Mental Health and Drug Use: Determinants and Psychological Measurement
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This laboratory is based on members of the research group “SEJ-053”, dedicated to the development of methodological applications, primarily test design and the application of new statistical techniques, to the measurement of psychological constructs related to mental health and drug use.
The integration of its members took place in 2015, after they had developed their research careers in other research centers and universities. The central theme of the group emerged from the search for methodological solutions for health research. Thus, its members cover all phases of any study/research (determination of the methodological design), to the statistical analysis of data using advanced techniques (Structural Equation Model, Network Analysis), including the development of questionnaires and tests (applying Item Response Theory or Classical Test Theory). Over the years, this central theme has shifted towards the measurement, application, and interpretation of data derived from the measurement of psychological constructs in the field of mental health and drug use.
It is in this context that the research lines in which the group’s activity is developed should be understood, supported by funding through competitive research projects of a regional and national nature, as well as by numerous publications in prestigious international journals and other research activities.
The members of the unit have a broad international trajectory, reflected through their collaborations with international researchers belonging to prestigious institutions (University of New South Wales, New York University, Monash University, Cambridge University, etc.). The members of this group also participate in the co-supervision of doctoral theses, research stays, and international postdoctoral fellowships.