Environmental Mineralogy And Geochemistry Unit
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Inventors: T. Rotting, J. Carrera, J.M. Nieto, C. Ayora, F. Macías, M.A. Caraballo & H. Sgier.
Title: Procedure for the purification of water contaminated by metals and corresponding installation.
Application granted date: 08/03/2016
Patent #: ES2534806, Publication: BOPI, AÑO CXXX Núm. 4624 Tomo II, pag. 10-11
Patent owner: Universidad de Huelva
Inventors: J.M. Nieto, F. Macías, R. Pérez-López, M.A. Caraballo & C. Ayora
Title: Procedure for obtaining a renewable resource of metals from acid mine waters, and corresponding installation.
Application granted date: 18/07/2016
Patent #: ES 2550526, Publication: BOPI, AÑO CXXX Núm. 4714 Tomo II, pag. 12-13
Patent owners: Universidad de Huelva (80%) y CSIC (20%)