• Duration of the master’s program: 60 ECTS credits
  • Teaching modality: In-person
  • Location: Faculty of Experimental Sciences
  • Language of instruction: Spanish
  • Number of new admission slots: (by UHU) 30

Title in which four Andalusian universities participate (Córdoba, Jaén, Huelva, and Málaga) whose interaction generates synergies providing a unique academic space for postgraduate training in Chemistry. The proposed training also addresses the social demand required by professionals in this field, as presented by the productive, industrial, and business environment related to Chemistry.

The Master’s program is aimed at graduates in Chemistry or other degrees related to Sciences and Engineering, such as Pharmacy, Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Oenology, Food Science and Technology, Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences, and others.

Career Opportunities: Although the Master’s program has a research-oriented profile suitable for the training stage before the doctorate, it also includes the necessary training for the projection of graduates into the social environment based on internships in both industrial and teaching and management fields. Based on the specialized and multidisciplinary nature of the Master’s program, it enables entry into the job market, especially in relation to various applied sectors of Chemistry.

Responsible Center: Faculty of Experimental Sciences / Phone: 959219464/66
Master’s Program Director: Dr. D. Jesús Fernández Arteaga / Email: jesus.fernandez@diq.uhu.es

For more information on official master’s programs, study plans, academic requirements, credit recognition…
Email: info.masteres@uhu.es

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