of Environmental Health (ISAMB)/Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Ispa APPSYci, Portugal
Objetivo: Describir lo que los jóvenes encontraron más
difícil durante COVID-19, sus estrategias de afrontamiento
y expectativas con respecto al futuro. Método: Sew siguió
un diseño multimétodo con 318 participantes (16-24
años; M = 19,07, DT = 2,66), en su mayoría chicas (69,5%),
estudiantes (78,5%) de secundaria o equivalente (52,8%)
o superior (41,7%). Resultados: En general, se señaló una
situación negativa de la salud mental y social, la actividad
física y el ocio, el tiempo de pantalla y la escuela/univer-
sidad. Al analizar las diferencias entre niveles educativos,
destacan los estudiantes de la educación secundaria con
más impacto negativo en la salud mental y social; igual-
mente, los estudiantes de educación secundaria sobresa-
len en conductas temerarias y en consumo de alcohol, así
como en un menor gusto por la escuela; los universitarios
señalan más el impacto sobre rendimiento escolar, estrés
académico, relaciones con profesores y compañeros. Los
participantes identicaron como áreas más complicadas
la de salud mental, estar lejos de familiares y amigos, la
pérdida de libertad, las clases en línea y la pérdida de
eventos sociales. La familia, los amigos, la tecnología, el
ejercicio, el ocio y el voluntariado fueron recursos que
emplearon para sobrellevar la pandemia. Entre las conse-
cuencias indicadas sobre las perspectivas de futuro, aun-
que positivas, los participantes revelaron posibles efectos
sobre la salud mental y las perspectivas laborales. A largo
plazo anticipan problemas en la economía, la digitaliza-
ción en el trabajo y un planeta más saludable. Conclusio-
nes: Se espera que estos resultados generen conciencia
sobre la importancia del apoyo psicológico y la disponibi-
lidad de recursos durante y después de la pandemia.
PalabRas Clave
Portugal, Pandemia, COVID-19, Impactos, Expectativas,
Participación juvenil.
Objective: what youth found most dicult during
COVID-19, their coping strategies and expectations re-
garding the future. Method: multi-method with 318 par-
ticipants (16-24 years; M = 19.07, SD = 2.66), mostly girls
(69.5%), students (78.5%) in secondary school or equiva-
lent (52.8%) or higher (41.7%). Results: Overall, a nega-
tive perspective was highlighted in mental health, so-
cial, physical activity and leisure, screen time and school/
university. When analysing the statistically signicant
dierences between levels of education, secondary edu-
cation stands out with the report of more negative im-
pacts on mental and social health; secondary education
on drinking and reckless driving behaviours; university
education on school performance, academic stress, rela-
tionships with teachers and classmates; and secondary
education on liking school. They identify as most di-
cult the area of mental health, being away from family
and friends, loss of freedom, online classes and loss of
social events. Family, friends, technology, exercise, lei-
sure and volunteering were resources for coping with
the pandemic. In the consequences on future prospects,
although positive, both groups reveal the eects on
mental health, and employment issues. In the long term
they anticipate problems in the economy, digitalisation
at work and a healthier planet. Conclusions: these results
are expected to raise awareness of the importance of
psychological support, and resource availability during
and after the pandemic.
Portugal, Pandemic, COVID-19, Impacts, Expecta-
tions, Youth participation.
Correspondencia: Cátia Branquinho. E-mail: catiasoabranquinho@gmail.com
Recibido: : 1/03/2022 ; aceptado: : 1/06/2022
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
With strong impacts on the overall health
of the population, the COVID-19 disease has
been responsible for over one million cases
to date, and thousands of deaths in Portugal
(DGH, 2021). Declared a pandemic on 8 March
2020, COVID-19, along with the impacts of the
measures implemented to control the spread
of the virus, have been the subject of numer-
ous studies.
After two periods of general connement,
in which learning and friendships were lived at
a distance, but stress and inability to adopt ef-
fective coping strategies were a present reality,
several studies (Almeida et al., 2020; Kecojevic
et al., 2020; Singh et al, 2020) revealed negative
consequences of the pandemic in young peo-
ples lives, in the academic areas, with impacts
on learning and performance (Dias & Pinto,
2020); social, with interference in peer rela-
tionships (Branquinho et al., 2020; Rogers, Ha,
Ockeya, 2021); family, with increased conicts
(Branquinho et al., 2020); as well as physical
and psychological health. In a recent literature
review (Loads et al., 2020), the impact of the
pandemic on the mental health of this genera-
tion was reinforced, as well as the association
with depressive and anxious symptomatology
(Nearchou et al., 2020; Oosterho et al., 2020;
Zhou et al., 2020).
According to the authors Son et al. (2020),
there are several stress factors that may increase
the levels of stress, anxiety and depressive
thoughts in students, namely concern and fear
for their own health and that of their loved ones,
concentration diculties, changes in sleep pat-
terns, decreased interpersonal relationships,
and concerns about academic performance.
Although responses in the area of mental
health, through the dissemination of coping strat-
egies (e.g. establishment of routines and hab-
its) and the provision of support services, have
supported a better psychological health status
(Almeida et al., 2020; Deslandes & Coutinho, 2020)
and consequent subjective well-being (Pigaiani et
al, 2020), decreased health behaviours and adop-
tion of risk behaviours, such as higher food intake,
poorer sleep quality (Abbas et al., 2020), decreased
physical activity (Abbas et al., 2020; Schmidt et al.,
2020) and increased screen time (Schmidt et al.,
2020; Xiang et al., 2020) have been associated with
the pandemic period.
Even tough the impacts on young peoples
lives and on their health and well-being have
been studied, more studies focusing on univer-
sity students (e.g. Allen et al. 2022; Kohls et al.,
2021; Weber et al., 2022) reveal high rates of anxi-
ety and depression during the pandemic in this
group (Chen & Lucock, 2022), along with more
negative impacts on relationships, including
teachers and peers, leisure activities, sleep pat-
terns and eating (Branquinho et al., 2021b). Ac-
cording to Hayes et al. (2012) and Matos (2020a;
2020b; 2021 in press), and recognizing that the
pandemic transformed the way young people
experience dierent life transitions, the promo-
tion of their psychological exibility, through
the creation of a new vision about the changes,
transforming them into opportunities, may be a
safe and eective path to a more positive devel-
This study aims to present the voice of young
people regarding the impacts of the COVID-19
pandemic on their lives, what they experienced as
most dicult, the coping strategies adopted, and
their expectations for the future (which are not
known to be explored in the literature).
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
This work is included in the study Dream
Teens: The Youth Voice in direct speech ap-
proved by the Ethics Committee of the Lisbon
Academic Medicine Centre (Matos, 2015).
Data collection included an informed con-
sent for adults and parental consent for under-
18s, with mandatory acceptance for study
response. The research teams contact was in-
cluded for possible clarication of doubts.
Design and Participants
Designed and conducted exclusively on-
line, this study was disseminated by the re-
search team, institutions and entities linked to
youth work. Data collection was conducted in
the period 22 July to 20 August 2021. Of the
total 320 responses collected, 311 were con-
sidered valid after reviewing duplicate or in-
complete entries.
Participants had a mean age of 19.07 years
(SD = 2.656 years; Min = 16 and Max = 24);
were mostly female (69.5%), students (78.5%)
and residents in Lisbon district (76.2%). The re-
spondents were attending or had completed
secondary education or equivalent (52.8%),
higher education (41.7%) or 3rd cycle (5.5%).
The instrument was developed for adoles-
cents and young adults aged between 16 and
24 years. The online questionnaire created in
the Google Forms platform had an average re-
sponse time of 7-10 minutes, and included:
sociodemographic questions, such as age,
gender, work status, academic level and dis-
trict of residence;
29 closed-ended questions (answer op-
tions: no impact, positive, negative, not
applicable), related to the impact of the 3
waves of the pandemic on their health and
well-being (physical, psychological and so-
cial), relationships (family, friends, love, co-
lleagues, social), health and risk behaviours
(leisure, sleep, physical activity, nutrition,
tobacco, alcohol, drugs, violence, early, un-
protected sexual intercourse, screen time
and reckless driving), at academic level
(performance, stress, relationships with tea-
chers, peers and liking school);
2 open-ended questions regarding what
was most dicult and coping strategies;
and 3 open-ended questions regarding ex-
pectations for the future in the short (1 year),
medium (5 years) and long term (10 years).
Data Analysis
In this work a multi-method methodol-
ogy was used, based on the nature of the
data. Quantitative data were transported
and analysed using SPSS v. 26 software and
a Chi-square test allowed the analysis of the
variables by level of education (secondary and
university, due to the small number of partici-
pants from the 3rd cycle).
The qualitative data were transferred to the
MAXQDA 2020 software and studied through
a rst content analysis, based on the rule-of-
thumb principle (line-by-line). Categories (C)
were created for the qualitative data of the
study: (C1) health and well-being; (C2) relation-
ships; (C3) behaviours; (C4) school/university;
(C5) most negative of the pandemic; (C6) cop-
ing strategies; (C7) short-term future expecta-
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
tions; (C8) medium-term future expectations;
(C9) long-term future expectations.
Quantitative Study
In the descriptive study of the data, a negative
view of the impacts of the pandemic COVID-19
on mental health (65%) and social level (57.9%)
stood out, as well as the absence of impacts on
physical health (76.8%).
In terms of relationships, in general young
people referred neutral impacts on family
(44.7%), friends (43.4%), love (34.7% alongside
31.8% negative) and with peers (51.4%), stress-
ing the negative consequences on social rela-
tionships (52.1%).
In health behaviours, negative eects were
essentially referred in leisure (48.6%) and physi-
cal activities (48.6%), and an absence or nega-
tive impacts on sleep (39.5% neutral and 32.8%
negative) and nutrition (37.9% neutral and 35%
negative). On the other hand, in terms of risk
behaviours, it was found that a large number of
young people did not practise most of these be-
haviours, such as the use/consumption of tobac-
co (53.7%), alcohol (45.7%) and drugs (60.1%);
were not involved in acts of violence (55%); had
not practised early sexual intercourse (55.3%)
or unprotected sex (56.6%); and reckless driv-
ing (58.2%). With regard to screen time, 72% of
young people mentioned that the pandemic
had had negative eects on this behaviour.
Finally, in the academic eld, young people
highlighted negative consequences on per-
formance (38.3% and 27% neutral) and stress
(59.8%), and an absence of consequences on
relations with teachers (41.5%) and colleagues
(41.5%), as well as on the liking school/univer-
sity (41.2%).
In the analysis of dierences in the educa-
tional level (secondary and university), statis-
tically signicant dierences were veried in
the impacts on physical health and well-being,
X2(2) = 9.894, p = < 0.01; N = 292, with both lev-
els revealing more neutral impacts (S = 70.6%;
U = 86%), but a superiority of positive impacts
(S = 23.3%; U = 10.9%), as well as negative im-
pacts (S = 6.1%; U = 3.1%) on the part of sec-
ondary school young people; mental, X2 (3)
= 13.561, p = < 0.01; N = 292, with both lev-
els reporting negative eects (S = 57.7%; U =
77.5%), mainly the older ones, and positive
ones by the younger ones (S = 11%; U = 3.9%);
social, X2 (3) = 8.101, p = < 0.05; N = 292, with
a similar pattern as above, with higher report-
ing of negative consequences from university
level (S = 55.2%; U = 63.6%) and positive from
secondary school (S = 16%; U = 5.4%).
In relationships (family, friendship, love and
with peers), no dependence on the education-
al level was observed, with the exception of so-
cial relationships, X2 (3) = 8.750, p = < 0.05; N =
292, in which a superiority of negative impacts
was observed in both groups (S = 50.3%; U =
55%), and in the positive ones the youngest
stood out (S = 15.3%; U = 4.7%).
In behaviours, statistically signicant dier-
ences were observed in alcohol consumption,
X2 (3) = 7.888, p = < 0.05; N = 292, and although
both reported that this behaviour did not apply
(S = 45.4%; U = 45%), secondary school youth
stood out in the higher reporting of negative
eects (S = 17.2%; U = 7%). Reckless driving,
X2 (3) = 9.077, p = < 0.05; N = 292, showed a
similar pattern to the previous behaviour (not
applicable - S = 63.2%; U = 50.4%; negative - S
= 9.8%; U = 7%). A relationship of independ-
ence was observed between the behaviours:
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
leisure activities, sleep, physical activity, nutri-
tion, tobacco use, drugs, violence, early and
unprotected sexual intercourse, screen time
and educational level.
At the academic level, statistically sig-
nicant dierences were identied in perfor-
mance, X2 (3) = 13.326, p = < 0.01; N = 292, with
both groups reporting more negative impacts,
especially for older young people (S = 37.4%; U
= 40.3%). Positive eects were more frequently
felt by the younger (S = 31.3%; U = 16.3%); in
academic stress, X2 (3) = 5.585, p = < 0.05; N =
Level of Education
N(%) Chi-square
Secondary University Nχ2 df p
= + - NA = + - NA
Health and
Physical 70.6 23.3 6.1 -- 86 10.9 3.1 -- 292 9.894 2 <.01
Mental 29.4 11 57.7 1.8 17.8 3.9 77.5 0.8 292 13.561 3<.01
Social 27 16 55.2 1.8 29.5 5.4 63.6 1.6 292 8,101 3 <.05
Family 43.6 33.1 20.9 2.5 47.3 21.7 27.9 3.1 292 5.170 3 ns
Friends 41.7 20.2 36.8 1.2 46.5 14.7 37.2 1.6 292 1.666 3 ns
Love 32.5 16 32.5 19 36.4 16.3 32.6 14.7 292 1.102 3 ns
Colleagues 52.8 14.1 28.8 4.3 51.2 9.3 35.7 3.9 292 2.508 3 ns
Social 33.1 15.3 50.3 1.2 38.8 4.7 55 1.6 292 8.705 3 <.05
Leisure 28.2 21.5 45.4 4.9 26.4 1.1 54.3 2.3 292 3.234 3 ns
Sleep 39.9 22.1 32.5 5.5 41.1 22.5 33.3 3.1 292 0.993 3 ns
activity 27 25.8 44.2 3.1 28.7 14.7 54.3 2.3 292 5.927 3 ns
Nutrition 34.4 25.2 36.8 3.7 44.2 22.5 31.8 1.6 292 3.732 3 ns
Tobacco 23.9 9.8 15.3 50.9 26.4 4.7 12.4 56.6 292 3.594 3 ns
Alcohol 30.7 6.7 17.2 45.4 38.8 9.3 7 45 292 7.888 3 <.05
Drugs 25.8 7.4 11 55.8 24.8 3.1 7 65.1 292 4.737 3 ns
Violence 33.1 3.7 14.1 49.1 27.9 2.3 7 62.8 292 6.865 3 ns
Early sexual
intercourse 30.7 6.1 11 52.1 27.9 2.3 9.3 60.5 292 3.639 3 ns
sexual inter-
28.2 6.7 11 54 29.5 3.9 5.4 61.2 292 4.438 3 ns
Screen time 17.2 12.3 68.1 2.5 12.4 6.2 79.8 1.6 292 5.497 3 ns
driving 23.9 3.1 9.8 63.2 40.3 2.3 7 50.4 292 9.077 3 <.05
Performance 25.8 31.3 37.4 5.5 28.7 16.3 40.3 14.7 292 13.326 3<.01
Stress 18.4 16 57.7 8 12.4 9.3 62 16.3 292 8.585 3 <.05
with tea-
42.3 28.8 22.1 6.7 42.6 8.5 33.3 15.5 292 23.519 3<.001
with collea-
49.7 18.4 25.8 6.1 32.6 9.3 41.9 16.3 292 21.820 3<.001
41.1 16.6 37.4 4.9 42.6 8.5 31.8 17.1 292 14.611 3<.01
Table 1
Percentages and dependency by academic level
Notes: = no impacts; + positive impacts; - negative impacts; NA not applicable; ns not signicant; bold signicative
and higher percentages
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
292, also with greater prominence of negative
impacts in both groups (S = 57.7%; U = 62%),
and higher in positive eects by secondary lev-
el youth (S = 16%; U = 9.3%); relationship with
teachers, X2 (3) = 23.519, p = < 0.001; N = 292,
with no impacts in both groups (S = 42.3%; U =
42.6%), but more negative by university level (S
= 22.1%; U = 33.3%) and positive from second-
ary school (S = 28.8%; U = 8.5%); relationship
with peers, X2 (3) = 21.820, p = < 0.001; N = 292,
with highlighting more neutral impacts from
younger (S = 49.7%; U = 32.6%) and negative
from older (S = 25.8%; U = 41.9%); and liking
school/university, X2 (3) = 14.611, p = < 0.01;
N = 292, in which both groups responded no
impacts (S = 41.1%; U = 42.6%), but also nega-
tive impacts (S = 37.4%; U = 31.8%), especially
secondary school youth.
Qualitative Study
In the complementary descriptive study of
impacts on health and well-being, mainly neg-
ative reports stood out, focusing on increased
sedentary lifestyles and changes in nutrition
patterns, leading to weight gain - physical;
more feelings of anxiety, depression, distress,
stress, demotivation and loneliness - mental;
and decreased socialisation and contacts - so-
cial. Reports were congruent across groups.
Impacts (%)
Variables No impacts Positive Negative Non
Health and well-being
Physical 76.8 17.7 5.5 0
Mental 24.4 8.4 65 2.3
Social 28.3 11.3 57.9 2.6
Family 44.7 26.7 24.4 4.2
Friends 43.4 17 37 2.6
Love 34.7 15.8 31.8 17.7
Colleagues 51.4 11.9 31.5 5.1
Social 35.4 10.6 52.1 1.9
Leisure 28 19 48.6 4.5
Sleep 39.5 22.2 32.8 5.5
Physical activity 27.3 20.3 48.6 3.9
Nutrition 37.9 22.8 35 4.2
Tobacco 24.4 7.1 14.8 53.7
Alcohol 33.4 7.4 13.5 45.7
Drugs 24.8 5.1 10 60.1
Violence 30.5 3.2 11.3 55
Early sexual intercourse 29.6 4.8 10.3 55.3
Unprotected sexual intercourse 28.6 6.1 8.7 56.6
Screen time 14.8 10.6 72 2.6
Imprudent driving 30.2 2.6 9 58.2
Performance 27 24.1 38.3 10.6
Stress 14.8 12.9 59.8 12.5
Relations with teachers 41.5 20.3 27 11.3
Relations with colleagues 41.5 15.4 31.8 11.3
Liking school/university 41.2 13.8 34.4 10.6
Table 2
Impact on living areas
Note: bold higher percentages
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
Equally focused on reporting negative ef-
fects, young people at secondary level focused
essentially on family relationships and with
friends. In these, they referred to: the loss of
important events and dates, of loved ones, and
the excessive time with the family, reporting
more conicts - family; loss of contacts and dif-
culty in making new friendships, also advo-
cated by young people at university level - so-
cial. For young people in university education,
the highlight was given to love relationships,
with the diculty in maintaining relationships
or meeting new people, and with colleagues,
whom some had never seen in person or man-
aged to establish a relationship.
With similar speeches between groups,
there was a preference for reporting the nega-
tive impacts on screen time, being congru-
ent that screen time suered a great increase
with the accumulation of classes, school work,
communication with friends and family, and
leisure; physical activity, with reports of in-
creased sedentariness and diculty in training
by federated athletes; nutrition, with changes
in pattern and increased food intake; sleep,
which became irregular with more hours of
sleep and episodes of insomnia; experimen-
tation (secondary) or increased consumption
(university) of substances such as tobacco, al-
cohol and cannabis.
Although with a higher report of negative
testimonies, positive eects of the pandemic
were also revealed by secondary level (e.g. more
time to study, easier tests). Agreeing on feelings
of demotivation and concentration problems in
online classes, which were not seen as positive,
the issues aecting both groups diered. If on
the one hand the young people in secondary
level revealed that teachers gave them a great-
er load of work, that they did not know them,
and that school was not the same with the virus
containment measures; the youth in university
level revealed a decrease in academic perfor-
mance, diculty in practical classes and with
bureaucratic issues.
When questioned about what was most
difficult, although both groups cited the fact
that their mental health was weakened, be-
ing far from family and friends, the loss of
freedom, distance learning, and the cancel-
lation of social events, the young people at
university level also highlighted teleworking
and love relationships.
As coping strategies, they were unani-
mous in the support from family and friends,
technology, physical exercise, contact with
nature and leisure activities (watching mov-
ies, reading, drawing, listening to music,
writing) or volunteering.
With regard to their short-term expec-
tations (1 year), the young people focused
mainly on the pandemic scenario, with a more
positive outlook evident among young peo-
ple at secondary level, condent that the pan-
demic would end with the full vaccination of
the entire population, and that society could
socialise again. However, some young people,
including those at university level, believed
that there would still be pandemic reexes and
worse mental health. Older ones also stressed
the problems linked to employment.
In the medium term (5 years), both showed
some diculty in envisaging the future, but
shifted the focus from the pandemic to their
lives, continuing to foresee issues related to
worse mental health, but nishing school (sec-
ondary) and entering the labour market or
starting a family (university).
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
Finally, despite again revealing diculties
in anticipating the long-term future (10 years),
they were in agreement that the mental health
of the population would continue to be a con-
cern, that the problems of the economy would
persist, aecting employment and causing the
search for work abroad, but that they antici-
pated that COVID-19 would be a memory, that
teleworking would be an even more common
reality, and that the planet would be healthier.
Discussion and Conclusions
This work aimed to understand the impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of
young portuguese, what they found most dif-
cult, their coping strategies, and expectations
regarding the future.
In the overall study, the picture is similar to
previous studies conducted during the pan-
demic with this population. Outstanding a
negative view of the impacts of the pandemic
on mental health (e.g. Loads et al., 2020; Near-
chou et al., 2020; Oosterho et al., 2020; Zhou
et al., 2020) and social (e.g. Branquinho et al.,
2020; Rogers, Ha, Ockeya, 2021), physical activ-
ity (e.g. Abbas et al, 2020; Schmidt et al., 2020)
and leisure (e.g. Moore et al., 2020; Panarese &
Azzarita, 2021), screen time (e.g. Schmidt et al.,
2020; Xiang et al., 2020) and school (e.g. Dias
& Pinto, 2020), at the level of academic perfor-
mance and stress.
When analysing the dierences between
secondary school and university levels of edu-
cation, a contrast was observed in the impacts
on physical health and well-being, and al-
though neutral impacts were more frequently
reported, young people at secondary school
level also showed more negative impacts (in-
crease in sedentariness, changes in eating pat-
terns with weight gain). At the mental level
(more feelings of anxiety, depression, anguish,
stress, demotivation and loneliness) and social
level (reduced socialisation and contacts), the
negative eects stood out in a higher percent-
age on the part of the university level.
In social relationships, a similar pattern
of greater reporting of negative impacts was
maintained, with superiority on the part of
the university level, stressing the diculty of
meeting new people.
Previous studies conducted in the country
with the same population and focusing on the
impacts of COVID-19, showed results along the
same lines as the previous ones (Branquinho
et al., 2020a; Branquinho, 2020b; Branquinho,
2021a; Branquinho, 2021b).
Regarding behaviours, although most of
them reported not consuming alcohol or driv-
ing recklessly, secondary school students re-
ported more negative eects. In the reports,
behaviours related to experimentation with
substances such as tobacco, alcohol and can-
nabis were cited by this group. Although con-
sumption cannot be compared to the pre-
pandemic, it is common to see a change in the
pattern of substance use and consumption, es-
sentially as a coping strategy to deal with the
eects of the pandemic (Benschop, van Bak-
kum, & Noijen, 2021).
Although screen time did not reveal dier-
ences, the negative impacts of this behaviour
were the most expressed, with young people
of both levels explaining that the increased
screen time was related to classes, work, com-
munication and leisure. Schmidt et al. (2020)
and Xiang et al. (2020) supported these nd-
ings with their research, with Hamilton et al.
(2020) arguing that social media use during
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
Health impact
and well-
“It increased the sedentary lifestyle that I was already prone to and completely broke my mental health.(S, age 16)
“I lost social practice and so sometimes it’s hard to interact with other people.(U, age 18)
Anxiety has increased a lot, fear of sharing common spaces, fear that I might get infected and harm others (especially
older people), fear of the unknown of what the virus might cause, fear of the state of the economy for the advances and
setbacks that have taken place. (U, age 22)
“Not being able to be with the whole family at parties, Christmas or Easter is very sad and painful. Always having to be
careful around friends makes interactions less aectionate and colder. (S, age 18)
“Not being able to hang out with my friends like we did before the pandemic meant we talked to each other a lot less and
when we did talk it was on video call (which will never be the same as being face to face). (S, age 17)
“Love relationships don’t happen as there is a fear of meeting new people, of whom we don’t know the care for covid.
(U, age 24)
Behavioural im-
“I got into the drug world, but light, and just for the fun of it, I got addicted to tobacco and spent my life drinking.(S, age
“My screen time increased immensely as I used to use it for studying, for leisure activities, to talk to friends, etc. In relation
to food, as I was always at home, I always felt like eating and I was out of control. I didn’t create a limit or a balance, which
was terrible. I thought I’d have lunch and after a short time I was already having a snack. (S, age 18)
“I spend a lot of time on my mobile phone, no motivation to do basic tasks. (U, age 21)
“Online classes have been very detrimental to both me and others. It is harder to catch up with the subject and study it,
causing stress over grades. (S, age 16)
“Home learning was negative as the workload and level of learning was not good due to lack of interest or the content
itself was not well applied by teachers. There was no consideration in pupils’ interests or needs. (S, age 17)
“I was in the last year of my master’s degree (internship + dissertation) and I had to leave everything suspended for 2/3
months because nobody knew how to give answers and I had to change everything and postpone all my goals. (U, age
The distance learning.(S, age 16)
“Stopping being with the ones I like the most. (U, age 21)
The telework, the non-existence of division between professional and personal space.(U, age 24)
Coping stra-
“My family. (S, age 17)
“Nature walks. (U, age 18)
“I discovered that I like to draw and took up the habit of writing again. (U, age 24)
Badly... I think we’re all going to accuse the pressure we’re feeling, I’m not sure.(S, age 17)
“My generation are going to start doing a lot of parties and events to make up for the lost year.(U, age 20)
Aected psychologically by anxiety.(U, age 24)
Medium term
People who are more hygienic and concerned about the planet.(S, age 1)
To start working, maybe with more telecommuting jobs since since since this pandemic started many companies have
opted for this way of working and are not thinking of going back to how they did it before.(S, age 18)
“Full of economic and social adversity.(U, age 23)
Long-term expectations
A lot of emigration and unemployment, many still living with their parents, no home of their own. (S, age 16)
“I believe we are going to be quite a nialistic generation, with an absence of truth, life, and feeling integrated and needed
by others, as I also believe there is more and more distance between the sexes which leads me to believe that fewer people
will want to get together to start a family. Many of us will not have the mental health with dopamine levels regulated to
be productive in what we would like to do and we will undoubtedly have a culture of narcissism and depression promo-
ted by social media. (U, age 20)
“I imagine an uninformed generation, dealing with the economic and environmental consequences of the pandemic,
lacking the economic power to start adulthood on time (23-28) and holding precarious jobs much of their lives. However,
always in a good mood :)” (U, age 22)
Table 3
Excerpts from the descriptions
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
the pandemic was related to searching for re-
sources, exploring their autonomy and iden-
tity, and maintaining social connectedness.
Physical activity was also reported as hav-
ing been compromised, as well as leisure time,
which only allows activities indoors. Other
studies focused on the impacts of the pan-
demic on this population, reported a decrease
in health behaviours such as physical activity
(Abbas et al., 2020; Schmidt et al., 2020).
In turn, in the academic eld, young peo-
ple at university level more often reported
negative consequences of the pandemic on
academic performance, a fact corroborated
in the research of Dias and Pinto (2020), and
stress; absence of impacts on the relation-
ship with teachers, but more negative eects
on the part of older young people; as well as
on the relationship with peers. Both groups
associated the diculties in academic perfor-
mance with online classes, the demotivation
and lack of concentration they cause, and the
stress to the increased workload (secondary)
(Branquinho et al., 2021a). The authors Raj and
Fatima (2020) revealed that due to the conne-
ment, 50% of the students were not comfort-
able with online classes, felt stress and were
worried about their studies. Young people at
university level stressed the diculty in prac-
tical classes and bureaucratic issues linked to
institutions. In terms of liking school, although
there was an absence of impacts, the negative
impacts were greater at secondary level, who
did not experience a very dierent school real-
ity on their return to classroom education.
In terms of what was most dicult, mental
health was the most important, although be-
ing away from family and friends, loss of free-
dom, online classes and cancellation of social
events were also mentioned by both groups.
They believed that family, friends, technolo-
gy, exercise, nature, and leisure activities and
volunteering had supported them in coping
with the pandemic. After three waves of the
pandemic, it is found that what they experi-
enced as most dicult and the coping strat-
egies adopted were maintained throughout
the various waves of the pandemic (Bran-
quinho et al., 2020a; Branquinho et al., 2020b;
Branquinho et al., 2021a; Branquinho et al.,
2021b). Planning daily routines, practicing
structured activities and developing new in-
terests may prove to be eective adaptive
strategies (Pigaini et al., 2020).
Regarding future expectations, there are no
known studies on the medium and long term,
but in the short term, the positive outlook of
young people at secondary level seem to be
in line with the results of Commodari and La
Rosa (2020), revealing that young people look
to the future with the hope of returning to nor-
mality, whatever it may be.
Although positive, both groups emphasised
the eects on mental health and university
students were still concerned about employ-
ment issues. In the medium term, they contin-
ued to raise the issue of mental health (which
persists in the long-term plan), but managed
to focus on a post-pandemic scenario, in which
secondary students would be nishing their
studies and those at university level would be
joining the labour market or starting a family.
In a study by Matos & Wainwright (2021), the
fact that it is unknown how well and how long
it will take the young population to recover is
highlighted, warning of the need to analyse
psychosocial scenarios separately for: (i) pres-
ence of previous mental illness and suspen-
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
sion of support from health services; (ii) rst
episode of mental illness during connement
and no support; (iii) existence of psychosocial
vulnerabilities and absence of resources; (iv)
drastic changes in routines, increasing a pes-
simistic outlook.
Finally, in the long term, only with COVID-19
as a reminder, they predicted problems in the
economy, which will lead to the search for em-
ployment abroad, more digital (with telework-
ing) and a healthier planet. In the medium and
long term, the diculty in presenting future
prospects was evident.
Strengths and Limitations
Focusing on the impacts of the COVID-19
pandemic and future expectations, this multi-
method study allowed us to get to know the
feelings, fears and opinions related to several
areas of the lives of Portuguese adolescents
and young adults, through their own voice.
Carried out 16 months after the start of the
pandemic, after 3 waves of the disease, ap-
proval of anti-COVID-19 vaccination in this
population, and the raising of some measures
to contain the virus, this study comes at a time
when it is possible to have a more conscious
look at the impacts of the pandemic, and ac-
cording to health authorities, start planning a
future of return to normality.
Despite the strong points presented, some
limitations are identied. The rst, and com-
mon to previous studies within the scope of
the impacts of the pandemic on this popula-
tion (Branquinho et al., 2020a; Branquinho
et al., 2020b; Branquinho et al., 2021a; Bran-
quinho et al., 2021b), data collection was car-
ried out through an open questionnaire, dis-
seminated through social network, email and
instant messaging applications, not allowing a
further exploration of the questions. The sec-
ond, the limited number of responses. Coincid-
ing with the school holiday period, it did not
facilitate the response to the instrument.
Finally, the large majority of participants be-
long to the female gender, a reality common to
other studies conducted in the country.
Overall, the reported impacts on mental
and social health, social relationships, be-
haviours such as physical activity and leisu-
re, screen time, and in the academic eld, at
academic and stress level, are in line with
previous studies conducted by the research
team (Branquinho et al., 2020; Branquinho
et al., 2021a; Branquinho et al., 2021b);
Although there are some dierences in the
speeches, depending on the stage of life,
young people in secondary school and uni-
versity have coinciding perspectives on the
impacts of the pandemic, highlighting the
consequences on mental health, the distance
from those they love most, the loss of free-
dom, online classes and cancellation of social
events. Family and friends, and physical exer-
cise are the most frequent coping strategies;
With diculties in envisioning the future,
especially in the medium and long term,
younger people are more positive about
the end of the pandemic, and older people
are more concerned about the eects of
the pandemic on the economy and its con-
sequences. Mental health emerges as a cu-
rrent, medium and long-term issue. A more
Análisis y Modicación de Conducta, 2022, vol. 48, nº 177
digital world and a healthier planet is part
of their long-term plans;
The need to strengthen measures and re-
sources at the level of health promotion
in the areas of health and education, with
greater emphasis on mental health, not
only in the short term, but also in the me-
dium and long term, is highlighted, results
in line with previous work conducted by the
research team (Matos, 2020a; Matos, 2020b;
Matos, 2021 in press).
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