[ 80 ]
For the selection of the databases, taking into account that the two authors have links with the Uni-
versity of Almería and that with institutional credentials both can consult the same databases, includ-
ing some that have restricted access, we have taken as a starting point the Indaga search engine,
which has numerous databases classified into eight categories (1. agriculture and environment, 2.
science and technology, 3. health sciences, 4. social sciences and humanities, 5. law, 6. economics
and business, 7. multidisciplinary and 8. psychology). As expected, some repositories are repeated
in different categories and, for this reason, we have opted for the category called “multidiscipli-
nary”, since it contains the most solid databases in the academic field and, in addition, they collect
numerous studies of all other specialized categories. In the following table, we list all the databases
included in this category.
Table 1. Sources of information
Category databases multidisciplinary
(1) AENORmás: Normas al día, (2) Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional, (3) BASE, (4) Bibliografía Nacional Española, (5) Cambri-
dge Journals Online, (6) Centro de Estudios Andaluces: Publicaciones, (7) CSIC, (8) Dialnet, (9) Directory of Open Acess Journals,
(10) Ebook Central Academic Complete, (11) EBSCO Open Dissertations, (12) EBSCO [Platform], (13) elibro.net, (14) Emerald
Journals, (15) Essential Science Indicators, (16) INGEeBOOK Streaming Book Store, (17) Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de
Andalucía, (18) ISBN: books published in Spain since 1972 (Ministry of Culture), (19) ISSN Portal, (20) Journal Citation Reports, (21)
Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts, (22) Monografías oficiales de la Colección Administración Electrónica, (23)
MyNews Hemeroteca, (24) Odilo Préstam-e [Platform], (25) Open Grey: System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, (26)
OpenAIRE: Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, (27) O’Really for Higher Education, (28) Oxford Journals Collection,
(29) Oxford reference online premium, (30) Portal de Revistas de la Universidad de Almería (Proquest acceso UAL), (31) Proquest
Dissertation & Theses Global, (32) Proquest [Platform], (33) REBIUN, (34) Recolecta, (35) REDIB: Red Iberoamericana de Innovación
y Conocimiento Científico, (36) ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, (37) Sage Premier, (38) SciELO Citation
Index, (39) CsiELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online, (40) ScienceDirect e-books, (41) ScienceDirect Journals, (42) SciVal, (43)
Scopus, (44) The Serials Directory, (45) Síntesis Editorial, (46) Sistema de Información multiterritorial de Andalucía, (47) Taylor &
Francis eBooks Open Access, (48) Taylor & Francis Open Access, (49) TDR: Tesis Doctorales en Red, (50) TESEO, (51) Ulrichweb:
global serials directory, (52) Unebook, (53) UNTERM: United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database, (54) Web of Science, y
(55) Wiley Online Library Open Access.
Source: own elaboration
As can be seen in the table above, not all databases included in these categories meet the eligibility
criteria mentioned in section 2.1. For this reason, we have proceeded to discard those that collect
studies linked to other formats, such as digital newspaper archives, dictionaries and reference works,
records of authority and standards or statistical information, as well as those that deal with other are-
as of specialty that does not include education or social sciences, in general. In addition to these, we
have had to discard the REDIB database, the Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific
Knowledge, because, as indicated on the main page of the platform’s website, “This website will not
be updated or will pr
ovide any services fr
om June 30,
2022” (
e ourselves
have tried to replicate the search methods determined in this study, but the system did not correctly
filter results prior to that date. In this way, the following databases were discarded:
2.2. Information sources