Revista de Educación,
Motricidad e Investigación
Variation in the Perceived Motor Self-Efficacy of Spanish
Students throughout the Different Educational Stages
Variación en la Autoeficacia Motriz Percibida por Alumnos Españoles
a lo largo de las distintas etapas educativas
Galán-Arroyo, C.
Physical and Health Literacy and Health-Related Quality of Life (PHYQoL),
Faculty of Sport Science, University of Extremadura, 10003, Cáceres, Spain;
Polo-Campos, I.
University of Extremadura
Gómez-Paniagua, S.
University of Extremadura
Rojo-Ramos, J.
Physical Activity for Education, Performance and Health (PAEPH) Research Group,
Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Extremadura, 10003 Cáceres, Spain;
VOL. 21 (2023)
ISSN 2341-1473 pp. 1-14
Motor self-efficacy is the ability to cope with obstacles,
to control them and to solve them in the best possible
way. It is closely related to performance in physical edu-
cation and student health. The aim of this study is to me-
asure the performance of motor self-efficacy in Physical
Education in students aged 10 to 18 years, analyzing the
differences between students according to their educa-
tional level and age. A total of 946 students responded
to five socio-demographic questions, in addition to the
Motor Self-Efficacy Scale validated in Spanish. The Kolmo-
gorov-Smirnov test was used to determine the assump-
tion of normality, but since this assumption was not met,
non-parametric tests were used. In this sense, the Motor
Self-Efficacy Scale score and the differences between
the different instructional cycles were analyzed using the
Kruskal-Wallis test. In addition, a pairwise comparison
was performed as part of a post hoc study to examine the
differences between the different groups. The relations-
hip between the mean scale score and the variable age
was investigated using Spearman’s Rho test. Subsequent-
ly, the relationship between motor self-efficacy and parti-
cipants’ height, weight and BMI was examined using the
direct stepwise regression test. Finally, Cronbach’s alpha
was used to assess the reliability of the instrument. Signi-
ficant statistical differences were observed between edu-
cational levels and their relationship with BMI, height and
weight, highlighting the importance of motor self-efficacy
at different stages. Therefore, it would be interesting to in-
troduce educational methodologies that promote active
models and improve students’ motor self-efficacy.
Motor self-efficacy, students, educational level, physical
education, healthy lifestyle
Fecha de recepción: 20 de octubre de 2023
La autoeficacia motriz es la capacidad para hacer frente
a los obstáculos, controlarlos y resolverlos de la mejor
manera posible. Está estrechamente relacionada con el
rendimiento en educación física y la salud de los alum-
nos. El objetivo de este estudio es medir el rendimiento
de la autoeficacia motriz en Educación Física en alumnos
de 10 a 18 años, analizando las diferencias según su nivel
educativo y la edad. Un total de 946 estudiantes respon-
dieron a cinco preguntas sociodemográficas, además de
la Escala de Autoeficacia Motriz, validada en español. Se
utilizó el test de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para determinar el
supuesto de normalidad, pero como este supuesto no se
cumplía se utilizaron pruebas no paramétricas. En este
sentido, la puntuación de la autoeficacia motriz y las dife-
rencias entre los distintos ciclos educativos se analizaron
mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. Además, se realizó
una comparación por pares como parte de un estudio
post hoc para examinar las diferencias entre los distintos
grupos. La relación entre la puntuación media de la es-
cala y la variable edad se investigó mediante la prueba
Rho de Spearman. Posteriormente la relación entre la au-
toeficacia motriz y la altura, el peso e IMC a través de la
regresión directa por pasos. Por último, se utilizó el alfa
de Cronbach para evaluar la fiabilidad del instrumento.
Se observaron diferencias estadísticas significativas en
diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los niveles
educativos y su relación con el IMC, la altura y el peso,
destacando la importancia de la autoeficacia motriz en
las diferentes etapas. Por lo tanto, sería interesante intro-
ducir metodologías educativas que promuevan modelos
y mejoren la autoeficacia motriz de los alumnos.
Palabras claves:
Autoeficacia motriz, estudiantes, nivel educativo, edu-
cación física, estilo de vida saludable
Fecha de aceptación: 11 de mayo de 2023
Variation in the Perceived Motor Self-Efficacy
of Spanish Students throughout the Different
Educational Stages
Variación en la Autoeficacia Motriz Percibida por
Alumnos Españoles a lo largo de las distintas
etapas educativas
Galán-Arroyo, C.
Physical and Health Literacy and Health-Related Quality of Life (PHY-
QoL), Faculty of Sport Science, University of Extremadura, 10003, Cá-
ceres, Spain;
Polo-Campos, I.
University of Extremadura
Gómez-Paniagua, S.
University of Extremadura
Rojo-Ramos, J.
Physical Activity for Education, Performance and Health (PAEPH) Re-
search Group, Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Extremadura,
10003 Cáceres, Spain;
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1. Introduction The relationship between self-efficacy and academic success has been investigated (Hernández-Ál-
varez etal., 2011). Multon etal. (1991) conducted a meta-study in which they examined 36 studies
that had some form of measure that allowed comparison of particular value judgments of efficacy
with measures of performance on fundamental cognitive skills in various academic domains. They
arrived at a number of findings, one of which was that students with poorer academic performance
had greater predictive power for perceived self-efficacy (Multon etal., 1991). Numerous investiga-
tions (Lent etal., 1994, 1997; Pajares, 1996) have pointed out that self-efficacy is not an interchan-
geable notion and that its predictive power varies across subjects and even across different aspects
of a subject (Lent etal., 1997). Similar findings are reported by Pajares and Valiante ( 2002), who
found that perceived efficacy decreased as pupils moved from elementary to high school. Studies
in the area of physical activity (PA) have also shown that adolescents’ conduct in connection to their
practice of PA is influenced by their perception of its efficacy (Carroll & Loumidis, 2001; Dishman
etal., 2004; Welk & Schaben, 2004). However, studies concentrating on the subjective expectation
of being able to effectively handle motor situations have not been conducted in great numbers with
specific tools for evaluating self-efficacy, which we could refer to as physical or motor self-efficacy
(Hernández-Álvarez etal., 2011). People’s perceptions of their efficacy, however, must be measured
in terms of specific judgments of their ability to complete tasks defined in terms of the disciplinary
domain, as stated by Bandura (1997) and Zimmerman (1996), and supported by empirical studies
(Lent etal., 1994, 1997; Pajares, 1996; Pajares & Valiante, 2002).
The contributions of Bandura led to a significant advancement in the understanding of self-efficacy
(Bandura, 1986, 1992, 1997). According to the author, self-efficacy is the belief that one is compe-
tent in the face of obstacles that arise in life, enabling one to approach these circumstances with
the conviction that one can control them and suitably lessen the uncertainty they bring (Bandura,
1997). Self-efficacy affects the kind of activity a person engages in, becoming a sign of the amount
of time and effort, he or she commits to it as well as of how well they perform. Hernández-Álvarez
etal. (2011) claim that the concept of general self-efficacy serves as the foundation for the concept
of motor self-efficacy, which refers to a person’s sense of competence when faced with challenges
requiring their use of their motor skills and their ability to solve problems, involving participation
in physical activities. Insofar as it avoids doubts or conceptual conflicts with the definitions of other
terms like perceived motor skill or perceived motor competence, which are connected to the phy-
sical self-concept and the concept of motor self-efficacy, on which this scale is based (Ortiz-Gómez,
2021), is coherent with the approach of our study. Batey etal. (2014) provide another definition,
pointing out that self-efficacy is defined in relation to views of one’s own ability to complete particu-
lar activities (motor) and to overcome obstacles that would hinder successful participation in a given
task (motor). A factor that appears to have a significant impact on PA performance both within and
outside of physical education (PE) classes is motor self-efficacy (Ortiz-Gómez, 2021). In addition, as
researchers have already noted, motor self-efficacy takes into account a wide range of variables,
including—possibly—motivational variables and past successes (Perea-Chafé etal., 2016). Perceived
physical ability is included in these motor self-efficacy elements as well, as it is vital to believe that
one is skilled in order to produce effective results (Ortiz-Gómez, 2021).
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2. Materials and Methods
Bandura (1997) contends that subjects with high self-efficacy are more likely to attempt challenging
tasks. However, Hernández-Álvarez etal. (2011) contend that there are no studies on the perception
of self-efficacy, extending it to the motor domain (motor self-efficacy), that compare such perception
with the motor reality of the subject in question, and that allow us to know whether subjects tend to
overestimate or underestimate such perception. There is currently enough information available on
both the low rates of PA practiced by children and adolescents as well as the rise in the practice’s
abandonment during adolescence (Balaguer & Castillo, 2002; Duncan etal., 2004; Hernández-Álva-
rez etal., 2007; Roberts etal., 2004; Sallis etal., 2000; Velázquez etal., 2003). The perception of mo-
tor self-efficacy is a construct that needs to be examined in this context, justifying the need to build
particular instruments, but it is important to improve the pertinent knowledge on the components
that influence this reality (Hernández-Álvarez etal., 2011). With motor self-efficacy being a crucial
factor to consider in PE sessions, where students learn motor skills, the idea of boosting students’
perceptions of efficacy in teaching programs could result in significant physical, psychological, and
social advantages (Ortiz-Gómez, 2021). According to Ruiz-Pérez (1995), this perception of motor
efficacy is related to the subjective feelings that children have and contribute to the development of
their motor actions. This perception in turn affects the choice of activities, the consistency of motor
practice, and the performance of motor actions. However, it should be noted that there are fewer
studies on motor self-efficacy because it is a novel study variable and that no international research
has been identified on the topic (Ortiz-Gómez, 2021). Neither the lack of appropriate instruments,
neither the relationship between general and particular efficacy in PA nor the latters association with
motor performance have received enough research (Hernández-Álvarez etal., 2011).
Because of the above, this study measures perceptions of motor self-efficacy when engaging in PA
in students aged 10 to 18 years, analyzing the possible differences according to the educational
level to which the students belong and their age.
The sample size was chosen using the convenience sampling approach in accordance with non-pro-
bability sampling (Salkind, 1999). It may be said that a gender-balanced sample was produced since
48.3% of the sample (n = 457) was female and 51.7% of the sample (n = 489) was male. Of the stu-
dents, 19.10% were in the third cycle of primary education, which runs from ages 10 to 12, 18.40%
were in the first cycle of compulsory secondary education, which runs from ages 12 to 14, 14.40%
were in the second cycle of compulsory secondary education, which runs from ages 14 to 15, and
24.00% were in the baccalaureate program (from 16 to 18 years of age). Age was 14.59 years on
average (SD = 2.08).
Participants had to meet the following criteria in order to be included: a) informed parental consent
b) enrollment in PE in Extremadura public schools in the last cycle of primary, first or second cycle
of secondary school, or baccalaureate studies. The research was carried out in compliance with the
Declaration of Helsinki’s ethical guidelines, and the University of Extremaduras bioethics committee
gave its approval to the protocol (Registration Code 71/2022).
2.1. Participants
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The Google Forms tool was used to create the sociodemographic characterization questionnai-
re, which consisted of five questions on the age, gender, educational level, province of residence,
and center environment of the participants. In addition, the validated Spanish version of the Motor
Self-Efficacy Scale (E-AEM) was applied in the school population to measure the degree of motor
self-efficacy (Hernández-Álvarez etal., 2011). This test consists of ten items that describe potential
scenarios that could arise when engaging in PA. It employs a Likert-type scale with values ranging
from 1 to 4, with 1 denoting “totally disagree” and 4 denoting “totally agree.The scale’s application
yields a score based on the sum of all the components, with a minimum value of 10 signifying a low
degree of motor self-efficacy and a maximum value of 40 signifying the highest level of self-efficacy
perception. The authors reported a reliability value for Cronbach’s alpha of 0.89.
The contact information of all those who teach the final cycle of primary school (10 to 12 years), the
cycle of compulsory secondary education (12 to 16 years), and high school (16 to 18 years) was
selected from the directory of public schools in Extremadura provided by the Department of Educa-
tion and Employment of the Regional Government of Extremadura. Informing the PE teachers of the
study’s subject, a model of the instrument, and the importance of informed parental agreement was
done by sending emails to all the centers that had been chosen. If the teacher consented to parti-
cipate in the study, it was asked that they set up a time through email for a member of the research
team to visit the school and interview the children in PE, providing that all informed parental con-
sents had been gathered. As soon as it was confirmed that the participants’ parents or guardians had
signed the informed consent form, a researcher went to the school and gave each student a tablet
with a URL link to the questionnaire created using the Google Forms digital application. The resear-
cher then read out each item to make sure the participants had understood the instrument. To save
time and money and make it easier to store all the results in one database, it was decided to use an
electronic questionnaire. The questionnaire took an average of 10 minutes to finish. The information
was gathered between September and December 2022 in an anonymous manner.
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 for MAC was used to evaluate the data
that had been gathered. The assumption of normality in the distribution of the data was examined
using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Nonparametric tests were utilized since the results of this test
showed that the assumption was false. The mean (M) and standard deviation are how descriptive
data are presented (SD). The E-AEM score and differences between the several instructional cycles
were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. A pairwise comparison was done as part of a post-hoc
study to examine the differences between the several groups.
The link between the average scale score and the age variable was investigated using the Spear-
man’s Rho test. The relationship between the motor self-efficacy and participants’ height, weight and
BMI was examined using the direct stepwise regression test. The variables could not be entered into
the predictive model unless they had a significance level of less than 0.05. Cronbach’s Alpha was
used to evaluate the instrument’s reliability. Reliability levels between 0.60 and 0.70 can be regarded
2.2. Instruments
2.3 Procedure
2.4. Statistical Analysis
[ 6 ]
3. Results
as acceptable, whereas values between 0.70 and 0.90 can be regarded as satisfactory, according to
Nunnally and Bernstein (1994).
Table 1 shows descriptive information for the E-AEM based on the mean (M) and standard deviation
(SD) for each educational level. It is observed that there are significant differences at the general
level and specifically between the last cycle of primary school and the second cycle of secondary
school and between the latter and high school.
Descriptive analysis and differences by education stage
Education stage
E-AEM M (SD) Third cycle of PrE
First cycle of CSE
Second cycle of
CSE (C) Baccalaureate (D) p
ΣE-AEM 31.41 (6.07) 32.43 (5.49) 31.50 (5.70) 30.32 (6.37) 31.87
p = .005**
p (A-B) .832
p (A-C) .012*
p (A-D) 1.000
p (B-C) .349
p (B-D) 1.000
p (C-D) .017*
Note: ΣE-AEM = Sum of scale AEM. Differences are significant at **p < .01; *p < .05. M = Mean value; SD = Standard deviation; PrE =
Primary education; CSE = Compulsory secondary education. Each score obtained is based on a Likert scale (1–4): 1 “Totally disagree”,
2 “Quite disagree”, 3 “Quite agree”, 4 “Totally agree”.
Table 2 displays the correlations between E-AEM and the age by means of Spearman’s Rho test. It
can be seen that there are significant differences (p = < .023).
Correlation between E-AEM scale items with age
Items Age p (p)
ΣE-AEM .023* (.475)
Note: ΣE-AEM= Sum of scale AEM. Differences are significant at *p < .05. Each dimension’s score is determined using a Likert scale
(1-4) = 1 “Totally disagree”, 2 “Quite disagree”, 3 “Quite agree”, 4 “Totally agree”.
Table 3 contains the regression of the E-AEM. It can be seen that in all the variables (BMI, height and
weight) there are significant differences.
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Table 3
Model predicting changes in motor self-efficacy
Model 1 (R2) = 0.04
Variable βSE t p
BMI -1.256 0.322 -3.897 < .001**
Height -20.188 8.385 -2.408 .016*
Weight 0.409 0.121 3.373 < .001**
Constant 67.541 13.537 4.989 < .001**
Note: Differences are significant at **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05. Each dimension’s score is determined using a Likert scale (1-4) = 1 “Totally
disagree”, 2 “Quite disagree”, 3 “Quite agree”, 4 “Totally agree”.
The model (perceived motor self-efficacy scores = 0.409 x Weight – 1.256 x BMI – 20.188 x Height)
predicted 4% of the variability observed in the E-AEM. Participants with higher weight, lower BMI
and shorter height have better E-AEM scores (p < .05).
Lastly, reliability was assessed using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. According to Nunnally and
Bernstein (1994), the value of .90 achieved can be regarded as satisfactory.
This study arose from an interest in analyzing motor self-efficacy in students between the ages of 10
and 18 years. To achieve these results, the educational levels of the students were examined using
the E-AEM. Age was also considered as an influential factor.
Firstly, with regard to the E-AEM, there are significant differences according to educational level.
They can be observed especially in the last cycle of primary school (10-12 years) and the second
cycle of secondary education (14-15 years) and in the second cycle of secondary school and high
school (16-18 years). The literature has found that as age increases, motor self-efficacy decreases
(Hernández-Álvarez etal., 2011; Ortiz-Gómez, 2021) attributed in part to decreased physical abilities
to complete a motor activity (García-Cantó etal., 2013) and the accumulation of mistakes, as well as
the growth of one’s own critical evaluations (Causgrove-Dunn & Watkinson, 1994). In both genders,
a steady decline in motor self-efficacy is observed from adolescence onwards (Perea-Chafé etal.,
2016; Velázquez-Buendía etal., 2015), but especially in girls (Baños etal., 2018; Cardon & De Bour-
deaudhuij, 2008; Ortiz-Gómez, 2021; Perea-Chafé etal., 2016; Timo etal., 2016; Wu etal., 2003).
However, in the present research, it is found that it decreases until the second cycle of secondary
school, since in high school there is an upturn in which motor self-efficacy rises again. This may be
due to the fact that good motor self-efficacy favors the regular practice of PA in adolescents, as hi-
ghlighted in the study by Hernández etal. (2008). In this lin n at the national and international levels
with teenagers from Brazil and Spain who were between the ages of twelve and seventeen. When
Brazilian and Spanish school populations were compared, it was shown that the overall scores in
the Spanish population were much higher than in the Brazilian population, classifying both popula-
tions as having poor motor self-efficacy (Velázquez-Buendía etal., 2015). Furthermore, in our study,
the E-AEM and the age of the students had a significant correlation. Regarding age, a significant
4. Discussion
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progressive decline in motor self-efficacy scores was seen in Spanish adolescents in the twelve-to-
fourteen-year-old and fourteen-to-fifteen-year-old age brackets, as well as between fourteen-to-fif-
teen and sixteen-to-seventeen-year-old age brackets (Velázquez-Buendía etal., 2015). However, this
trend was not seen in Brazilian adolescents, despite the latter group’s significant differences in the
various age brackets (Velázquez-Buendía etal., 2015).
On the other hand, the regression model also confirms the influence of height, weight and BMI on
motor self-efficacy. The literature indicate that teenagers’ better motor ability predicts their larger
involvement in sports and PA, but there are also other indicators that appear to foretell future PA,
such as body weight and BMI, among others (Oñate-Navarrete etal., 2021). Self-efficacy has been
connected to good habits like controlling weight (Silva etal., 2018), being those who possess this
ability more dynamic and engaging in PA, which benefits their health (Fraile-García etal., 2019). Ac-
cording to Hulteen etal. (2018) ‘s findings, teenage motor performance is significantly influenced
by body weight. As a result, sedentary behavior declines, cardiometabolic risk is reduced, physical
fitness is improved, and academic performance, flexibility, self-esteem, and cognitive development
are all enhanced (Bardid etal., 2019; Lopes etal., 2019; Urrutia-Gutierrez etal., 2020). In this sense,
the body fat percentage, chance of being overweight, tendency toward physical inactivity, and levels
of PA and fitness are all exponentially increasing in these teenagers with poor motor competence
and skill (Greier & Drenowatz, 2018; Hands etal., 2019). It has been discovered that the acquisition
of motor abilities, has a favorable impact on PA levels in later years, together with maintaining a
healthy body weight as an adult (Martin etal., 2021; Utesch etal., 2019). The acquisition of a healthy
lifestyle through the enjoyable performance of PA, as well as the actions taken during childhood
and youth, will therefore have an impact on the maintenance of these habits in the stages that follow
puberty (Garcia-Marin & Fernández-López, 2020; Martin etal., 2021). In the association between BMI
and motor self-efficacy, statistically significant differences were found; although, regardless of BMI,
students have a high capacity for physical exercise and many of them participate in extracurricular
sports. (Ahumada-Satoba & Flórez-Flórez, 2019). In another study, the findings revealed a significant
correlation between BMI and enjoyment, perceived self-efficacy (Carissimi etal., 2017), and motor
performance (Colella etal., 2020). In other words, the findings show the importance of children’s
perceived self-efficacy and enjoyment in promoting motor development and an active lifestyle (Co-
lella etal., 2020). The indirect impact of psychological correlates on physical performance and mo-
tor skills in relation to BMI was quite considerable (Colella etal., 2020; Manley etal., 2014). Regard-
less of age, higher values of the body mass index have been linked to a deterioration in physical
efficiency (Colella etal., 2020). In addition, the findings showed that when compared to children of
healthy weight, children who were overweight or obese had worse mood scores (Nagy etal., 2017).
A person who is overweight or obese may have a self-perception of obesity that causes him or her
to feel unfit to engage in physical exercise, which could account for the increase in BMI and drop in
physical self-efficacy score (Carissimi etal., 2017). Consequently, it should be noted that there is no
literature on height in relation to motor self-efficacy; however, as it is part of BMI (Engin, 2017), this
variable will be taken into account in the previous paragraphs when discussing BMI.
In addition to the above, its vital to remember that research indicates that a number of morbidities
start developing in adolescence (Werneck etal., 2020). Adopting and maintaining an active lifestyle
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are among the protective factors; hence, the present issue is to successfully encourage physical
exercise during the first 20 years of life (Werneck etal., 2020).
The present work, like other studies, has several limitations. First, the sociodemographic, educational
level, weight and height of the students may have influenced the results. Second, since the sample
was chosen randomly, caution should be exercised in presenting the results. Finally, it is important to
highlight the lack of previous studies evaluating the association between student height and motor
self-efficacy. Some of the future lines of research would be to extend the sample to a national level
in all educational stages, to examine whether age has an influence, since there are some studies
that highlight that from primary education onwards motor self-efficacy decreases, however, in high
school it increases again, therefore, it would be important to know whether they have carried out
PA throughout their lives and hence this rebound or whether it is due to other factors. In addition,
it would also be advisable to differentiate perceived motor self-efficacy according to the gender of
the students. To this end, it is necessary to reach a consensus with other researchers from different
regions to collect all the necessary data. Furthermore, it should be borne in mind that the role played
by the entire community (family, friends and school) is very important, since it is vital to develop new
preventive health policies that can make them more motivated to continue practicing sports throu-
ghout their lives and to be aware of all the benefits it can offer them as well as the disadvantages of
physical inactivity.
Motor self-efficacy is closely related to students’ performance in Physical Education and health and
unfortunately, as age increases, motor self-efficacy decreases. For this reason, the role of teachers is
important, as they are one of the educational agents who can most influence pupils’ perception of
PA. It is also essential to work collaboratively and cooperatively with parents, as well as the involve-
ment of all administrations in order to achieve all the benefits offered by this practice. To this end,
it would be interesting to introduce educational methodologies that promote active models and
improve pupils’ motor self-efficacy.
This study highlights that the E-AEM, depending on the educational level and age of the student,
can yield important and satisfactory results. It is also associated with variables such as BMI, weight
and height. Therefore, more research should be done and new educational methodologies should
be taught in order for students to have healthy lifestyle habits and improve their self-efficacy. Howe-
ver, it should not be forgotten that it is important to know the motivations that students have to in-
culcate these habits in a playful way and that learning is above all intrinsic so that they can practice
them not only in their youth but also in adulthood and old age. The role of teachers is important
here, as they are one of the educational agents that can most influence the students’ perception of
PA. It is also essential to work collaboratively and cooperatively with parents, as well as to involve all
governments to achieve all the benefits offered by this practice.
4.1. Limitations and future lines of research
4.2. Practical Implications
5. Conclusions
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Conceptualization, C.G.-A. and I.P.C.; Data curation, J.R.-R.; Formal analysis, S.G.-P., A.C.-P. and J.R.-R.;
Funding acquisition, A.C.-P.; Investigation, C.G.-A., I.P.-C. and J.R.-R.; Methodology, I.P.C. and S.G.-P.;
Project administration, C.G.-A. and J.R.-R.; Resources, A.C.-P.; Software, S.G.-P.; Supervision, A.C.-P.
and J.R.-R.; Validation, S.G.-P.; Writing – original draft, C.G.-A., I.P.-C. and S.G.-P.; Writing – review &
editing, C.G.-A., A.C.-P. and J.R.-R.. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
This research received no external funding.
The research was carried out in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki’s ethical guidelines, and
the University of Extremadura’s bioethics committee gave its approval to the protocol (Registration
Code 71/2022)
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
The datasets used during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reaso-
nable request.
The authors would like to acknowledge the participants to make possible this study. We also thank
the Universidad de Las Américas for their support of the Open Access initiative.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Ahumada-Satoba, S. M., & Flórez-Flórez, M. L. (2019). Autoeficacia en la actividad física en niños,
índice de masa corporal y nivel de actividad física de sus padres. Salud Uninorte, 34(2), 393-408.
Balaguer, I., & Castillo, I. (2002). Actividad física, ejercicio físico y deporte en la adolescencia tempra-
na. Estilos de Vida en la Adolescencia, 19, 37-64.
Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory (pp. xiii, 617).
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Bandura, A. (1992). Exercise of personal agency through the self-efficacy mechanism. In R. Schwarzer
(Ed.), Self-efficacy: Thought control of action (pp. 3-38). Hemisphere Publishing Corp.
6. Author Contributions
7. Funding
8. Institutional Review Board Statement
9. Informed Consent Statement
10. Data Availability Statement
11. Acknowledgments
12. Conflicts of Interest
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