Research Lines


The main research lines are:

1. Characterization and classification of inorganic wastes by physical, chemical, and radioactive methods.

2. Recycling and valorization of wastes in Civil Engineering: production of cements, ceramics, thermal insulation, etc.

3. Radiological assessment of waste, human activities, and NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) industries.

4. Consulting services in radiological safety and environmental radiological risk assessment.

5. Measurement of radionuclide activity concentrations in various types of samples (foods, sediments, waters, industrial wastes, filters, etc.) using radiometric methods: alpha particle spectrometry with PIPS detectors, gamma spectrometry with Ge detectors, low background gas proportional counters, liquid scintillation counting.

6. Uses of radionuclides as tracers of environmental processes: dating, marine waste collection, atmospheric aerosol residence times, etc.

7. Measurement, behavior, and modeling of radon for use as a tracer of air mass dynamics.

8. Atmospheric modeling with WRF (Weather Research Forecasting) code and application to air pollutant dispersion.

9. Environmental acoustics: determination of soundscapes and creation of noise maps.

10. Biodiversity and conservation of fauna in agricultural environments.

11. Environmental indicators of ecosystem quality and conservation status.

12. Biodiversity and conservation of aquatic ecosystems.

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