PhD Theses

Mental Health and Drug Use: Determinants and Psychological Measurement

Defended Doctoral Theses:

1. Title: Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes and Impact of Intervention Models in Patients with Dual Diagnosis

Doctoral Candidate: Juan José Mancheño Barba

Date and Place of Defense: 02/06/2020, University of Huelva

Supervisors: Óscar M. Lozano, Fermín Fernández, and José Andrés Lorca

Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude

Awards: XIV Edition of the FEAFES Andalucía Mental Health Awards; XXVIII Maese Alonso -2020 Awards from the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos- Huelva

Scientific and Professional Development: Coordinator of Community Mental Health Units at Juan Ramón Jiménez University Hospital in Huelva

2. Title: Personality Disorders and Substance Use Disorder: Analysis from the Dimensional Perspective of DSM-5 Section III

Doctoral Candidate: Juan Ramírez López

Date and Place of Defense: 13/03/2020, University of Huelva

Supervisors: Carmen Díaz Batanero, Óscar M. Lozano, and Fermín Fernández

Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude

Scientific and Professional Development: Coordinator of the Provincial Drug Dependency Service of Huelva

3. Title: Design, Precision Study, and Validity Evidence of a New Neuropsychological Battery for Relapse Prevention in Substance Use Disorder Patients

Doctoral Candidate: Sara Domínguez Salas

Date and Place of Defense: 15/03/2019, University of Huelva

Supervisors: Óscar M. Lozano, Carmen Díaz Batanero, and Fermín Fernández

Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude

Awards: Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Health Sciences

Scientific and Professional Development: Assistant Professor in the Methodology of Behavioral Sciences at Loyola University.

4. Title: Adaptation and Validity Evidence of the Substance Dependence Severity Scale (SDSS)

Doctoral Candidate: Antonio Vélez Moreno

Date and Place of Defense: 06/07/2017, University of Huelva

Supervisors: Óscar M. Lozano, Francisco González Saiz, Esperanza Torrico

Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude

Awards: Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Health Sciences

Scientific and Professional Development: Private psychology practice

5. Title: Organizational Justice, Labor Quality of Life, and Worker Health

Doctoral Candidate: Manuela González Ruiz

Date and Place of Defense: 14/09/2017, University of Huelva

Supervisors: José Carlos León and Óscar M. Lozano

Grade: Outstanding

6. Title: Mindfulness in University Students and Its Relationship with Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Resilience, and Life Satisfaction

Doctoral Candidate: Josefa Álvarez Cruzado

Date and Place of Defense: 17/07/2017, University of Huelva

Supervisors: Manuel Sánchez García, Ana Mª Carrasco, and Ana Mª Abreu

Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude

7. Title: Family Functioning and Psychological Adjustment of Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Doctoral Candidate: Rocío Lago Urbano

Date and Place of Defense: 06/07/2017, University of Huelva

Supervisors: Manuel Sánchez García and Alicia Muñoz Silva

Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude

8. Title: Peer Relationships, Personality, and Adjustment Problems in Primary School Children in Huelva

Doctoral Candidate: Cecilia María de la Corte de la Corte

Date and Place of Defense: 10/07/2017

Supervisors: Manuel Sánchez García and Alicia Muñoz Silva

Grade: Outstanding Cum Laude

Ongoing Doctoral Theses:

1. Title: Study of Dissociative Symptoms and Executive Function in Patients with Mental Disorders

Doctoral Candidate: Mónica Rosu Stancly

Doctoral Program: Health Sciences (University of Huelva)

Supervisors: José Carmona Márquez and Modesto Romero

Expected Defense Date: September 2022

Scientific and Professional Development: Substitute Professor at the University of Huelva

2. Title: Psychosocial Factors Associated with Gambling in Adolescents

Doctoral Candidate: Alberto Parrado González

Doctoral Program: Health Sciences (University of Huelva)

Supervisors: Fermín Fernández and José Carlos León

Expected Defense Date: December 2022

3. Title: Modeling of Clinical Processes in Treatment of Patients with Substance Use Disorders and Its Relationship with Therapeutic Adherence and Relapse: Application of the TCU Model

Doctoral Candidate: Daniel Dacosta Sánchez

Doctoral Program: Health Sciences (University of Huelva)

Supervisors: Óscar M. Lozano, Fermín Fernández, and Carmen Díaz

Expected Defense Date: September 2023

Scientific Development: FPU Scholarship Holder (2018 Call from the Ministry of Universities)

4. Title: Protective Behaviors in Drug Users: Predictive Factors and Impact on Health Consequences

Doctoral Candidate: Bella María González Ponce

Doctoral Program: Health Sciences (University of Huelva)

Supervisors: Fermín Fernández Calderón, José Carmona, and Carmen Díaz

Expected Defense Date: October 2024

Scientific and Professional Development: FPU Scholarship Holder (2019 Call from the Ministry of Universities)

5. Title: Reliable and Clinically Significant Change of the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety II – IDAS-II: A Longitudinal Study on Its Clinical Utility

Doctoral Candidate: Ana de la Rosa Cáceres

Doctoral Program: Health Sciences (University of Huelva)

Supervisors: Carmen Díaz, Fermín Fernández Calderón, and Óscar M. Lozano

Expected Defense Date: October 2024

Scientific and Professional Development: FPU Scholarship Holder (2019 Call from the Ministry of Universities)

6. Title: Externalizing Spectrum Behaviors in the HiTOP Model: Construction and Evidence of Reliability and Validity of a Scale of Externalizing Behavior Problems (EPCE)

Doctoral Candidate: Lidia Torres Rosado

Doctoral Program: Health Sciences (University of Huelva)

Supervisors: Manuel Sánchez García and Óscar M. Lozano

Expected Defense Date: December 2025

Scientific and Professional Development: FPU Scholarship Holder (2020 Call from the Ministry of Universities)

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