
Mineral Resources Unit

1. Geology and Geochronology of Basic Igneous Rocks Associated with Mineralizations of Strategic Interest Elements (Co and Sb), Iberian Pyrite Belt

Number of Researchers: 5
Funding Entity: University of Huelva
Principal Investigator: Reinaldo Sáez
Start Date: January 1, 2022
End Date: December 31, 2022
Total Amount: €7,500.00

2. MEGA-HUELVA. Cataloging of Megalithic Monuments in the Province of Huelva

Number of Researchers: 3
Funding Entity: Vice-Rectorate of Innovation and Employability, University of Huelva
Start Date: November 17, 2020
End Date: November 17, 2021
Total Amount: €4,100.00

3. Archaeometry of Archaeological Indicators from the Hispano-Roman City Site of Arucci (Huelva)

Code: UHUPJ00011
Number of Researchers: 9
Funding Entity: University of Huelva
Principal Investigator: Nuria De la O Vidal Teruel
Start Date: July 27, 2020

4. MEGA-LITHOS. Geo-Archaeological Study Methods for the Investigation of Megalithic Sites in Huelva

Code: UHU-1263153
Number of Researchers: 3
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Andalusia. University of Huelva
Start Date: February 1, 2020
End Date: February 1, 2022
Total Funding: €75,000.00

5. Obtain and Provide Geological Information for the Preparation of a Field Guide and Infographics for Informational Signage and Musealization of the “Casa de los Volcanes” in the Cabo de Gata Geopark

Contract Type: Contract 68/83
Code: 70-2021
Number of Researchers: 2
Funding Entity: Calares Obras, Servicios y Medio Ambiente, S.L.
Principal Investigator: Reinaldo Sáez
Start Date: October 25, 2021
End Date: April 25, 2022
Total Funding: €36,300.00

6. Funding for the Research Work of Belén Torres Cueva for the Completion of Industrial Doctorate Studies

Contract Type: Contract 68/83
Code: 2-2021
Number of Researchers: 1
Funding Entity: Iberian Resources Spain, S.L.
Principal Investigator: Reinaldo Sáez
Total Funding: €30,250.00

7. Petrographic Study of Rocks from the Volcanic-Sedimentary Complex in the Arroyo Palomino Area Based on Core Samples, MATSA

Contract Type: Contract 68/83
Code: 51-2021
Number of Researchers: 1
Funding Entity: Angostura Geology and Mining
Principal Investigator: Teodosio Donaire
Start Date: 22/07/2021
End Date: 22/07/2022
Total Funding: €2,700.00

8. Petrographic Study of Rocks Associated with the Volcanic-Sedimentary Complex of the Aguas Teñidas SAU Mining Project

Contract Type: Contract 68/83
Code: 25-2021
Number of Researchers: 1
Funding Entity: Angostura Geology and Mining
Principal Investigator: Teodosio Donaire
Start Date: 19/04/2021
End Date: 19/04/2022
Total Funding: €8,240.00

9. Geochemistry of Critical and High-Technology Metals in Subduction Zones: Implications for Their Exploration. RTI2018-099157-A-I00

Funding Entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
Principal Investigator: José María González Jiménez (UGR)
Participation: Lola Yesares Ortiz
Start Date: 2019
End Date: 2022
Total Funding: €205,700

10. Building the path to circular economy and mining sustainability by mine tailing revalorization. SC/EES/EGR/IGCP/19/2386

Funding Entity: UNESCO, Council of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP)
Principal Investigator: Manuel A. Caraballo (UCHILE)
Participation: Lola Yesares Ortiz
Start Date: 01/01/2019
End Date: 31/12/2020
Total Funding: €7,500

11. Study of Gold Content in the Copper Mineralization of the Migollas Deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt

Funding Entity: Minas de Aguas Teñidas SAU (MATSA)
Principal Investigator: Lola Yesares Ortiz
Start Date: 09/2019
End Date: 02/2020
Total Funding: €5,000

12. Assessment of mineralization styles in the Thinly Bedded Units at Navan deposit: From textural and chemical evolution to its application as a vectoring tool for exploration of Irish-type Zn-Pb deposits. 18/IF/6347

Funding Entity: Science Foundation Ireland
Principal Investigator: Lola Yesares Ortiz
Start Date: 01/10/2019
End Date: 31/09/2021
Total Funding: €92,340

13. Technical Advisory for the Preparation of a Proposal for the Zaidín Exploration Permit Application (Ref.: 40-2018)

Funding Entity: Iberian Resources Spain S.L.
Participating Entities: University of Huelva
Principal Investigator: Reinaldo Sáez Ramos
Start Date: 10/09/2018
End Date: 31/09/2018
Total Funding: €13,310

14. The Role of Organic Matter in the Genesis of Sulfide Deposits During Sedimentation and Diagenesis (MOS)

Funding Entity: Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (CGL2016-79204-R)
Participating Entities: University of Huelva
Principal Investigator: Reinaldo Sáez Ramos
Start Date: 01/01/2017
End Date: 31/12/2019
Total Funding: €78,000.00

15. Study of Precious Metal Mineralizations in the Deposits of Migollas, Elvira, El Calabazar, and Aguas Teñidas (Iberian Pyrite Belt)

Funding Entity: Minas de Aguas Teñidas SAU (MATSA)
Principal Investigator: Lola Yesares Ortiz
Start Date: 02/2017
End Date: 08/2017
Total Funding: €7,500.00

16. Biomarker evidence for bacterial sulphate reduction in the formation of Irish zinc-lead ore deposits. SF1523

Funding Entity: University College Dublin
Principal Investigator: Julian Menuge (UCD)
Participants: Lola Yesares Ortiz
Start Date: 04/2017
End Date: 09/2019
Total Funding: €11,680.00

17. Mineralogical Study of Gold Concentrate Samples Using Falcon

Funding Entity: Minas de Aguas Teñidas SAU (MATSA)
Principal Investigator: Lola Yesares Ortiz
Start Date: 12/2017
End Date: 06/2018
Total Funding: €7,700.00

18. Origin of SEDEX-Style mineralisation in the UDL (Lucan Formation) hangingwall rocks at Navan – a new lithogeochemical exploration tool? 13/RC/2092 (RM1 .1 PD5)

Funding Entity: Science Foundation Ireland
Principal Investigator: Julian Menuge (University College Dublin)
Participation: Lola Yesares Ortiz
Start Date: September 1, 2016
End Date: May 31, 2020
Total Funding: €138,600

19. Mineralogical and Petrological Study of the “Mina Magdalena” Mining Project Located in the Municipality of Almonaster la Real, Based on Core Samples

Funding Entity: Minas de Aguas Teñidas S.A.U. (MATSA)
Principal Investigator: Reinaldo Sáez Ramos
Start Date: July 24, 2015
End Date: January 4, 2017
Total Funding: €43,967.77

20. Relationships Between Black Shales and Massive Sulfides in the Geological Record of Anoxic Events (P-S ANOXIA)

Funding Entity: Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport
Participating Entities: University of Huelva
Principal Investigator: Carmen Moreno Garrido
Start Date: December 2012
End Date: November 2014
Total Funding: €130,000.00

21. Geoarchaeological Research Project on Ancient Mining Linked Interregionally to the Western Mediterranean, III Millennium BCE (PIGMALIOM IV) The Collapse of the System

Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Technology (CICYT-FEDER)
Participating Entities: University of Huelva
Principal Investigator: Francisco Nocete Calvo
Start Date: January 2010
End Date: December 2013
Total Funding: €60,000.00

22. The Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary in the Variscan Orogen: Anoxic Sedimentation and Deposit Controls. D-C Anoxia II

Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Technology (MCYT and FEDER)
Participating Entities: University of Huelva, CSIC
Principal Investigator: Carmen Moreno Garrido
Start Date: October 2006
End Date: June 2010
Total Funding: €60,500.00

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