
Mineral Resources Unit



1. Linares, J. A., Donaire, T., Mora Molina, C., Cáceres, L. M. Choosing the site, getting the stones, building the dolmens: lo-cal sourcing of andesites at the El Pozuelo megalithic complex (Huelva, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. DOI: https://

2. Ramírez-Cruzado, S., Muñiz, F., Ruiz, F., González-Regalado, M. L., Vargas, J. M. , Díaz-Guardamino, M., García-Sanjuán, L., Donaire, T., Rodríguez-Vidal, J., Cáceres, L. M. Gastrochaenolites as Palaeoenvironmental Information Traps: The Case of the Tholos of La Pastora (Valencina de la Concepción, SW Spain). Environmental Archaeology. DOI:

3. Rodríguez-Castro, I., Fregenal, M. A., Rodríguez, S., Gonzá-lez, F. Taphonomic analysis of the Rosario Mine (Valdeteja Formation, Bashkirian, NW Spain): Evidence of tsunamis or cyclones. Historical Biology. DOI:

4. Yesares, L., Piña, R., González Jiménez, J.M., Sáez, R., Almo-dóvar, G.R., Fanlo, I., Pons, J.M., Vega, R. Distribution of critical metals in evolving pyrite from massive sulfide ores of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Ore Geology Reviews 153 (2023) 105275. DOI:


1. González-Jiménez, J.M., Yesares, L., Piña, R., Sáez, R., Almodóvar, G.R., Nieto, F., Tenorio, S. (2022) Polimetallic nanoparticle sin pyrite from massive and stockwork ores of VMS deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Ore Geology Reviews, 145: 104875

2. Gómez-Arias, A., Yesares, L., Díaz, J., Caraballo, M.A., Maleke, l., Sáez, R., van Heerden, E., Vermeulen, D., Nieto, J.M., Castillo, J. (2022) Mine waste from carbonatite deposits as potential rare earth resource: Insight into the Phalaborwa (Palabora) Complex. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 232: 106884

3. Linares-Catela, J. A., Mora, C., Adara López A., Donaire, T., Vera-Rodríguez, J. C., Bueno Ramírez, P. (2022) El sitio megalítico de La Torre-La Janera (Huelva): monumentalidades prehistóricas del Bajo Guadiana. Trabajos de Prehistoria, 79: 115-130.  ISSN: 0082-5638


1. Sáez R., Nocete F., Gil Ibarguchi J.I., Rodríguez-Bayona M., Inacio N., Quispe, D., Rodríguez J., Zalduegui J.F.S. (2021) A lead isotope database for copper mineralization along the Guadalquivir River Valley and surrounding áreas [Una base de datos de isótopos de plomo para mineralizaciones de cobre en el Valle del Guadalquivir y áreas adyacentes]. Journal of Iberian Geology, 47: 411-427

2. Rivera Jiménez, T., García Sanjuán, L., Díaz-Guardamino, M., Donaire, T., Morales, J. A., Lozano, J. A., Rogerio, M. A., Bermejo, J., Aguilera Collado, E. (2021) The Cañaveral de León stela (Huelva, Spain). A monumental sculpture in a landscape of settlements and pathways. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 103251)

3. Pascual, E., Donaire, T., Toscano, M., Macías, G., Pin, Ch., Hamilton, M.A. (2021) Geochemical and Volcanological Criteria in Assessing the Links between Volcanism and VMS Deposits: A Case on the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain”. Minerals 11: 826. (2021)

4. Muñiz, F., Cáceres; L. M., Díaz-Zorita, M., Vargas, J. M., Bocherens, H., Nebelsick, J. H., Donaire, T., Rodríguez-Vidal, J. (2021) Environmental Implications and Chalcolithic Ornamental Use of Marine Barnacle Shells Present in the Tholos of ‘La Pastora’ (Valencina de la Concepción, Sevilla, Spain). Environmental Archaeology. 27: 496-507


1. Donaire, T., Pascual, E., Sáez, R., Pin, C., Hamilton, M.A., Toscano, M. (2020) Geochemical and Nd isotopic signature of felsic volcanic rocks as a proxy of volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW, Spain): The Paymogo Volcano-Sedimentary Alignment. Ore Geology Reviews, 120:103408

2. Donaire, T., Pascual, E., Sáez, R., Toscano, M. (2020) Facies architecture and palaeoenvironmental constraints of subaqueous felsic volcanism in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: The Paymogo Volcano-Sedimentary Alignment. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 405, 107045.


1. Moreno, C., González, F., Sáez, R. (2019) Basin evolution and massive sulfide deposition at Rammelsberg (Germany): Updating the subsidence analysis. Minerals, 9: 45 https://doi:10.3390/min9010045

2. Almodóvar, G.R., Yesares, L., Sáez, R., Toscano, M., González, F., Pons, J.M. (2019) Massive Sulfide Ores in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Mineralogical and Textural Evolution. Minerals, 9: 653 https://doi:10.3390/min9110653

3. Cáceres, L. M., Vargas, J. M., Muñiz, F., Donaire, T., García San Juan, L., Odriozola, C., Rodríguez-Vidal, J. (2019) Natural “megalithic art” at Valencina (Seville): a geoarchaeological approach to stone, architecture, and cultural choice in Copper Age Iberia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11: 4621–4641


1. MORENO, C., GONZÁLEZ, F., SÁEZ, R., MELGAREJO, JC, SUÁREZ-RUIZ, I. (2018) The Upper Devonian Kellwasser event recorded in a regressive sequence from inner shelf to lagoonal pond, Catalan Coastal Ranges, Spain. (en línea)

2. NOCETE, F., SÁEZ, R., NAVARRO, A.D., SAN MARTÍN, C., GIL-IBARGUCHI, J.I., (2018) The gold of the Carambolo Treasure: New data on its origin by elemental (LA-ICP-MS) and lead isotope (MC-ICP-MS) analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science, 92: 87-102


1. YESARES, L., SÁEZ, R., ALMODÓVAR, GR, NIETO, JM, GÓMEZ, C., OVEJERO, G. (2017) Mineralogical evolution of the Las Cruces gossan cap (Iberian Pyrite Belt): From subaerial to underground conditions. Ore Geology Reviews, 80: 377-405

2. LORENZO, E., BORREGO, AG, MÁRQUEZ, G., GONZÁLEZ, F. MORENO, C. (2017) Petrography, biomarker composition, mineralogy, inorganic geochemistry and paleodepositional environment of coals from La Ballesta mine, Peñarroya Basin, Spain . Journal of Iberian Geology, 43:  13–32


1. GONZÁLEZ, F., MORENO, C., LORENZO, E., MÁRQUEZ, G. (2016) Factors controlling the vegetation distribution and coal-forming environments in a strike-slip basin. The Pennsylvanian Peñarroya-Belmez-Espiel Basin, southern Spain. Terra Nova, 28: 171-180,


1. YESARES, L., SÁEZ, R., NIETO, J.M., ALMODÓVAR, G.R., GÓMEZ, C., ESCOBAR, J.M. (2015) The Las Cruces deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain. Ore Geology Reviews, 66: 25-46

2. YESARES L., T. AIGLSPERGER, R. SÁEZ, G. R. ALMODÓVAR, J.M. NIETO, J.A. PROENZA, C. GÓMEZ, J.M. ESCOBAR. (2015) Gold behavior in supergene profiles under changing redox conditions : the example of the Las Cruces Deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt. Society of Economic Geologists, 110, 2109-2126

3. GONZÁLEZ, F., MORENO, C., MELGAREJO, J.C., SÁEZ, R. (2015) Palynological age constraint of Les Vilelles unit, Catalan Coastal Chain, Spain. Geologica Acta, 13: 345-361 doi: 10.1344 / 2015.13.4.7.


1. YESARES, L., SÁEZ, R., NIETO, JM, ALMODÓVAR, GR, COOPER, S. (2014) Supergene enrichment of precious metals by natural amalgamation in the Las Cruces weathering profile (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain). Ore Geology Reviews, 58: 14-26

2. NOCETE, F., SÁEZ, R., BAYONA, M.R., NIETO, J.M., PERAMO, A., LÓPEZ, P., GIL-IBARGUCHI, J.I., INÁCIO, N., GARCÍA, A, S. RODRÍGUEZ D, J. (2014) Gold in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula during the 3rd Millennium BC. Journal of Archaeological Science, 41: 691-704

3. TOSCANO, M., PASCUAL, E., NESBITT, R.W., ALMODÓVAR, G.R., SÁEZ, R., DONAIRE, T. (2014). Geochemical discrimination of hydrothermal and igneous zircon in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain. Ore Geology Reviews, 56: 301-311

4. CÁCERES, LM / MUÑIZ, F. / RODRÍGUEZ-VIDAL, J. / VARGAS, JM / DONAIRE, T. (2014) Marine bioerosion in rocks of the prehistoric tholos of La Pastora (Valencina de la Concepción, Seville, Spain): archaeological and palaeoenvironmental implications. Journal of Archaeological Science, 41: 435-446

5. ARMAS, P., MORENO, C., SANCHEZ, L. y GONZÁLEZ, F. (2014) Sedimentary palaeoenvironment, petrography, provenance and diagenetic inference of the Anacleto Formation in the Neuquén Basin, Late Cretaceous, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 53: 1-18

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