• Interuniversity Master’s Degree: University of Huelva (UHU) and International University of Andalusia (UNIA)
  • Duration of the master’s program: 60 ECTS credits
  • Teaching modality: In-person
  • Location: La Rábida (Ibero-American headquarters of UNIA) and Huelva (Faculty of Experimental Sciences; El Carmen Campus of UHU).
  • Language of instruction: Spanish
  • Number of new admission slots: 50 slots (35 UHU and 15 UNIA)

Environmental Engineering aims to train professionals for environmental protection in a dual aspect: on the one hand, it identifies, analyzes, and evaluates environmental impacts; on the other hand, it applies the best available technologies at each moment to restore the environment disturbed by anthropogenic activity. The goal of the Master’s program is to provide specialized academic training, covering technological, economic, legal, and environmental aspects of this field.

The Master’s program is aimed at university graduates in engineering, architecture, and sciences who are interested in directing their professional activity towards the application and development of technologies for the diagnosis and resolution of environmental problems.

Career Opportunities: The Master’s program is intended for university graduates in engineering, architecture, and sciences interested in directing their professional activity towards the application and development of technologies for the diagnosis and resolution of environmental problems.

Responsible Center: Faculty of Experimental Sciences / Phone: 959 21 94 63
Master’s Program Director: Dr. Juan Pedro Bolívar Raya / Email: bolivar@uhu.es

For more information on official master’s programs, study plans, academic requirements, credit recognition…
Email: info.masteres@uhu.es

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