VOL. 3 (2024)
ISSN 2952-2013 pp. 76-93
Spanish language teaching, functional diversity,
and inclusion. A systematic review
Enseñanza del español, diversidad funcional e inclusión.
Una revisión sistemática
Eman Mhanna
Universidad de Sevilla
Malak Mhanna
Universidad de Almería
Conceptos como el de inclusión o el de diversidad fun-
cional han brotado de forma notable en las distintas
investigaciones abordadas desde la perspectiva de la
educación obligatoria o de otro tipo de educación más
canónica, como la enseñanza universitaria, por ejemplo.
No obstante, estas aproximaciones no parecen adquirir
la misma relevancia en el ámbito específico de la ense-
ñanza de lenguas extranjeras.
De este modo, nos proponemos conocer el estado de la
cuestión particular en torno a la atención a la diversidad
funcional en la enseñanza del español como lengua ex-
tranjera. Para ello, nos proponemos realizar una revisión
sistemática en las principales bases de datos científicas,
tarea que emprenderemos a partir de las directrices de
la declaración PRISMA de 2020. Una de las principales
dificultades de este estudio, contempladas incluso pre-
viamente a la realización de las distintas consultas, es la
posibilidad de solapamiento entre este objeto de estu-
dio y otros afines, como los relacionados con los proble-
mas del desarrollo en la infancia o las dificultades deriva-
das del bilingüismo en las escuelas.
Palabras claves:
Español como lengua extranjera; diversidad funcional;
discapacidad; trastornos del lenguaje.
Fecha de aceptación: 28 de abril de 2024
Concepts such as inclusion or functional diversity have
emerged in a notable way in the various research studies
approached from the perspective of compulsory edu-
cation or other more canonical types of education, such
as university education, for example. However, these
approaches do not seem to acquire the same relevance
in the specific field of foreign language teaching.
In this way, we propose to find out the state of the art
regarding the attention to functional diversity in the tea-
ching of Spanish as a foreign language. To this end, we
propose to carry out a systematic review of the main
scientific databases, a task which we will undertake ba-
sed on the guidelines of the PRISMA 2020 Declaration.
One of the main difficulties of this study, even contem-
plated prior to carrying out the various consultations, is
the probability of overlap between this object of study
and other related ones, such as those related to child-
hood developmental problems or difficulties arising from
Spanish as a foreign language; functional diversity;
disability; language disorders.
Fecha de recepción: 02 de febrero de 2024
Spanish language teaching, functional
diversity, and inclusion. A systematic review
Enseñanza del español, diversidad funcional
e inclusión. Una revisión sistemática
Eman Mhanna
Universidad de Sevilla
Malak Mhanna
Universidad de Almería
[ 78 ]
Attention to diversity in the educational field, or what is known as inclusive teaching, is debated
between the academic and the legislative aspect, in the sense that the laws stipulate equality that
goes from the access to education itself to its effective development in order to guarantee a learning
process under equal conditions for every student. This implies that legislation, as well as the specific
programs of public and private educational institutions and entities, must reserve space for inclu-
sion and feasible methods so that it can be put into practice. To this end, research plays a key role
in discerning between satisfactory approaches and those which are simply designed to minimally
comply with the requirements that must be fulfilled. As happens in other contexts, it is common to
find approaches made from the perspective of the dominant groups (here, we would talk about po-
litical and educational macro actors), but the truly constructive approach is the one that considers
the perspective of the affected people themselves, as reflected in the study by Moriña and Cotán
(2017), for example. What is more, some scholars speak explicitly of education as the “expression of
social views” or even as a “social antidote par excellence” (Pàllares & Cabrero, 2018, pp.6-7).
With a simple search in any database, we will notice that the interest in inclusion in canonical educa-
tion, whether at compulsory levels or in higher education, it overlaps with specific education, such
as the teaching of foreign languages. Parra (2010: p. 75) points out that, since the implementation
of compulsory elementary schooling in 1917, different needs began to be detected among the stu-
dents, which led to the creation of what later became known as special classrooms. This proposal
to create special classrooms has sometimes been replaced by the idea of a universal design, a term
coined by Ronald L. Mace at the end of the 80s, to contemplate, in its essential approach, all recipi-
ents without the need to make subsequent adaptations (Fernández, 2018: p. 253). From one orien-
tation or another, it seems clear that concern for this type of teaching occupies a more prominent
place from a scientific point of view. Sometimes, proposals related to functional diversity and inclu-
sion, in any of the aforementioned areas, are framed in other broader studies on equality (Muntaner,
2000; Fernández, 2000; Parra, 2011 or Medina García, 2017, among others).
Therefore, in this work we propose to investigate the specific state of the issue of inclusion in the
specific field of language teaching and, more specifically, what affects the teaching of Spanish as a
foreign language. If, by its design, the teaching/learning process presents great difficulties for stu-
dents with disabilities or who are affected by any of the conditions categorized in the large group of
functional diversity (whether related or not to language), we believe that greater attention must be
paid to the acquisition of the codes of a foreign language, especially if the student does not have
a direct contact with it and with the culture it represents. This work must emanate, mainly, from sci-
entific studies developed in the field of education. Hence, the purpose of this work is to know the
situation of this type of research, for which we look, firstly, at the existing bibliography regarding the
teaching of Spanish as a foreign language and, secondly, we contrast the results of this search with
those of foreign language teaching in general.
Finally, regarding the structure of the work, after this introductory section we offer some methodo-
logical considerations, in which we follow the guidelines of the 2020 PRISMA declaration. Once the
method has been defined, we proceed to present the results of the systematic search carried out,
which we discuss in that same third section. And, finally, we close with a decalogue as a conclusion.
1. Introduction
[ 79 ]
Given that the main objective of this study is to know the state of the art regarding the contemplation
of the different aspects related to functional diversity in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign lan-
guage, we are convinced that systematic, transparent and, above all, replicable ways of proceeding,
such as the PRISMA method, are the ones that best fit this purpose. Therefore, methodological con-
siderations must be described meticulously, as we will proceed below. Each of the subsections that
we are going to break down below correspond to one of the points indicated in the PRISMA 2020
statement (Page et al., 2020).
Before undertaking the task of searching and examining publications related to our object of study,
we have delimited their eligibility according to the following inclusion and exclusion criteria:
A) For the topic, works related to attention to functional diversity in the teaching of Spanish as a
foreign language were included, including both those that address different types of disabili-
ties and those that deal with disorders that affect language (aphasia, dyslexia, among others).
Taking into account that these issues of teaching/learning of foreign languages overlap, at
times, with other areas of education, such as the design of teaching programs for teaching
the mother tongue in the primary stage, mainly, or even, the particular development of bilin-
gual students or those who are schooled in bilingual environments. To avoid this crossover,
publications related to these last two areas have been excluded from the study.
B) Regarding the type of document, all those that have a scientific nature and are compiled in
an indexed journal (articles), book (monographs or chapters) or digital repository (confe-
rence proceedings, doctoral theses or any of the previous subgenres) have been included.
Therefore, those productions that are not scientific or purely academic in nature, such as
informative articles, for example, are excluded.
C) For the area of knowledge, what matters to us, in this case, is the purpose of the study. If this
is oriented towards the teaching and learning of foreign languages, even if the affiliation of
the authors or the publishing entity is not specifically education or the work was carried out
within the framework of a multidisciplinary team, they will be considered valid. However,
all studies that, developed outside of that field, do not have educational objectives will be
excluded. Some of the advanced search tools in the databases allow us to narrow down the
topic, so, when possible, we have used this filter.
D) Regarding language, we have taken into account two perspectives: on the one hand, the lan-
guage under study and, on the other, the language used to write it. For the first one, we have
included exclusively works that address the teaching of Spanish, so we have excluded those
that are dedicated to the analysis of that same topic applied to other languages and in which
Spanish is not mentioned. However, we have not determined any filter that would restrict the
language of publication of the works, as long as the previous criterion was met.
E) No restriction has been established regarding the period of publication of the studies, but
this has been subject to what was offered by the global results of the searches, according to
the particular registry of each platform.
F) Finally, regarding availability, the only results that we have been excluded were those which
were not in open access, did not have a summary either, as itis the case of citations.
2. The method
2.1. Eligibility criteria
[ 80 ]
For the selection of the databases, taking into account that the two authors have links with the Uni-
versity of Almería and that with institutional credentials both can consult the same databases, includ-
ing some that have restricted access, we have taken as a starting point the Indaga search engine,
which has numerous databases classified into eight categories (1. agriculture and environment, 2.
science and technology, 3. health sciences, 4. social sciences and humanities, 5. law, 6. economics
and business, 7. multidisciplinary and 8. psychology). As expected, some repositories are repeated
in different categories and, for this reason, we have opted for the category called “multidiscipli-
nary”, since it contains the most solid databases in the academic field and, in addition, they collect
numerous studies of all other specialized categories. In the following table, we list all the databases
included in this category.
Table 1. Sources of information
Category databases multidisciplinary
(1) AENORmás: Normas al día, (2) Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional, (3) BASE, (4) Bibliografía Nacional Española, (5) Cambri-
dge Journals Online, (6) Centro de Estudios Andaluces: Publicaciones, (7) CSIC, (8) Dialnet, (9) Directory of Open Acess Journals,
(10) Ebook Central Academic Complete, (11) EBSCO Open Dissertations, (12) EBSCO [Platform], (13) elibro.net, (14) Emerald
Journals, (15) Essential Science Indicators, (16) INGEeBOOK Streaming Book Store, (17) Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de
Andalucía, (18) ISBN: books published in Spain since 1972 (Ministry of Culture), (19) ISSN Portal, (20) Journal Citation Reports, (21)
Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts, (22) Monografías oficiales de la Colección Administración Electrónica, (23)
MyNews Hemeroteca, (24) Odilo Préstam-e [Platform], (25) Open Grey: System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, (26)
OpenAIRE: Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, (27) O’Really for Higher Education, (28) Oxford Journals Collection,
(29) Oxford reference online premium, (30) Portal de Revistas de la Universidad de Almería (Proquest acceso UAL), (31) Proquest
Dissertation & Theses Global, (32) Proquest [Platform], (33) REBIUN, (34) Recolecta, (35) REDIB: Red Iberoamericana de Innovación
y Conocimiento Científico, (36) ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, (37) Sage Premier, (38) SciELO Citation
Index, (39) CsiELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online, (40) ScienceDirect e-books, (41) ScienceDirect Journals, (42) SciVal, (43)
Scopus, (44) The Serials Directory, (45) Síntesis Editorial, (46) Sistema de Información multiterritorial de Andalucía, (47) Taylor &
Francis eBooks Open Access, (48) Taylor & Francis Open Access, (49) TDR: Tesis Doctorales en Red, (50) TESEO, (51) Ulrichweb:
global serials directory, (52) Unebook, (53) UNTERM: United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database, (54) Web of Science, y
(55) Wiley Online Library Open Access.
Source: own elaboration
As can be seen in the table above, not all databases included in these categories meet the eligibility
criteria mentioned in section 2.1. For this reason, we have proceeded to discard those that collect
studies linked to other formats, such as digital newspaper archives, dictionaries and reference works,
records of authority and standards or statistical information, as well as those that deal with other are-
as of specialty that does not include education or social sciences, in general. In addition to these, we
have had to discard the REDIB database, the Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific
Knowledge, because, as indicated on the main page of the platform’s website, “This website will not
be updated or will provide any services from June 30, 2022” (https://www.redib.org/). We ourselves
have tried to replicate the search methods determined in this study, but the system did not correctly
filter results prior to that date. In this way, the following databases were discarded:
2.2. Information sources
[ 81 ]
Table 2. Excluded databases
Excluded databases
(1) AENORmás: Normas al día, (2) Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional, (3) Bibliografía Nacional Española, (4) Directory of Open
Acess Journals, (5) Essential Science Indicators, (6) INGEeBOOK Streaming Book Store, (7) Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía
de Andalucía, (8) ISBN: books published in Spain since 1972 (Ministry of Culture), (9) Journal Citation Reports, (10) Library, Infor-
mation Science and Technology Abstracts, (11) Monografías oficiales de la Colección Administración Electrónica, (12) MyNews
Hemeroteca, (13) Odilo Préstam-e [Platform], (14) OpenAIRE: Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, (15) O’Really for
Higher Education, (16) Oxford Journals Collection, (17) Oxford reference online premium, (18) Portal de Revistas de la Universidad
de Almería (Proquest acceso UAL), (19) Recolecta, (20) REDIB: Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico, (21)
ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, (22) SciELO Citation Index, (23) CsiELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online,
(24) SciVal, (25) Sistema de Información multiterritorial de Andalucía, (26) UNTERM: United Nations Multilingual Terminology Da-
tabase, y (27) Wiley Online Library Open Access.
Source: own elaboration
Regarding the dates, several searches were carried out between January 10 and 24, 2024, as we will
explain later.
To carry out the query, the keywords have been entered teaching Spanish, Spanish, ELE, functional
diversity, disability, and language disorders in the search engines of each of the databases, obeying
the parameters illustrated in the following table:
Table 3. Search terms
Foreground Relationship type Second ending
(1) Spanish teaching co-occurrences (AND)
(A) functional diversity
(B) disability
(C) language disorders
(2) ELE co-occurrence (AND)
(A) functional diversity
(B) disability
(C) language disorders
Source: own elaboration
The main requirement reflected in the search engines of the previously mentioned databases is the
one that has to do with the co-occurrence of the two terms in question. For databases that offered
the option of advanced search, the choice that appeared by default has been maintained, which is
all the results, for all items, except for the delimitation of the area of knowledge (education or social
2.3. Search strategy
[ 82 ]
sciences, according to the available options and the extent of the results), in which they offered this
possibility, and the citations, that is, studies without free access or availability of abstracts. To deter-
mine the other eligibility criteria of the studies, an individual reading of each of the results had to be
The query has been carried out by the two authors of this work in two phases: first, one of the authors
has carried out the complete query in the selected databases, in accordance with the criteria that
we have previously described. And, secondly, based on these results, the other author has made a
second query, following exactly the same steps, but in a different period (the first search was carried
out on January 10, 2024, and this last verification took place two weeks later, on January 24 January
2024). There was no significant disagreement between one search and the other, so the results of
the first were corroborated.
In this regard, once the studies were selected, the two authors worked together to extract the data
from each of them. The following categories were taken into account: (1) database, (2) search terms,
(3) author, (4) title and (5) year. For this task, as we mentioned above, an individual reading of each
document was done.
Based on the parameters described in the second section, the data recovered was the following,
which we broke down according to the co-occurrence shown in Table 3 and, at the end, we will
present the total number of documents offered by each database, as well as the number of eligible
documents according to the criteria mentioned in the methodology, in each database and, in the
end, the global result in all the platforms analysed:
Table 4. Summary of results of the specific search
Name 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C Total Eligible
BASE 35 284 73 18 77 27 514 2
Cambridge Journals Online 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Centro de Estudios Andaluces: Publicaciones 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
CSIC 0 0 0 8 163 15 186 0
Dialnet 125 139 16 34 30 3 347 3
Ebook Central Academic Complete 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
EBSCO Open Dissertations 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
EBSCO [Platform] 5 1 74 1 48 6 135 0
elibro.net 0 0 0 0 13 0 13 0
Emerald Journals 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
ISSN Portal 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
2.4. Selection process
2.5. Study extraction process
3. Results and discussion
3.1. The current state of the matter
[ 83 ]
Name 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C Total Eligible
Open Grey: System for Information on Grey Litera-
ture in Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Proquest Dissertation & Theses Global 170 51 64 158 34 61 538 0
Proquest [Platform] 314 269 130 170 109 25 1017 0
REBIUN 18 74 16 3 9 1 121 1
Sage Premier 65 57 62 6 4 3 197 0
ScienceDirect e-books / journals 19 27 6 14 19 9 94 0
Scopus 0 0 0 0 1 0 10
The Serials Directory 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Síntesis Editorial 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Taylor & Francis eBooks 82 81 88 68 66 118 503 0
Taylor & Francis Open Access 81 55 52 12 5 3 208 0
TDR: Online Doctoral Theses 16 2 4 15 2 4 43 0
Theseus 0 0 0 0 1 0 10
Ulrichweb: global serials directory 0 0 99 0 0 0 99 0
Unebook 10 7 7 3 0 0 27 0
Web of Science 1 5 0 2 18 2 28 0
TOTAL COOCCURRENCE 941 1052 691 512 599 277 4072 6
Source: own elaboration
The information that emerges from the previous table confirms that, although the absolute number
of documents extracted from all the databases analysed is 4072, the truth is that those that meet
the eligibility criteria, once the individual and manual review of each document has been carried
out, there are only 6 and, furthermore, located only in three of the 27 databases consulted. So, we
can confirm that the majority, the remaining 23, do not provide any results that comply with the pur-
pose of this investigation. The three databases in which the valid documents were found are BASE
(Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Dialnet and REBIUN, although we must say that some docu-
ments were repeated in more than one of these. So, finally, they were able to say that we have only
4 valid documents, as shown in table 5.
The patent imbalance between total documents for each descriptor and final number of eligible
results in each database and, in general, is due, primarily, to the overlap of our object of study with
that of other related topics, such as attention to diversity in language teaching in the stages of basic
education or in bilingual teaching environments or a particular condition of family bilingualism, as
we expected.
[ 84 ]
Table 5. Description of eligible studies for specific search.
Database Search terms Author Title Year
ELE y discapacidad Barrera García Creación de ELE accesible: un espacio virtual de asesoramiento
a docentes de ELE sobre accesibilidad web y discapacidad visual 2009
Enseñanza del es-
pañol y discapaci-
dad intelectual
Domínguez Fer-
La enseñanza del español a inmigrantes con discapacidad intelec-
tual 2009
Enseñanza del es-
pañol y trastornos
del lenguaje
Reyes Morente
Aplicación de técnicas de corrección e intervención logopédica
para la enseñanza de la articulación del fonema vibrante múltiple
/r/ a estudiantes anglófonos de ELE
Enseñanza del es-
pañol y trastornos
del lenguaje
Grosso La enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera a estudiantes
con Trastorno del Espectro Autista 2020
Source: own elaboration
Given that the descriptors established to explore the state of the literature on the teaching of Span-
ish as a foreign language in the field of functional diversity have led us to a very modest number of
studies, we wanted to expand the first search term with the intention to be able to corroborate that
this is, in fact, the real state of our object of study, as well as to be able to equate it with the situation
of the teaching of other languages. To do this, instead of the specification that delimited the Spanish
language (Spanish teaching and ELE), we have expanded the first term to foreign language, main-
taining the three categories of the second term: (A) functional diversity, (B) disability y (C) language
disorders. The fruits of this new search are set out below:
Table 6. Summary of general search results
Name 3A Total 3A Eligible 3B Total 3B Eligible 3C Total 3C Eligible
BASE 0 0 4 30 0
Cambridge Journals Online 56 0 56 0 77 0
Centro de Estudios Andaluces: Publicaciones 0 0 0 0 0 0
CSIC 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dialnet 4 344 24 22
Ebook Central Academic Complete 0 0 0 0 0 0
EBSCO Open Dissertations 0 0 0 0 0 0
EBSCO [Platform] 1 0 5 0 0 0
elibro.net 0 0 0 0 0 0
Emerald Journals 0 0 0 0 0 0
ISSN Portal 0 0 0 0 0 0
Open Grey: System for Information on Grey Litera-
ture in Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proquest Dissertation & Theses Global 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.2. Contrast with other results
[ 85 ]
Name 3A Total 3A Eligible 3B Total 3B Eligible 3C Total 3C Eligible
Proquest [Platform] 47 0 272 337 1
REBIUN 7 117 341
Sage Premier 47 218 0 12 0
ScienceDirect e-books / journals 10 19 0 3 0
Scopus 11 245 212 0
The Serials Directory 1 0 0 0 0 0
Síntesis Editorial 0 0 0 0 0 0
Taylor & Francis eBooks Open Access 90 0 15 0 29 0
Taylor & Francis Open Access 60 121 113 0
TDR: Online Doctoral Theses 8 0 92 0 10 0
Theseus 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ulrichweb: global serials directory 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unebook 3 0 0 0 0 0
Web of Science 1 10 0 0 0
Total co-occurrence 346 11 598 36 199 4
Source: own elaboration
If we look at columns 3, 5 and 7 (corresponding to the eligible documents in each of the categories),
we will see that, despite not offering such dense results, given the broad interest in research that
addresses the foreign language, these are considerably broader than those of the specific descrip-
tors that limit the search to the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. Thus, this new search has
provided us with 1143 documents, of which 51 coincided with our eligibility criteria, after carrying
out the individual verification of each one of them.
The most frequent co-occurrence, as can be seen in the table, is the one that includes, as a second
term, disability (36 of the 51 eligible documents), followed by functional diversity (11), so that of lan-
guage disorders (4) in last place. In the first query, the specific one (Table 4), the situation is similar,
so we assume that the term disability is the most profitable. Clearly, in both this general and specific
search, Dialnet is the database that provides the largest number of results. In this sense, we must
warn that, although we have included publications in other languages, the search terms have been
entered exclusively in Spanish and that is why some databases of international scope, or foreign
platforms would be more restricted.
On this occasion, of the 27 databases analysed, 9 are the ones that have provided us with results: (1)
BASE, (2) Dialnet, (3) Proquest, (4) REBIUN, (5) Sage Premier, (6) Science Direct, (7) Scopus, (8) Taylor
& Francis and (9) Web of Science. As we will see in the table below, some studies have appeared in
more than one database, so in the first column all the sources we have been indicated in which each
one was it found.
4. Results and Discussion
[ 86 ]
Table 7. Description of eligible general search studies.
Database Search terms Author(s) Title Year
Lengua extranjera y trastornos del
lenguaje Yúfera Gómez La reeducación de los trastornos del lenguaje y la
enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras 1993
Sage Journals
Taylor & Francis
Open Access
Lengua extranjera y diversidad
funcional Lorenzo Déficit de aprendizaje y déficit motivacional: investi-
gando la hipótesis resultativa en el aula de idiomas 2001
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Santana Rollán
Adquisición de una segunda lengua en alumnos
con discapacidad visual la integración como vari-
able en el aprendizaje de inglés como lengua ex-
REBIUN Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Santana Rollán
Adquisición de una segunda lengua en alumnos
con discapacidad visual la integración como vari-
able en el aprendizaje de inglés como lengua ex-
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Montes Alcalá Discapacidades de aprendizaje en una lengua ex-
tranjera: un curso piloto 2007
ProQuest Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Moirano y Pérez
Otro modo de ver la diversidad: La integración de
niños con capacidades especiales en la clase de
lengua extranjera
Sage Journals Lengua extranjera y diversidad
Rosado, Aparici
and Perera
Adapting to the circumstances: on discourse com-
petence in L2 Spanish 2014
ScienceDirect Lengua extranjera y diversidad
Pontón and
Eficacia de la enseñanza adaptativa en el aprendiza-
je del inglés de personas adulta. Adaptive Teaching
as method for English learning in Adult Education
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Escabias Lloret
and Ordóñez
Atención a la diversidad adaptación de cursos de
inglés para alumnos con discapacidad auditiva 2015
ProQuest Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Pizarro Chacón
and Cordero
La enseñanza del inglés como segunda lengua a
estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad y nece-
sidades educativas especiales: un reto académico
BASE Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Mancilla Piedra-
Diseño, implementación y evaluación de una se-
cuencia didáctica para el desarrollo de la comp-
rensión y expresión oral en la enseñanza del inglés
como lengua extranjera para estudiantes con dis-
capacidad visual en el Instituto para Niños Ciegos y
Sordos del Valle del Cauca.
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Alvarado Cantero Necesidades educativas específicas y discapaci-
dad pedagogía de la inclusión en las aulas de ELE 2016
Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Medina Sán-
chez and Pérez
Adaptaciones metodológicas en el aula de lengua
extranjera para el alumnado con discapacidad in-
telectual leve, estudio de caso
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Ernica Vogel La canción: un recurso para generar entornos edu-
cativos inclusivos en el aula de inglés 2017
[ 87 ]
Database Search terms Author(s) Title Year
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacida
Bonilla Tenesaca,
Batista Medina
and Jiménez
La inclusión y atención a la diversidad en las clases
de inglés a través del método LEBY en las aca-
demias de idiomas ecuatorianas
Taylor & Francis
Open Access Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Calduch Traducción audiovisual y aprendizaje del español
como L2: el uso de la audiodescripción 2017
Dialnet and
Lengua extranjera y diversidad
Fernández Por-
Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje de idiomas
en personas con diversidad funcional 2018
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Medina Sánchez Enseñanza de la lengua extranjera para alumnado
con discapacidad intelectual leve estudio de caso 2018
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Pejović and Trivić
La enseñanza de ELE y las necesidades educativas
especiales en el ámbito universitario serbio. Estu-
dio de caso
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Cevallos Vis-
caíno, Romero
García, Sandoval
Vizuete and San-
doval Vizuete
Utilización de software en la enseñanza del idioma
inglés básico a personas con discapacidad visual 2018
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y trastornos del
lenguaje Reyes Morente
Aplicación de técnicas de corrección e interven-
ción logopédica para la enseñanza de la articula-
ción del fonema vibrante múltiple /r/ a estudiantes
anglófonos de ELE
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Naranjo de Arcos Enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras a personas con
discapacidad auditiva 2019
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Reverter Oliver
Inclusión del alumnado con discapacidad sensorial
y traducción audiovisual en las aulas de inglés de
las EEOOII de la comunitat valenciana. Un estudio
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Garrote Camare-
Análisis del aprendizaje y adquisición del bilingüis-
mo oral de la lengua inglesa en alumnos con disca-
pacidad auditiva
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Sowell and Sugi-
An Exploration of EFL Teachers’ Experience with
Learning Disability Training 2020
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
González Castro,
Blázquez Arribas,
Sánchez Fuent-
es and Alcalde
En-abilities, herramientas online para el aprendiza-
je de inglés en adultos con necesidades educativas
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Carpenter EFL Education for the Visually Impaired in Japan.
Data from Five Interviews 2020
REBIUN Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Medina Sán-
chez and Pérez
Fundamentos teórico-prácticos en torno a la inclu-
sión del alumnado con discapacidad intelectual en
el aula de lengua extranjera
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Young Guide to Systematizing Support for Students with
Disabilities in Postsecondary EFL 2020
[ 88 ]
Database Search terms Author(s) Title Year
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Blázquez Arribas,
Barros del Río,
Alcalde Peñalver
and Sigona
La enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en
adultos con discapacidad propuesta del proyecto
europeo En-Abilities
ProQuest Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Molina Ramírez Lectoescritura en inglés para estudiantes sordos 2020
Scopus Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Blázquez Arribas,
Barros del Río,
Alcalde Peñalver
and Sigona
Teaching English to adults with disabilities: A digital
solution through En-Abilities 2020
Scopus Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Medina Sán-
chez and Pérez
Theoretical and practical principles about the inclu-
sive education of pupils with mild intellectual dis-
abilities in the foreign language classroom
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y diversidad
Villarreal Buitra-
go and Méndez
Dealing with Functional Diversity in EFL Class-
rooms. English Teachers’ Positioning 2021
Scopus Lengua extranjera y diversidad
Garrote Ca-
marena, Moreno
Rodríguez and
Reyes Téllez
Learning a Foreign Language in Compulsory Edu-
cation: Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students’ Expe-
riences 2021
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Autaeva, Kis-
metova, Rsald-
inova, Mirza,
Maldybaev, Ke-
meshova, Aitma-
ganbetova and
Methodological basis for readiness of future lan-
guage teachers to work in conditions of inclusive
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Reverter Oliver Enseñanza de idiomas e inclusión. La discapacidad
sensorial en el aula 2022
ProQuest Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Fernández Por-
Measuring preservice foreign language teachers’
attitudes toward inclusive education through a
newly developed scale
Scopus Lengua extranjera y diversidad
Ortiz Medina,
Arismendi Gó-
mez and Lon-
doño Ceballos
Teaching Foreign Languages at the U-Diversity: Ex-
ploring Pathways Towards Decoloniality and Criti-
cal Interculturality 2022
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y diversidad
funcional Sanz Moreno
Audiodescripción y competencia intercultural en
clase de francés como lengua extranjera
una experiencia docente
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Garrido Feijóo
and Silva Bal-
Breve revisión bibliográfica sobre el aprendizaje de
lenguas extranjeras en el alumnado con discapaci-
dad visual
ProQuest Lengua extranjera y NEAE Belda Medina
El uso de la tecnología de apoyo (T.A.) en la en-
señanza del inglés al alumnado con necesidad es-
pecífica de apoyo educativo (NEAE) en tiempos de
Dialnet Lengua extranjera y discapacidad Leonetti and So-
ria Millán
Enseñanza de ELE inclusiva desde una experiencia
práctica 2023
[ 89 ]
Database Search terms Author(s) Title Year
BASE Lengua extranjera y discapacidad
Rojas Pinto, Cu-
billo Ramírez and
Ramos Cordero
Estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje para maxi-
mizar el currículo operacional en el aprendizaje de
una lengua extranjera: dos casos de estudio de es-
tudiantes con discapacidad auditiva
Source: own elaboration
As a conclusion to the systematic review carried out on the issue of attention to functional diversity
in the field of teaching Spanish as a foreign language, we present the following synthesis as a dec-
Addressing the concept of inclusion and research on possible methods for its adequate contem-
plation in foreign language teaching programs, in general, is insufficient and still must cover an
enormous distance to be able to establish itself as a consolidated and, above all, useful line of
research, with a view to its subsequent application to real situations.
If the general panorama presents these large gaps, in this field, academic works that combine
functional diversity and teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, despite having their first fruits
around the year 2009, as we have previously seen, continue to show, more than a decade later,
with inexplicable shyness.
Among the different studies related to educational diversity and inclusion, there is a notable over-
lap, which, if not rigorously debated, can lead to confusion and, above all, can blur the objectives
of the different types of teaching, which is detrimental for the adequate training of students in a
new language.
Given the spatial limitations of this work, in order to adjust to the permitted extension, we have
had to limit the search to descriptors in the Spanish language. Hence, we recognize that one of
the main limitations of this study is the one that has to do with the language used to carry out the
queries in the databases analysed. The introduction of the same terms in English would certainly
expand the results, at least with regard to the second block, that of language teaching and func-
tional diversity at the international level.
Alvarado Cantero, L. (2015). Necesidades educativas específicas y discapacidad: pedagogía de la
inclusión en las aulas de ELE. XXVI Congreso Internacional ASELE, La formación y competencias
del profesorado de ELE, (pp.65-74). Centro virtual Cervantes.
Autaeva, A. N., Kismetova G.N., Rsaldinova A.K., N. Mirza, Maldybaev K.B., Kemeshova A. M., Aitma-
ganbetova S.K. & Temirbolat, A. (2021). Methodological basis for readiness of future language
teachers to work in conditions of inclusive education. EntreLínguas, 7(8), 36-44.
Barrera García. A. E. (2009). Creación de ELE accesible: un espacio virtual de asesoramiento a docen-
tes de ELE sobre accesibilidad web y discapacidad visual. (Trabajo de Fin de Máster), Universidad
Antonio de Nebrija. Madrid, España.
Belda Medina, J. R. (2023). El uso de la tecnología de apoyo (TA) en la enseñanza del inglés al
alumnado con necesidad específica de apoyo educativo (NEAE) en tiempos de Covid-19.Digital
Education Review, 44, 93-104. https://doi.org/10.1344/der.2023.44.93-104
4. Conclusions
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